Conquer Club

Fuzzy's An American Odyssey: Independence westbo WINS

Tournaments completed in 2011.

Moderator: Tournament Directors

Fuzzy's An American Odyssey: Independence westbo WINS

Postby Fuzzy316 on Wed Jul 27, 2011 5:09 pm


A series of 13 tournaments that I have designed to go through American history. Each of the tournaments takes place at pivotal points in America's history (and possible future). Using the maps available here on CC, I have come up with different names of each tourney and will have a small story tidbit to accompany each one. The map that each tourney will be played on will be identified in the story tidbit by being colorized.

Freemium players must dedicate 1 slot to games for this tourney.

Each tourney takes place on a different map, relating to different times in American history. The overall objective of players in the entire series is to score kills. All tourney games for the first 12 Tournaments will be a standard Terminator. Every kill that you make in each game you play will count towards your overall kill total. The 13th Tourney will be a final championship tourney for the top 32 players with the most kills over the first 12 tourneys.

If you are terminated form your game, you are out of the tourney, but not the series. The tourneys will run for 3 rounds each. From 64-players to 16 and then a 4-player final.

You must sign up for each tourney.

For the individual that accumulates the most kills throughout the first 12 tournaments of this series a General Achievement Medal will be awarded.

Each tourney will be open to 64 players, with the 13th tournament only being the 32 top killers. The more tourneys that you enter as they become active, the better chance you have of winning and moving on to the Championship Tourney. If there happens to be a tie that results in more than 32 players, then those players who are tied with kills that result in the over 32 limit will play one or more games to determine the final entrants into the tourney. (These games will not count in the overall kill count for the series.)

In addition, as soon as each tourney is full, and game invites have been sent out, I will post the thread for the next tourney in the series, so be on the lookout for those that wish to keep playing this series.

To join, simply indicate by posting in the thread that you want in. I will respond in the thread that you are in when I sign you up. I reserve the right to refuse any player form entering, but you really had to upset me to do that.

For all the tourneys, other than the map, the game settings remain the same throughout:

4-player games

There will be special rules for the Championship tourney, to be revealed when it becomes active for the top 32 players. As each tourney progresses, overall kill counts will be tabulated after each round, and tables posted. Each kill counts as 1. Whether you win the game or not if you kill a player, it will be counted. Information on the final tourney can be found here:


Now... on to the next Tourney:

Tourney #3: Independence

Over 200 years have passed since Columbus discovered the Americas and the colonizing of them has flourished. There is now an abundance of colonies and settlers that have expanded the once tiny and challenged villages and towns in to colonies, thriving from the assistance of what were then called "Indians", and further from the skills and knowledge of the increasing number of settlers. There were many of these settlers, along with their descendants and "Americans" who soon began to rebel against the English throne. They were fed up with a Monarch's rule from over 3,000 miles away. The colonists unite, and declare independence from England, creating the United States. The American Revolutionary War begins, and England vows to crush this upstart and reclaim the "13 Colonies". for crown and kingdom.

show: Players
    1. Scottyboymck
    2. br4nd0n2002
    3. HighlanderAttack
    4. dorsettrob
    5. Gromph
    6. Fuzzy316
    7. callmecommander
    8. Jimmy V
    9. Genoke
    10. Le HotSauce
    11. joeaggie98
    12. Doc_Brown
    13. Marshallbobby
    14. overlander
    15. GreenBaize
    16. Nailer X
    17. Jessamine
    18. rmjw10
    19. darkbluesky
    20. Seamus76
    21. jjmracing
    22. rgrjoey001
    23. OX1
    24. bernooch
    25. Tirbid
    26. Leverpuller
    27. BunnRee
    28. Pantheon
    29. thelord
    30. solar
    31. rjhankey
    32. aalii
    33. musicalmaven
    34. bristow47
    35. spartacus65
    36. gimli1990
    37. arno30
    38. chapcrap
    39. rpshawn
    40. jpb12
    41. uk massive
    42. sandman175
    43. sbosshar
    44. Risk_Averse
    45. Crarg
    46. pmhedt
    47. crazycolin
    48. whakamole
    49. mackadoo
    50. Willo.Kings
    51. swimmerdude99
    52. calicus
    53. Charle
    54. bmusic
    55. kiwi3
    56. westbo
    57. pridekiller
    58. traffic133
    59. zissou2
    60. mwaser
    61. ianphull
    62. tycho73
    63. usidyr
    64. God Emperor Q

As a TO, I reserve the right to refuse entry into any of my tournaments, but this usually only happens when you have deadbeated in prior tourneys.

