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CLUE Mafia- Mafia Win!!!! MVP- Rodion

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Re: CLUE Mafia- Day 4!! An Officer Down!!

Postby VioIet on Mon Aug 01, 2011 2:23 am

Vote Count

no lynch(1)- rodion
shm (2) - doomyoshi, ben,
mass (1)- mass
anark (5)- f1fth, dazey, safari, shm, freezie

With 13 alive, it takes 7 to lynch

I have access to internet now- but still quite limited. So please bear with me. I will check in when I can. I am on a business trip and I won't return home until the 11th.
Bruceswar: I have big news coming out soonish
Violet: oh, what big news?
Bruceswar: I am leaving KORT to go to RA

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Re: CLUE Mafia- Day 4!! An Officer Down!!

Postby ben.cleuch on Mon Aug 01, 2011 7:08 am

unvote vote anark
That should help a bit
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Re: CLUE Mafia- Day 4!! An Officer Down!!

Postby gimli1990 on Mon Aug 01, 2011 12:52 pm


Vote anark
i love we finally got AA otherwise known now as trench YES!!!!!
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Re: CLUE Mafia- Day 4!! An Officer Down!!

Postby gimli1990 on Mon Aug 01, 2011 12:52 pm

that should finish the job
i love we finally got AA otherwise known now as trench YES!!!!!
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Re: CLUE Mafia- Day 4!! An Officer Down!!

Postby DoomYoshi on Tue Aug 02, 2011 4:45 pm

I thought I had switched votes. Unvote vote an ark
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Re: CLUE Mafia- Day 4!! An Officer Down!!

Postby Rodion on Tue Aug 02, 2011 6:24 pm

DoomYoshi wrote:I thought I had switched votes. Unvote vote an ark

Just posting so you don't forget to recruit me tonight, buddy!
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Re: CLUE Mafia- Day 4!! An Officer Down!!

Postby safariguy5 on Tue Aug 02, 2011 6:36 pm

Rodion wrote:
DoomYoshi wrote:I thought I had switched votes. Unvote vote an ark

Just posting so you don't forget to recruit me tonight, buddy!

And freezie has shm.
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Re: CLUE Mafia- Day 4!! An Officer Down!!

Postby shm78 on Tue Aug 02, 2011 7:25 pm

Night Kill?
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Re: CLUE Mafia- Day 4!! An Officer Down!!

Postby safariguy5 on Tue Aug 02, 2011 8:01 pm

shm78 wrote:Night Kill?

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Re: CLUE Mafia- Day 4!! An Officer Down!!

Postby shieldgenerator7 on Tue Aug 02, 2011 9:41 pm

Rodion wrote:Vote Nark.

That's the hammer, so I might as well talk more now.

I am the last member of "The Cons" (GT, Targetman, Rodion). We took 3 cards on D1 and one of them was mine, so I didn't have to come up with a fake.

We also had an undisclosed card saying Ms. White (Gimli) is town. That was Target's D1 card. His Madame Rose is guilty card was actually a card he got when he killed Pyrhhus. We killed Pyrhhus because we knew we'd get the cards of those we killed and we wanted to kill someone that was cleared as townie and had not yet revealed anything so we could cast more doubt on the town and hopefully survive.

I killed Victor Sullivan. The mods didn't give me his card, but I don't think it matters since Lala is dead. I killed Victor to see if he was a cult recruiter. If he was, win-win for town AND mafia. If he was not, then it shouldn't be a problem to town because the recruited people would also inherit the powers. I did not know Boddy was going to kill Edoc, but even killing 2 masons was not a problem since Yoshi and Freezie are alive.

Yoshi, please recruit me as you earlier promised. I'm obviously not going to refuse.

I knew it! My N0 investigations of the knife were correct! praise the Lord! Wow, Rodion, yet another astonishing pro-town playing by a mafia role! Amazing! =D> You actually had me doubting the validity of my N0 investigation results.

Sorry for my 2 week absence. I was in a coma in a hospital bed. Not fun. (jk)
I wonder when the day will end from the hammering. It seems this game is close to being over. Good job, town.
Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to defeat all evil. -Ephesians 6 KJV

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Re: CLUE Mafia- Day 4!! An Officer Down!!

Postby Talapus on Wed Aug 03, 2011 11:09 am

shieldgenerator7 wrote:I knew it! My N0 investigations of the knife were correct! praise the Lord! Wow, Rodion, yet another astonishing pro-town playing by a mafia role! Amazing! =D> You actually had me doubting the validity of my N0 investigation results.

Sorry for my 2 week absence. I was in a coma in a hospital bed. Not fun. (jk)
I wonder when the day will end from the hammering. It seems this game is close to being over. Good job, town.

