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*Snowman* - Systematic farming of NR's[cleared/noted]

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Re: *Snowman* - Systematic farming of new recruits[cleared]

Postby IR1SH ACE on Sun Jul 24, 2011 9:50 am

nice 1, I have been following this since the beginin because I always find dibbun's spurious C&A reports to be highly entertainin....btw how many failed C&A reports can u open b4 been warned....

Darwins_Bane possible script?[cleared]

Racist thread [CLOSED]

ad10r3tr0 - Systematic farming of new recruits[cleared]

thats three failed reports & four if u count this one...

and I agree with eddie and snowman on the fact that its so obvious that dibbun has been around the site b4...

I will quote myself from my SUCCESSFUL C&A report against dibbun....Ratings Abuse - Dibbun [warned]

IR1SH ACE wrote:
Dibbun: Joined: Fri Mar 11, 2011 11:42 pm .....

within 48 hours had already started his first thread....

Can I turn off chat?...Thread started: 14, 2011 12:42 am

And then 48 hours later opened ur first C&A report....

Darwins_Bane possible script?[cleared]....Thread started: Wed Mar 16, 2011 12:06 am

I don't know about anyone else here but I did not even know there was forum pages on this site for about a month of playin, I joined up to play some risk.....seems to me as if Dibbun already knew his way around the site......

seems as if ur on some personnel vendetta against the community......
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Re: *Snowman* - Systematic farming of new recruits[cleared]

Postby eddie2 on Sun Jul 24, 2011 10:23 am

i have thought of another player it could be it was ronc something
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Re: *Snowman* - Systematic farming of new recruits[cleared]

Postby Dibbun on Sun Jul 24, 2011 12:18 pm

*Snowman* wrote:Dibbun I have so far lost hundreds of point playing these new maps.

The sheer difficulty of having to take your turn in the face of rampant deadbeating must certainly take a toll on your point count.

Game 9422331
2011-07-21 14:56:38 - reedyaffray missed a turn
2011-07-21 14:56:38 - reedyaffray was kicked out for missing too many turns
2011-07-21 14:56:38 - dkates missed a turn
2011-07-21 14:56:38 - dkates was kicked out for missing too many turns
2011-07-21 14:56:38 - thelakeraven missed a turn
2011-07-21 14:56:38 - thelakeraven was kicked out for missing too many turns
2011-07-21 14:56:38 - 3CurƩsMan missed a turn
2011-07-21 14:56:38 - 3CurƩsMan was kicked out for missing too many turns
2011-07-21 14:56:38 - *Snowman* won the game

Game 9416084
2011-07-20 15:53:47 - Luker89 missed a turn
2011-07-20 15:53:47 - Luker89 was kicked out for missing too many turns
2011-07-21 15:53:47 - richiejuves missed a turn
2011-07-21 15:53:47 - richiejuves was kicked out for missing too many turns
2011-07-21 15:53:47 - jac92 missed a turn
2011-07-21 15:53:47 - jac92 was kicked out for missing too many turns
2011-07-21 15:53:47 - *Snowman* won the game

Game 9416065
2011-07-20 12:06:55 - scubaleemd missed a turn
2011-07-20 12:06:55 - scubaleemd was kicked out for missing too many turns
2011-07-20 12:06:55 - jan111 missed a turn
2011-07-20 12:06:55 - jan111 was kicked out for missing too many turns
2011-07-21 12:06:55 - Guillermo Mier missed a turn
2011-07-21 12:06:55 - Guillermo Mier was kicked out for missing too many turns
2011-07-21 12:06:55 - *Snowman* won the game

Game 9416003
2011-07-20 07:30:34 - saldey missed a turn
2011-07-20 07:30:34 - saldey was kicked out for missing too many turns
2011-07-21 07:30:34 - bulmers1071 missed a turn
2011-07-21 07:30:34 - bulmers1071 was kicked out for missing too many turns
2011-07-22 07:30:34 - pranavparikh missed a turn
2011-07-22 07:30:34 - pranavparikh was kicked out for missing too many turns
2011-07-22 07:30:34 - *Snowman* won the game

Game 9415987
2011-07-20 11:26:15 - esmokk missed a turn
2011-07-20 11:26:15 - esmokk was kicked out for missing too many turns
2011-07-20 11:26:15 - hutchy78 missed a turn
2011-07-20 11:26:15 - hutchy78 was kicked out for missing too many turns
2011-07-20 11:26:15 - Adamantiums missed a turn
2011-07-20 11:26:15 - Adamantiums was kicked out for missing too many turns
2011-07-20 11:26:15 - *Snowman* won the game

I am sure you will now say I am point dumping lol.

