Hello everyone,
This is a call for a quick Doodle Earth tournament for newbies.
I figured out, that newbies should receive a chance to win a tournament without competing veteran players
who have played thousands of games and have already seen everything in ConquerClub.
Newby will be consedired anyone with 250 completed games or less at the time of registration to the tournament.
Doodle Earth map was chosen becuase it's a short and relatively fast map.
Here are the details:
Map: Doodle Earth
Deployment: Auto
Turns: Sequential
Spoils: Flat
Reinforcement: Unlimited
Fog: No
Rounds: Casual
All matches 1vs1, 1 game knockout.
32 players simple bracket style tournament.
General Echeivement Medal - Will be announced after approved by CC team.
Have fan,
General Bax
1. starwarsfreak 2. Dunn Deegan 3. yadayada 4. psycho warrior 5. ccockatoo 6. dhud101 7. CalgaryTiger 8. Gazdad 9. finam.work 10. jesquintana 11. hockeyfan1995 12. kkaiser 13. Blitzkrieg Frank 14. halbfish 15. TQS4581 16. kanderson 17. danown91 18. Doc_Brown 19. trycster 20. new guy1 21. globetrotta 22. Cyndo 23. Silly Knig-it 24. tekija 25. codefelp 26. Z-Mann 27. ajlim2005 28. mirinna 29. u05sdb 30. jcarter1 31. thomas66 32. rev mcguire Reserves: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Round 1
[spoiler] Game 1 Game 9571713 : starwarsfreak vs. Dunn Deeagan - starwarsfreak wins Game 2 Game 9571712 : yadayada vs. psycho warrior - yadayada wins Game 3 Game 9571711 : ccockatoo vs. dhud101 - ccockatoo wins Game 4 Game 9571710 : CalgaryTiger vs. Gazdad - CalgaryTiger wins Game 5 Game 9571709 : finam.work vs. jesquintana - finam.work wins Game 6 Game 9571708 : hockeyfan1995 vs. kkaiser - kkaiser wins Game 7 Game 9571707 : Blitzkrieg Frank vs. halbfish - Blitzkrieg Frank wins Game 8 Game 9571703 : TQS4581 vs. kanderson - kanderson wins Game 9 Game 9571702 : danown91 vs. Doc_Brown - Doc_Brown wins Game 10 Game 9571701 : trycster (DNS) vs. new guy1 - new guy1 wins (By Default) Game 11 Game 9571700 : globetrotta (DNS) vs. cyndo - cyndo wins (By Default) Game 12 Game 9571699 : Silly Knig-ot vs. tekija - tekija wins Game 13 Game 9571698 : codefelp vs. Z-Mann - codefelp wins Game 14 Game 9571752 : ajlim2005 vs. mirinna - ajlim2005 wins Game 15 Game 9571751 : u05sdb (DNS) vs. jcarter1 - jcarter1 wins (By Default) Game 16 Game 9571750 : thomas66 vs. rev mcguire - thomas66 wins Round 1 Password: PM me for password
Round 2
Game 1 Game 9622718 : starwarsfreak vs. yadayada - starwarsfreak wins Game 2 Game 9577165 : ccockatoo vs. CalgaryTiger - CalgaryTiger wins Game 3 Game 9600704 : finam.work vs. kkaiser - finam.work wins Game 4 Game 9622717 : Blitzkrieg Frank vs. kanderson - Blitzkrieg Frank (By Default) wins Game 5 Game 9622716 : Doc_Brown vs. new guy1 - Doc_Brown wins Game 6 Game 9622715 : cyndo vs. tekija - cyndo wins Game 7 Game 9622714 : codefelp vs. ajlim2005 - ajlim2005 wins Game 8 Game 9622713 : jcarter1 vs. thomas66 - jcarter1 wins Round 2 Password : PM me for password
Quarter Finals
Game 1 Game 9653121 : starwarsfreak vs. CalgaryTiger - CalgaryTiger wins Game 2 Game 9653119 : finam.work vs. Blitzkrieg Frank - Blitzkrieg Frank wins Game 3 Game 9633345 : Doc_Brown vs. cyndo - Doc_Brown wins Game 4 Game 9653118 : ajlim2005 vs. jcarter1 - ajlim2005 wins Quarter Finals Password: PM me for Password
Semi Finals
Game 1 Game 9674876 : CalgaryTiger vs. Blitzkrieg Frank - Blitzkrieg Frank wins Game 2 Game 9666837 : Doc_Brown vs. ajlim2005 - Doc_Brown wins Semi Finals Password: PM me for Password
Finals and Medal Game Game 9699079 : Blitzkrieg Frank vs. Doc_Brown - Blitzkrieg Frank wins Finals Password: PM me for Password
Tournament Winner
Blitzkrieg Frank wins the Tournament