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aage wrote:Never trust CYOC or pancake.
drunkmonkey wrote:drunkmonkey wrote:I agree rds should out who he roleblocked. It would be nice to know who the witch "switched", because that person should now be bulletproof. But, that would expose the witch, and the doctor can't protect rds and the witch.
On second thought, if my first presumption is correct, it's better that we don't know who Shield Link is. As long as the witch knows where the shield is, she can keep moving it and act as another doctor.
Dibbun wrote:freezie wrote:I still feel like Dubbin was bandwagonning on the easy target.
Why don't you bandwagon deez nuts? Noob.
vote freezie
Dibbun wrote:No kidding it would be a mistake. Quit listening to idiots.
pancakemix wrote:As far as 2 mafias: I doubt it. If Ganondorf is distorting dimensions I'd bet he'd be more careful than to bring himself in and totally screw everything up. As for SK or anything else, I could only think of Skull Kid (Majora's Mask) as another option and even that's a stretch.
freezie wrote:drunkmonkey wrote:drunkmonkey wrote:I agree rds should out who he roleblocked. It would be nice to know who the witch "switched", because that person should now be bulletproof. But, that would expose the witch, and the doctor can't protect rds and the witch.
On second thought, if my first presumption is correct, it's better that we don't know who Shield Link is. As long as the witch knows where the shield is, she can keep moving it and act as another doctor.
Nobody should claim, rds needs to tell us who he blocked, but that's it.
Vote: Dibbun as my day 1 prime suspect.Dibbun wrote:freezie wrote:I still feel like Dubbin was bandwagonning on the easy target.
Why don't you bandwagon deez nuts? Noob.
vote freezie
Bandwagonning and then OMGUS.
Aswell as:Dibbun wrote:No kidding it would be a mistake. Quit listening to idiots.
Long shor for me...but he was the first one to aknowledge we shouldn't vote rds because he's link, without knowing that there are multiple links in this game..Therefor, he is not link, so good chances of not beeing town. It is however not a perfect scenario...
drunkmonkey wrote:PCM is correct about the witch, and after reading some background, I don't believe there was any "switching" involved. It would appear she only targets one Link, and gives him a new item:
pancakemix wrote:As far as 2 mafias: I doubt it. If Ganondorf is distorting dimensions I'd bet he'd be more careful than to bring himself in and totally screw everything up. As for SK or anything else, I could only think of Skull Kid (Majora's Mask) as another option and even that's a stretch.
aage wrote:Never trust CYOC or pancake.
pancakemix wrote:Epitaph1 wrote:Agahim
Pretty much amounts to Ganondorf without the staying power.Zant.
Epitaph1 wrote:In that case, what about 1 Ganon that controls 2 separate mafias?
drunkmonkey wrote:PCM is correct about the witch, and after reading some background, I don't believe there was any "switching" involved. It would appear she only targets one Link, and gives him a new item:
aage wrote:Never trust CYOC or pancake.
pancakemix wrote:drunkmonkey wrote:PCM is correct about the witch, and after reading some background, I don't believe there was any "switching" involved. It would appear she only targets one Link, and gives him a new item:
But Hensow didn't have the shield he claimed to have. Since we have no reason to believe he would lie and given Maple's flavor, it is safe to assume that the items were swapped rather Hensow given another one.
everywhere116 wrote:You da man! Well, not really, because we're colorful ponies, but you get the idea.
drunkmonkey wrote:pancakemix wrote:drunkmonkey wrote:PCM is correct about the witch, and after reading some background, I don't believe there was any "switching" involved. It would appear she only targets one Link, and gives him a new item:
But Hensow didn't have the shield he claimed to have. Since we have no reason to believe he would lie and given Maple's flavor, it is safe to assume that the items were swapped rather Hensow given another one.