You have been busted for it before so I wouldn't put it past you.

I have been as honest as I can be.

LOL. You've lied countless times in this thread, and had the audacity to call me a liar until you got punked by a mod.

My objective was primarily to learn new maps. My objective was primarily to learn new maps.
I said that twice as Dibbun finds it hard to understand.

Your objective was to "learn" new maps by playing people who were unskilled, and in this case NR's. You knew what ranks you wanted to play with your statement that you wouldn't learn anything if you played a General. Instead of finding a Corporal or something you make a large number of maps which will attract NR's, which is disallowed under the statement by lackattack on farming.

Manual deployment is actually crap because it allows the inexperienced player an advantage. It takes at least three turns without manual to organise your troops in any meaningful way. So it is an advantage more to the inexperience player. Also unless I sit on the computer night and day freestyle can also help the inexperienced player. My prefered settings are actually sequentual and normal deployment.

They're still considered "difficult gameplay settings" and are mentioned in lackattack's thread on farming. Also goes to show why you need to farm NR's for those medals, since you can't beat ranked players on those settings due to lack of skill.

I said I was trying for new medals. New medals New medals. Got it?

Yes, new medals on the backs of NR's.

You called me a liar in previous threads

You are a habitual liar. Just so that's clear.

concerning the number of maps I had played and took great delight in finding a couple of occasions I had played other maps. As of last night I had played 1,711 games. 1,611 games of those on five maps, On five maps, On five maps.
Classic = 977, Cyprus = 133, Doodle = 330, and Luxemburg 221, Brazil = 10. I opened new maps last Saturday. I may have had the odd experiment in a year with cc but to any reasonable, reasonable, resonable person saying I play on five maps would be acceptable don't you think?

You made an absolute statement, and I refuted it. Not even close to the first time that has happened in this thread.

Now I may be a simple soul, if my intention was to 'Farm' I would do it on the maps I enjoy and are good at, not ones I have never played and on settings that I am not.

You already said that you were also going for your crossmap medal (using an illogical number of opponents unless you were specifically targeting NR's)

Now off the subject I found it hard to understand why with no new evidence to support your case you felt it necessary to continue with your character assasination of me after you made your original accusation.

Lol. Actually, there's so much damn evidence in this case that it takes pages for it all to come out. Also need to deal with your Grange buddies bringing up old points which had been previously addressed elsewhere in the thread.

I have fallen out with two members during my time withh cc both of which have now been banned. One such member bein called Kripplez. This name was banned along with Kingburger.
I ask you do you have any association with these guys or are you just being vindictive?

I have no idea who either of them are. If you think I'm a multi, open a new thread. I'm not being vindictive, but I think you're a cheater, and I think you are harmful to this site because your rank is artifically inflated, your medals are ill-gotten, and you drive new people away.
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Re: *Snowman* - Systematic farming of new recruits[cleared]

Postby tkr4lf on Sun Jul 24, 2011 12:37 pm

This whole discussion is getting quite old.

Am I the only person who finds this dibbun character to be quite annoying?

To Dibbun, who likes to quote the rules so much:

From the Community Guidelines:

Posting controversial or irrelevant messages or topics with the intent to provoke someone else into a contest of over-manly confrontation, emotional response, flame fest or to generally disrupt the discussion, community or user is not cool. Prompting or provoking others (Baiting) to do that is just as bad.
Don't Bait or provoke others. Just because you didn't directly attack another user does not make your post a meaningful contribution. If your post's intent was to provoke another user into an emotional response, to get under their skin or to otherwise piss them off, you're baiting them. Hopefully the user doesn't take the bait, but you'll probably receive a disciplinary action from a mod.
Don't ever post personal information of other users. Anywhere. Ever. Even if they already posted it somewhere else. This includes posting personal information about a CC user on another site, you will be held accountable here.
Don't de-rail topics, don't spam them, don't flame them, don't bait them, don't drive a topic into a negative spiral.
Don't flog a dead horse. If a discussion is over, it's over. Screaming louder, more or in a different place is not going to change the answer already given. If you think the answer was wrong, PM an Admin. If you think the admin is wrong, then this probably isn't the right community for you.If someone is trolling or baiting, don't fall for it. The best way to irritate trolls and ultimately drive them away is to ignore them. These people crave attention in any form, be it praise or condemnation, and will stay in an argument for the thrill of the battle. Ignore them and it will hurt more than any "zing" or insult you might come back with.

There is little that is more annoying than a troll. This will get you removed from the CC community quicker than almost anything else.

