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thebdavis2195 deadbeating [Warned] Mas

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thebdavis2195 deadbeating [Warned] Mas

Postby nanoTek on Wed Jul 27, 2011 1:57 am

Accused: TheBdavis2195

The accused are suspected of: Intentional Deadbeating

Game number(s): Game 9446431


This is my main question he has played 735 games but joined june 28 2011 just wondering how this is posiable with out being a premium member. He deadbeated the game I played with him. So I looked at his games and it seems that he dead beats many games. I dont think this Is fair and I didnt deserve the win or the points I gained from that game
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Re: thebdavis2195 deadbeating

Postby DJPatrick on Wed Jul 27, 2011 4:31 am

He han't completed many games...occupation listed as "scratching my nuts"...perhaps he's been working too
FAMO :lol: 8-)
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Re: thebdavis2195 deadbeating

Postby DJPatrick on Wed Jul 27, 2011 4:36 am

Pardon the double-post but needed to be're pretty new yourself M8...expect the unexpected here; whatever you do, Never expect a level playing field but if it tilts in your favor don't sweat it...unless someone calls you a dibbun just let it go and remember it' just a some lose some... =D>
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Re: thebdavis2195 deadbeating

Postby Dibbun on Wed Jul 27, 2011 4:56 am

DJPatrick wrote:Pardon the double-post but needed to be're pretty new yourself M8...expect the unexpected here; whatever you do, Never expect a level playing field but if it tilts in your favor don't sweat it...unless someone calls you a dibbun just let it go and remember it' just a some lose some... =D>

That would be a very high compliment to be called a dibbun.. worthy of a 6-star rating at least.
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Re: thebdavis2195 deadbeating [pending] Mas

Postby Masli on Wed Jul 27, 2011 5:01 am

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Re: thebdavis2195 deadbeating [pending] Mas

Postby Masli on Thu Jul 28, 2011 3:18 am

Because we because found more evidence from other games, thebdavis2195 has been warned for Intentional Deadbeating
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