show: Tourney kills Leaderboard
    westbo- 8 kills
    overlander- 6 kills
    crazycolin- 5 kills
    joeaggie98- 5 kills
    darkbluesky 3 kills
    sandman175- 3 kills
    whakamole- 3 kills
    HighlanderAttack- 3 kills
    pridekiller- 3 kills
    whakamole- 3 kills
    gimli1990- 3 kills
    mwaser- 3 kills
    Gromph- 3 kills
    sbosshar- 3 kills
    Genoke- 2 kills
    Leverpuller- 2 kills
    chapcrap- 2 kills
    pridekiller- 2 kills
    musicalmaven- 1 kill
    dorsettrob- 1 kill
    solar- 1 kill
    Nailer X- 1 kill
    callmecommander- 1 kill
    Doc_Brown- 1 kill
Last edited by Fuzzy316 on Tue Sep 20, 2011 3:37 pm, edited 26 times in total.
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Re: Fuzzy's An American Odyssey: Independence 6/64

Postby callmecommander on Wed Jul 27, 2011 5:15 pm

in please.
And in on all of them if I can do that.
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Re: Fuzzy's An American Odyssey: Independence 6/64

Postby Jimmy V on Wed Jul 27, 2011 5:22 pm

In please
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Re: Fuzzy's An American Odyssey: Independence 6/64

Postby Genoke on Wed Jul 27, 2011 5:24 pm

count me in
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Re: Fuzzy's An American Odyssey: Independence 6/64

Postby Le HotSauce on Wed Jul 27, 2011 5:28 pm

in please
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Re: Fuzzy's An American Odyssey: Independence 6/64

Postby joeaggie98 on Wed Jul 27, 2011 5:30 pm

in please
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Re: Fuzzy's An American Odyssey: Independence 6/64

Postby Doc_Brown on Wed Jul 27, 2011 5:37 pm

In please.
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Re: Fuzzy's An American Odyssey: Independence 6/64

Postby Marshallbobby on Wed Jul 27, 2011 5:38 pm

in please :-)
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Re: Fuzzy's An American Odyssey: Independence 6/64

Postby overlander on Wed Jul 27, 2011 5:45 pm

in please
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Re: Fuzzy's An American Odyssey: Independence 6/64

Postby GreenBaize on Wed Jul 27, 2011 5:54 pm

In Plz :)
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Re: Fuzzy's An American Odyssey: Independence 6/64

Postby Gromph on Wed Jul 27, 2011 5:58 pm

in pls
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Re: Fuzzy's An American Odyssey: Independence 6/64

Postby Nailer X on Wed Jul 27, 2011 6:16 pm

in plz
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Re: Fuzzy's An American Odyssey: Independence 6/64

Postby Jessamine on Wed Jul 27, 2011 6:17 pm

in please
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Re: Fuzzy's An American Odyssey: Independence 6/64

Postby rmjw10 on Wed Jul 27, 2011 6:19 pm

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Re: Fuzzy's An American Odyssey: Independence 6/64

Postby darkbluesky on Wed Jul 27, 2011 6:30 pm

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Re: Fuzzy's An American Odyssey: Independence 6/64

Postby Seamus76 on Wed Jul 27, 2011 6:48 pm

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Re: Fuzzy's An American Odyssey: Independence 6/64

Postby jjmracing on Wed Jul 27, 2011 7:44 pm

in please
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Re: Fuzzy's An American Odyssey: Independence 6/64

Postby rgrjoey001 on Wed Jul 27, 2011 8:05 pm

In please
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Re: Fuzzy's An American Odyssey: Independence 6/64

Postby OX1 on Wed Jul 27, 2011 8:12 pm

Count me in
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Re: Fuzzy's An American Odyssey: Independence 6/64

Postby bernooch on Wed Jul 27, 2011 8:16 pm

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Re: Fuzzy's An American Odyssey: Independence 6/64

Postby Tirbid on Wed Jul 27, 2011 8:20 pm

you can count me in, please
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Re: Fuzzy's An American Odyssey: Independence 6/64

Postby Leverpuller on Wed Jul 27, 2011 8:24 pm

In please :mrgreen:
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Re: Fuzzy's An American Odyssey: Independence 6/64

Postby BunnRee on Wed Jul 27, 2011 8:49 pm

IN Please!
PAY ATTENTION! Squirrels and Rabbit Holes happen all the time. So, be on the lookout for unanticipated amazement and joy!
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Re: Fuzzy's An American Odyssey: Independence 6/64

Postby Pantheon on Wed Jul 27, 2011 8:52 pm

in please
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Re: Fuzzy's An American Odyssey: Independence 6/64

Postby thelord on Wed Jul 27, 2011 8:57 pm

in again please and auto sign me for all the tourneys if possible??
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