The underlined part is meant specifically for you. I think this is indeed a dead horse that you are continually flogging, not only in this forum, but in GD as well. You are being intentionally annoying. Would you please stop? Thanks.
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Re: *Snowman* - Systematic farming of new recruits

Postby zimmah on Sun Jul 24, 2011 1:21 pm

*Snowman* wrote:Hello there I have just had my attention drawn to this by a member. What a nice fellow and cc member Dibbun is. Dibbun is on my foe list so I can only assume he tried to enter one of my games and could not. So the result is this complaint. Right to explain my position. I won my first Tourney Saturday. I am trying to join a Clan but need experience and a good medal count.

stopped reading right there.

so the clan you're about to join only requires you to have a high ranking and a lot of medals by all means possible?

Click image to enlarge.
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Re: *Snowman* - Systematic farming of new recruits[cleared]

Postby ad10r3tr0 on Sun Jul 24, 2011 2:17 pm

tkr4lf wrote:This whole discussion is getting quite old.

Am I the only person who finds this dibbun character to be quite annoying?

To Dibbun, who likes to quote the rules so much:

From the Community Guidelines:

Posting controversial or irrelevant messages or topics with the intent to provoke someone else into a contest of over-manly confrontation, emotional response, flame fest or to generally disrupt the discussion, community or user is not cool. Prompting or provoking others (Baiting) to do that is just as bad.
Don't Bait or provoke others. Just because you didn't directly attack another user does not make your post a meaningful contribution. If your post's intent was to provoke another user into an emotional response, to get under their skin or to otherwise piss them off, you're baiting them. Hopefully the user doesn't take the bait, but you'll probably receive a disciplinary action from a mod.
Don't ever post personal information of other users. Anywhere. Ever. Even if they already posted it somewhere else. This includes posting personal information about a CC user on another site, you will be held accountable here.
Don't de-rail topics, don't spam them, don't flame them, don't bait them, don't drive a topic into a negative spiral.
Don't flog a dead horse. If a discussion is over, it's over. Screaming louder, more or in a different place is not going to change the answer already given. If you think the answer was wrong, PM an Admin. If you think the admin is wrong, then this probably isn't the right community for you.If someone is trolling or baiting, don't fall for it. The best way to irritate trolls and ultimately drive them away is to ignore them. These people crave attention in any form, be it praise or condemnation, and will stay in an argument for the thrill of the battle. Ignore them and it will hurt more than any "zing" or insult you might come back with.

There is little that is more annoying than a troll. This will get you removed from the CC community quicker than almost anything else.

The underlined part is meant specifically for you. I think this is indeed a dead horse that you are continually flogging, not only in this forum, but in GD as well. You are being intentionally annoying. Would you please stop? Thanks.


No, I find Dibbun to be quite the annoying little prick. Shut the hell up Dibbun. Nobody gives a f*ck what you think nor what you have to say! You have posted your thoughts, wait for a decision, you pathetic bitch.
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Re: *Snowman* - Systematic farming of new recruits[cleared]

Postby demonfork on Sun Jul 24, 2011 2:20 pm

ad10r3tr0 wrote:
tkr4lf wrote:This whole discussion is getting quite old.

Am I the only person who finds this dibbun character to be quite annoying?

To Dibbun, who likes to quote the rules so much:

From the Community Guidelines:

Posting controversial or irrelevant messages or topics with the intent to provoke someone else into a contest of over-manly confrontation, emotional response, flame fest or to generally disrupt the discussion, community or user is not cool. Prompting or provoking others (Baiting) to do that is just as bad.
Don't Bait or provoke others. Just because you didn't directly attack another user does not make your post a meaningful contribution. If your post's intent was to provoke another user into an emotional response, to get under their skin or to otherwise piss them off, you're baiting them. Hopefully the user doesn't take the bait, but you'll probably receive a disciplinary action from a mod.
Don't ever post personal information of other users. Anywhere. Ever. Even if they already posted it somewhere else. This includes posting personal information about a CC user on another site, you will be held accountable here.
Don't de-rail topics, don't spam them, don't flame them, don't bait them, don't drive a topic into a negative spiral.
Don't flog a dead horse. If a discussion is over, it's over. Screaming louder, more or in a different place is not going to change the answer already given. If you think the answer was wrong, PM an Admin. If you think the admin is wrong, then this probably isn't the right community for you.If someone is trolling or baiting, don't fall for it. The best way to irritate trolls and ultimately drive them away is to ignore them. These people crave attention in any form, be it praise or condemnation, and will stay in an argument for the thrill of the battle. Ignore them and it will hurt more than any "zing" or insult you might come back with.

There is little that is more annoying than a troll. This will get you removed from the CC community quicker than almost anything else.