Night will begin tonight all, sorry for the delay. With Vio having sporadic internet makes it hard to coordinate clues. But I will post the scene tonight, which you all mayb want to read before sending in your actions. Then odds are good night will last longer then normal until Vio can get the thread updated with the day scene and actions.
DoomYoshi wrote:
vote talapus

You lying sack of cunt!
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Re: CLUE Mafia- Day 4!! An Officer Down!!

Postby shm78 on Wed Aug 03, 2011 11:17 am

I guess my question is do I submit a NK prior to being recruited or just accept that recruit and chance that we are correct in that everyone will be town? I thought there was some doubt on Mass. Has that been erased?
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Re: CLUE Mafia- Day 4!! An Officer Down!!

Postby safariguy5 on Wed Aug 03, 2011 3:24 pm

shm78 wrote:I guess my question is do I submit a NK prior to being recruited or just accept that recruit and chance that we are correct in that everyone will be town? I thought there was some doubt on Mass. Has that been erased?

I mean, I would wait and see what the lynch result is. If Nark is Mr. Boddy, then don't submit a kill. If he isn't Mr. Boddy, then submit a kill on Mass, as Mass is probably Mr. Boddy.
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Re: CLUE Mafia- Day 4!! An Officer Down!!

Postby ben.cleuch on Thu Aug 04, 2011 6:14 am

Sorry all been called away, not sure if and when I will next get an internet connection but will try.
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Re: CLUE Mafia- Day 4!! An Officer Down!!

Postby VioIet on Fri Aug 05, 2011 1:28 pm

Vote Count

no lynch(1)- rodion
mass (1)- mass
anark (8)- f1fth, dazey, safari, shm, freezie, ben, gimli, yoshi

With 13 alive, it takes 7 to lynch

Anark has been lynched.

Scene coming eventually.
Bruceswar: I have big news coming out soonish
Violet: oh, what big news?
Bruceswar: I am leaving KORT to go to RA

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Re: CLUE Mafia- Day 4!! An Officer Down!!

Postby VioIet on Sun Aug 07, 2011 2:37 am

All of the guests convened in the meeting room. This had now become their normal daily routine.


Mrs.Peacock thought she heard a whisper.


There it was again. Mrs. White was trying to get her attention.

“Quick, over here,” Mrs. White whispered. “Have you ever noticed that Mr.Gold and Mr.Boddy are never in the same place at once.”

“What are you talking about!” exclaimed Mrs. Peacock. “Now that is just silly.”

“Oh Really! Well then, name me a time when you saw Mr.Gold and Mr.Boddy in the same room together.”

“Why plenty of times. You see, there was that time when…..hmmm. Oh yeah, there was that time, ummm, well…..remember yesterday when…..hmmm. Oh my god! You are right!! Now that I think of it, I have never seen them both in the same place at the same time. I didn’t even realize that.”

“I know. It just dawned on me a few moments ago. I don’t know why it took me so long to realize that.”

Captain Brown overheard the conversation between the two ladies, and quickly came over.

“We don’t want to jump to any conclusions now. We need to proceed very carefully. Now, I have an idea. Where is Mr.Gold?”

“He is sitting over there in that arm chair. He hasn’t said a word all day. He’s so quiet that it’s easy to forget he’s even here. That’s probably why we never noticed.”

Captain Brown walked over to Mr. Gold. “Hiya Gold.”

Mr.Gold barely looked up, and just muttered a soft, “Hello.”

“Why, isn’t it a lovely day! Look at all the sunshine.”

“I suppose,” replied Mr. Gold

“There have been a lot of confessions. I think just about all of the scum have confessed. All except for one I suppose.”

“Yes, indeed,” replied Mr. Gold.”

“Who do you think the last remaining scum is?”

“It is Debra. She doesn’t belong. I don’t think she was invited,” said Mr.Gold.

“Very Well. Where is Mr.Boddy?”

“I don’t know. What business of that is mine.”

“Very well,” Captain Brown responded again as he walked away.

By now, Mrs.Ho had caught on to the plan. 45 minutes later she saw Mr. Gold go up to his room. 30 minutes after that, she saw Mr.Boddy in the hallway. She went to get Captain Brown, who immediately approached Mr. Boddy in the hall.

“Hiya Boddy.”

Mr.Boddy just gave him a mean look and didn’t respond.

Captain Brown decided to continue talking. “We are sure that there has to be at least one scum left. Who do you think it could be?”

“It is Debra for sure. She doesn’t belong here. I didn’t invite her,” replied Mr. Boddy

Aha! They pretty much speak the exact same way. At least that is what Captain Brown realized at that very moment. He just had one more question to ask.

“Umm Boddy, have you seen Mr. Gold? I’m looking for him.”

“I don’t know. Find him yourself,” replied Mr.Boddy.

Captain Brown said, “I think I just have.” Immediately he grabbed Mr. Boddy.

Mr.Boddy was strong and put up a great fight.