Let me clarify my statement: I don't believe items are switched between players, as I first assumed. The witch switches one person's item with a new item.
aage wrote:Never trust CYOC or pancake.
drake_259 wrote:Much good you are, didnt you read the night sence, dibbun has be replaced by none other than myself.
nagerous wrote:I am going to FOS Freezie for pursuing this dibbun lead he feels he has with vigilance. Dibbun is a well known psychotic from the forums but it doesn't make him scum in a mafia game and I think that freezie skimming and not realising dibbun has been replaced is pursuing this particular lead in a one-tracked frame of mind trying to acheive the easy lynch.
Rodion wrote:Night scene comments.
1 - Wizzrobe is part of the mafia. By telling who he blocked, Rds can clear one person of specifically being Wizzrobe (that could prove useful later on if Wizzrobe is the last remaining mafia member).
2 - We either have a vig Link or a SK Dark Link. His equipment is the small sword. I fail to see why a SK would target a bulletproof character. I'm leaning towards a vig shooting Hensow to test his bulletproof claim (and being extremely unfortunate with this witch switcharoo thing removing Hensow's shield). If I'm correct, there is no SK (unless his kill failed due to doctor/roleblock/something else).
3 - This witch is probably an "item busdriver"? Too soon to tell, but I wonder what would happen if she targeted someone without an item.
drunkmonkey wrote:drunkmonkey wrote:I agree rds should out who he roleblocked. It would be nice to know who the witch "switched", because that person should now be bulletproof. But, that would expose the witch, and the doctor can't protect rds and the witch.
On second thought, if my first presumption is correct, it's better that we don't know who Shield Link is. As long as the witch knows where the shield is, she can keep moving it and act as another doctor.
nagerous wrote:I am going to FOS Freezie for pursuing this dibbun lead he feels he has with vigilance. Dibbun is a well known psychotic from the forums but it doesn't make him scum in a mafia game and I think that freezie skimming and not realising dibbun has been replaced is pursuing this particular lead in a one-tracked frame of mind trying to acheive the easy lynch.
freezie wrote:Skimming is a harsh word in this case..I simply didn't see Dibbun was replaced, I only seen Anark beeing replaced by Shield in the day scene.
About him beeing a psychotic..really? I don't go too much in the other forums, so I wouldn't know. First time I actually seen him around.
I'll take Nagerous' word for it and Unvote
fos: Drake
I still got my eyes on you for Dibbun's actions.
Commander9 wrote:I barely go to the other forums (barring clan world), but that guy is very hard to miss. Especially, now you still being fixed on this only makes it seem more suspicious.
Commander9 wrote:2. I'm also guessing a vigilante as I'm not completely sure how Link would fit the flavour of the baddie (then again, I'm really not THAT familiar with the Zelda universe).
drunkmonkey wrote:Dark Link is completely black, and could not be visibly confused for a normal Link. I don't think the flavor would have called him "another Link" if he was Dark Link. A vigilante "sword Link" seems to fit in well. Also, a mafia member would be foolish to test Hensow's claim, as pointed out by someone already. It makes sense for a vigilante to test it, because barring the witch (which no one could have expected), it seemed as there was nothing to lose.
rdsrds2120 wrote:For those of you who wanted to know, I roleblocked Hensow, which is why I think he couldn't use his shield. I didn't think anyone would bother wasting a night trying to test his bulletproof claim in the event that that it would fail and a night would have been wasted.
/ wrote:So the wizrobe is some sort of Mafia pgo role probably? Any ideas whom edoc may have tried to investigate?
I suppose we should tell the vig who we want dead from now on too then if we want an extra shot each night.
DoomYoshi wrote:PGO? What does it mean?
everywhere116 wrote:You da man! Well, not really, because we're colorful ponies, but you get the idea.
shieldgenerator7 wrote:ABout scum leads, I really didn't find any, but rds' roleblocking claim sounds fishy. Granted, he did claim n00b, but what use would blocking a bulletproof be? I'd say rds fakeclaimed and he is either (a) Maple or (b)Link with the sword. I think he's lying about his true identity to hide something. Vote rds explain your logic for trying to roleblock a bulletproof or tell us who you really are.
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