The underlined part is meant specifically for you. I think this is indeed a dead horse that you are continually flogging, not only in this forum, but in GD as well. You are being intentionally annoying. Would you please stop? Thanks.


No, I find Dibbun to be quite the annoying little prick. Shut the hell up Dibbun. Nobody gives a f*ck what you think nor what you have to say! You have posted your thoughts, wait for a decision, you pathetic bitch.

Agree....can a mod please step in and put a stop to Jizzbbun's annoying little crusade....he is clearly violating the rules by continuing to beat a dead horse...enough is enough.
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Re: *Snowman* - Systematic farming of new recruits[cleared]

Postby *Snowman* on Sun Jul 24, 2011 2:49 pm

zimmah - Thanks for your comment. Another member who can not read. What Clan did I say I was going to join and what criteria did they say I needed? I have no experience of Clan membership. I thought thats what was needed. So don't you dare insult any future Clan that may offer me a trail. Once again doing a Dibbun - twisting words. You used the word 'Pathetic' Excellent choice but really there is no need to describe how you feel about yourself.
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Re: *Snowman* - Systematic farming of new recruits[cleared]

Postby Dibbun on Sun Jul 24, 2011 4:05 pm

I don't think this is a spurious report - from what I saw, I think that there was a "minimum threshold" reached of NR's to warrant an investigation.

That being said, after reading *Snowman*'s statements again, I genuinely do not feel that he had the intent to farm. While I agree with him that there is some needed reform concerning how NR's are able to play on this site, I also believe that there needs to be clarification from above relating to what constitutes systematic farming.

Because I do not believe that *Snowman* intentionally targeted NR's in a fashion worthy of serious discipline, I cannot in good conscience continue to endorse the possibility of punishment. I withdraw my complaint and respectfully request that the moderators reclose this case.

Apologies to *Snowman* for any undue distress caused to you.
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Re: *Snowman* - Systematic farming of new recruits[cleared]

Postby eddie2 on Sun Jul 24, 2011 4:09 pm

Dibbun wrote:I don't think this is a spurious report - from what I saw, I think that there was a "minimum threshold" reached of NR's to warrant an investigation.

That being said, after reading *Snowman*'s statements again, I genuinely do not feel that he had the intent to farm. While I agree with him that there is some needed reform concerning how NR's are able to play on this site, I also believe that there needs to be clarification from above relating to what constitutes systematic farming.

Because I do not believe that *Snowman* intentionally targeted NR's in a fashion worthy of serious discipline, I cannot in good conscience continue to endorse the possibility of punishment. I withdraw my complaint and respectfully request that the moderators reclose this case.

Apologies to *Snowman* for any undue distress caused to you.

at last takes a big man to admit wrong +1 for that. but think you need to also appologise to the others you offended when trying to explain to you early on in the case.
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Re: *Snowman* - Systematic farming of new recruits[cleared]

Postby Dibbun on Sun Jul 24, 2011 4:10 pm

eddie2 wrote:but think you need to also appologise to the others you offended when trying to explain to you early on in the case.

Not going to happen.
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Re: *Snowman* - Systematic farming of new recruits[cleared]

Postby *Snowman* on Sun Jul 24, 2011 4:19 pm

Thank you Dibbun apology excepted. Now lets play some games and enjoy the site...
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Re: *Snowman* - Systematic farming of new recruits[cleared]

Postby Masli on Mon Jul 25, 2011 6:19 am

Masli wrote:If you have a problem with each other, I suggest you all Foe each other and move on. This is not the place for any personal vendetta.

We will take another look at this case and ad10r3tr0, he did invite NR's.He admitted that in this topic and I've seen that he did that.

After reviewing the case once again with the other mods, we have noted the part where the accused invited new recruits in his games, which may reveal some intent on his part.
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Re: *Snowman* - Systematic farming of NR's[cleared/noted]

Postby b00060 on Mon Jul 25, 2011 7:44 am

Why the hell am I included in the string? I have gone on the record many times that I wish I could prevent low ranks from joining my games.....
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Re: *Snowman* - Systematic farming of new recruits[cleared]

Postby jefjef on Mon Jul 25, 2011 9:34 am

Masli wrote:
Masli wrote:If you have a problem with each other, I suggest you all Foe each other and move on. This is not the place for any personal vendetta.

We will take another look at this case and ad10r3tr0, he did invite NR's.He admitted that in this topic and I've seen that he did that.

After reviewing the case once again with the other mods, we have noted the part where the accused invited new recruits in his games, which may reveal some intent on his part.

Good ruling. =D>
This post was made by jefjef who should be on your ignore list.
drunkmonkey wrote:I'm filing a C&A report right now. Its nice because they have a drop-down for "jefjef".
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