“Help. I need some help!!!” Captain Brown shouted.

Quickly, Professor Plum, The Motorist and Colonel Mustard came running to assist Captain Brown in holding Mr. Boddy down.

Mr. Boddy was a good fighter, but he couldn’t resist all four of them. They hanged him in no time. Finally, the amazing truth was revealed.

Anarkistsdream- Mr. Gold – Town has been lynched.


Anarkistdream- Mr. Boddy- Serial Killer has been lynched.

All of the guests cheered. Who knew that Mr. Boddy was behind it all? This was a cause for a celebration.

“Well, we’ve killed Mr.Boddy- our secret serial killer. All of the mafia members have either been killed or have confessed. We have nothing more to fear. All the secrets are out right? No more killers. We have nothing to fear. Let’s toast,” proclaimed Captain Brown.

All the guests toasted in agreement. However as they went to their rooms that night they began to think:

Has everyone really been caught? Are all secrets out? Is there really no more danger? What will happen in the Library? And where are the war bonds?

Lady Lavender said, “Something is seriously wrong ya’ll. I for one do not believe that it can really be this easy to solve all the murders that happened here. Something is up. I don’t know exactly what it is, but I am going to find out.”

“Oh quit your worrying,” said Professor Plum. “Everything is good. We killed Mr. Boddy. We have all the scum. We will leave in the morning with no guilt and happy, lite hearts. Just you wait and see.”

“And if we don’t?” Lady Lavender questioned.

“We cannot be stopped. Even if there are more killers out there, there is nothing they can do to stop us now. I’m sure of it. You just wait and see.”

“We’ll see……” said Lady Lavender, with a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach. However she decided to keep her inklings to herself for now, as she continued to her bedroom.

Farther down and away from the main group headed to the rooms were Sgt. Gray and The Motorist. Although not completely noticeable by all the guests, it appeared as though a slight nod and wink were passed between the two. For at least 2 people in the manor tonight, something was assuredly going to happen in the library.

Night 4 begins.

Remember that if you choose to investigate the library you will be sent a list of titles of books in the Library where one of them will lead you to the war bonds. The choice of what and where to investigate is yours, choose wisely. Also because night scene just got posted you may change the actions you have already sent in if you so choose. Night will also take a bit longer as we need to coordinate the titles to those who search the library. PLEASE send night actions to both Talapus and I, as I am still on vacation and have limited internet access. We will try to get the day scene up as soon as possible. Thanks!
Bruceswar: I have big news coming out soonish
Violet: oh, what big news?
Bruceswar: I am leaving KORT to go to RA

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Re: CLUE Mafia- Night 4! Who was Boddy?

Postby VioIet on Thu Aug 18, 2011 12:36 am

I am sorry about the delay everyone. Night should have ended days ago. Talapus had a sudden business trip that he needed to go on. I am waiting for him to get back before I send out all the clues. He was supposed to be back two days ago, but I believe the trip is lasting longer than he anticipated.

Thank you everyone for your patience. We will get this game going again as soon as possible. I will keep everyone informed.
Bruceswar: I have big news coming out soonish
Violet: oh, what big news?
Bruceswar: I am leaving KORT to go to RA

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Re: CLUE Mafia- Night 4! Who was Boddy?

Postby VioIet on Sun Aug 28, 2011 11:45 pm

Throughout the night, all the guests continuously explored the hallways. Although everyone made it aware to the rest of the guests that they felt the murders were over and everything was safe and back to normal; clearly they lied for everyone else’s benefit, or perhaps their own.

No room in the manor was a more popular choice for an investigation than the Library. In fact, it was such a popular choice that it made it difficult to get in and investigate without being seen by other sleepless guests. For the Children of the Lord though, that wasn’t a huge issue.
Seeing so many sheep wandering around and lost without the light of the Lord to guide their hearts, the religious zealots started preaching to whoever crossed their path.

While sneaking into the Library to glance at books, Colonel Mustard bumped into Mrs. Ho and before he could even excuse himself for not watching where he was going, Mrs. Ho began to tell the Colonel all about the kingdom of heaven and the everlasting joy that will come from accepting the Lord into his heart.

Not even putting up a struggle, Colonel Mustard accepted as he had many things in his past he was worried about or shouldered a burden from. And as soon as he had accepted the message, he was so excited and elated that he dashed off to share the word with someone else. And unfortunately for Debra Hill, that someone was her.

“REPENT CHILD, SAVE YOUR MORTAL SOUL!” Shouted Coronel Mustard as he ran after Debra Hill with one hand on a Bible and the other raised to the heavens. “It’s not too late, you can be at peace.”

Fearing for her safety, Debra Hill dashed quickly down the hall and hid in the study. Fumbling for a light switch, she bumped into something and heard a sharp intake of breath.

Two sickening sounds followed the scream and it sounded almost like someone had taken a baseball bat to a melon. Fumbling around in the dark, Debra Hill found something and picked it up. Still very frightened and concerned, she frantically tried to find the light switch.


Colonel Mustard and a few other guests were now standing in the doorway. Since he had found the light switch and turned it on, they were all shocked and angered by the site they saw.
Debra Hill was standing over the lifeless body of Madame Rose holding a still bloody wrench.

Freezie – Madame Rose – Town Mason- Has been murdered with the wrench.

“It wasn’t me, I didn’t do it!” proclaimed Debra Hill. “I bumped into someone in the dark and was looking for the light switch when I found the wrench. I swear!”
But it wouldn’t have mattered what she said, the other guests’ vacant looks made it obvious they weren’t buying Debra Hill’s story. Disgusted and upset with how everyone was looking at her, she headed back up stairs to bed.
Angered by this senseless act, a few guests began to pray for Madame Rose’s soul as they left together and headed for the library. Curious about this, Yvette, the maid decided to try to keep an eye on them.

The whole group entered the library and he could hear them having a lengthy discussion as to which book could hold the war bonds’ location and key. Suddenly, she could make out very excited voices. She would even swear that she heard a few “Praise Jesus” and “Hallelujah’s”! Convinced that they must have found the right book, she began to open the door and search for the light switch. Throwing it on though, she discovered no books missing and no visible guests.

A little suspicious, she decided it was time for to go and explore the books. After choosing just one title and not finding what she’d hoped, she heard someone begin to speak right behind her.

“Join us child and we will share the bounty of the Lord and the war bonds with you. All you have to do is accept the Lord and savior into your heart.” And next to her, the rest of the Kingdom of Heaven members stood up from behind the desk.

“Thanks, but no thanks.” said Yvette, the maid. As she headed for the door, her friend and a few other guests entered in behind them.

Realizing that recruiting for a Lord was now probably a moot point for the rest of the night, the group left the Library and headed to bed. As they walked away Yvette, the maid, over heard them saying something about coming back tomorrow for the key and note, now that they know where it is.

“Is that true?” asked Professor Plum?“ Did they find the note and key?”

“I honestly don’t know,” replied Yvette. “I wasn’t in the room when they were looking. But, it doesn’t matter anyway. My friend and I here would love to talk to you about something. Let’s go have a chat.” And with that, the last four guests left the library, and the manor became eerily quiet for the remainder of the night.

With that, Day 5 begins. As you can tell, there was at least someone last night who located the right book title. Unfortunately, with the constant activity in the library, they were unable to remove the note and key at that time. So, with that in mind, you may want to keep that information to yourselves for the time being. Also this day will get into some interactive choices amongst some of you, so be prepared. Enjoy all!
Bruceswar: I have big news coming out soonish
Violet: oh, what big news?
Bruceswar: I am leaving KORT to go to RA

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Re: CLUE Mafia- Day 5! Who found the War Bonds?

Postby DoomYoshi on Mon Aug 29, 2011 5:11 pm

Rodion accepted, everyone else denied the offer.

vote shm
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Re: CLUE Mafia- Day 5! Who found the War Bonds?

Postby Victor Sullivan on Mon Aug 29, 2011 6:16 pm

No "Welcome back!" for our dear 'The Chief'? :(

vote shm

Tsk, tsk, declining like that.

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Re: CLUE Mafia- Day 5! Who found the War Bonds?

Postby Rodion on Mon Aug 29, 2011 6:53 pm

Vote Shm.
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Re: CLUE Mafia- Day 5! Who found the War Bonds?

Postby shm78 on Mon Aug 29, 2011 7:15 pm

I didn't get an offer or I would have accepted. It makes no sense for me to not accept since I have been outed as Mafia. What gain do I get by declining an offer?

Who was invited and declined?
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Re: CLUE Mafia- Day 5! Who found the War Bonds?

Postby safariguy5 on Mon Aug 29, 2011 7:26 pm

DoomYoshi wrote:Rodion accepted, everyone else denied the offer.

vote shm

Who was everyone else? Just shm? Or was there someone else?

Sorry shm, Yoshi would be flavor confirmed town by freezie turning up town after recruitment. So mafia really can be turned town.
vote shm
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Re: CLUE Mafia- Day 5! Who found the War Bonds?

Postby shm78 on Mon Aug 29, 2011 7:48 pm

I know safari but why would I turn down an invite when I was already outed as Mafia. It would be suicide for me to turn it down. I never got an invite.
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Re: CLUE Mafia- Day 5! Who found the War Bonds?

Postby safariguy5 on Mon Aug 29, 2011 8:01 pm

shm78 wrote:I know safari but why would I turn down an invite when I was already outed as Mafia. It would be suicide for me to turn it down. I never got an invite.

WIFOM argument.
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