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*Snowman* - Systematic farming of NR's[cleared/noted]

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Re: *Snowman* - Systematic farming of new recruits[cleared]

Postby Dibbun on Fri Jul 22, 2011 3:31 am

I would have liked to have seen the invitation issue addressed since that was specifically mentioned in lack's thread on farming.
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Re: *Snowman* - Systematic farming of new recruits[cleared]

Postby *Snowman* on Fri Jul 22, 2011 3:58 am

Thank you. Your comments are noted and will be complied with.
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Re: *Snowman* - Systematic farming of new recruits[cleared]

Postby ad10r3tr0 on Fri Jul 22, 2011 4:41 am

another failed attempt by Dibbun, nice try rating abuser hahahah, any more spurious reports u got?
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Re: *Snowman* - Systematic farming of new recruits[cleared]

Postby DJPatrick on Fri Jul 22, 2011 6:33 am

I agree...when will the witch hunts stop???
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Re: *Snowman* - Systematic farming of new recruits[cleared]

Postby jefjef on Fri Jul 22, 2011 12:04 pm

Sending invites to several new recruits is a game abuse - Pretty low down bs. He admitted to inviting a "half dozen or so". If CC lets this portion of the complaint slide then I guess it's ok for the rest of us to start abusing the invite privs too.

NOTE this activity CC.
This post was made by jefjef who should be on your ignore list.
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Re: *Snowman* - Systematic farming of new recruits[cleared]

Postby *Snowman* on Fri Jul 22, 2011 12:39 pm

jef you still can not let it drop. Sorry to ask where did I admit to inviting NR? Wake up man! Also nice to see you changed your age from 7.
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Re: *Snowman* - Systematic farming of new recruits

Postby jefjef on Fri Jul 22, 2011 1:09 pm

*Snowman* wrote: As to the invite issue, yes some invites were sent (about half a dozen) to people that had already joined one or more of my games. This was because I want to get on and existing members only seem interested in their own game settings and maps. I hope this explains myself. Regards *Snowman*

HERE IT IS - from your 1st POST in this thread where you explained your intentions very clearly..... :roll:
This post was made by jefjef who should be on your ignore list.
drunkmonkey wrote:I'm filing a C&A report right now. Its nice because they have a drop-down for "jefjef".
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Re: *Snowman* - Systematic farming of new recruits

Postby ad10r3tr0 on Fri Jul 22, 2011 1:22 pm

jefjef wrote:
*Snowman* wrote: As to the invite issue, yes some invites were sent (about half a dozen) to people that had already joined one or more of my games. This was because I want to get on and existing members only seem interested in their own game settings and maps. I hope this explains myself. Regards *Snowman*

HERE IT IS - from your 1st POST in this thread where you explained your intentions very clearly..... :roll:

Where in any of this post does it say he invited new recruits? Oh yeah, it doesnt. All it says is, he invited some people to his other games that have already joined one of his games...whether cadet, major, private, etc.

He got cleared, so drop it already!
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Re: *Snowman* - Systematic farming of new recruits

Postby Nola_Lifer on Fri Jul 22, 2011 1:28 pm

ad10r3tr0 wrote:
jefjef wrote:
*Snowman* wrote: As to the invite issue, yes some invites were sent (about half a dozen) to people that had already joined one or more of my games. This was because I want to get on and existing members only seem interested in their own game settings and maps. I hope this explains myself. Regards *Snowman*

HERE IT IS - from your 1st POST in this thread where you explained your intentions very clearly..... :roll:

Where in any of this post does it say he invited new recruits? Oh yeah, it doesnt. All it says is, he invited some people to his other games that have already joined one of his games...whether cadet, major, private, etc.

He got cleared, so drop it already!

No wonder your backing him up. Looks like your using the same technique.
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Re: *Snowman* - Systematic farming of new recruits[cleared]

Postby shocked439 on Fri Jul 22, 2011 1:41 pm

So using this case as my defense as long as I use multiple easy maps, with 5 players and don't invite more than half a dozen new recruits I can help welcome new recruits to the game but not be farming? After all I'm just trying to get my games going and they joined for a reason?
Where is a picture of Luda cause that's what this case is.
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Re: *Snowman* - Systematic farming of new recruits[cleared]

Postby ad10r3tr0 on Fri Jul 22, 2011 3:22 pm

shocked439 wrote:So using this case as my defense as long as I use multiple easy maps, with 5 players and don't invite more than half a dozen new recruits I can help welcome new recruits to the game but not be farming? After all I'm just trying to get my games going and they joined for a reason?
Where is a picture of Luda cause that's what this case is.

Again, can you read? Where does it say at all, he invited new recruits? proof anyone? oh thats right, you don't have any.
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Re: *Snowman* - Systematic farming of new recruits

Postby ad10r3tr0 on Fri Jul 22, 2011 3:23 pm

Nola_Lifer wrote:
ad10r3tr0 wrote:
jefjef wrote:
*Snowman* wrote: As to the invite issue, yes some invites were sent (about half a dozen) to people that had already joined one or more of my games. This was because I want to get on and existing members only seem interested in their own game settings and maps. I hope this explains myself. Regards *Snowman*

HERE IT IS - from your 1st POST in this thread where you explained your intentions very clearly..... :roll:

Where in any of this post does it say he invited new recruits? Oh yeah, it doesnt. All it says is, he invited some people to his other games that have already joined one of his games...whether cadet, major, private, etc.

He got cleared, so drop it already!

No wonder your backing him up. Looks like your using the same technique.

already been cleared jackass, nice try though.
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Re: *Snowman* - Systematic farming of new recruits[cleared]

Postby Dibbun on Fri Jul 22, 2011 3:46 pm

There were invites to NR's, and I posted the links to those in the OP. *Snowman* disinvited them after I posted it. Of course he was referring to NR's in his quote, that's the only invite that would be at issue.
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Re: *Snowman* - Systematic farming of new recruits

Postby jefjef on Fri Jul 22, 2011 3:50 pm

*Snowman* wrote: As to the invite issue, yes some invites were sent (about half a dozen) to people that had already joined one or more of my games. This was because I want to get on and existing members only seem interested in their own game settings and maps. I hope this explains myself. Regards *Snowman*

I will dissect this comment for those who are having difficulty comprehending what was stated.

This is from the 1st "defense" post of *snowman* on page 1.

Invites being sent to New Recruits is part of the complaint.

*snowman* admits to sending out about a half dozen invites. He did it because existing members only seemed interested in their own game settings and maps. Existing members = those who are not new recruits. Those that are ranked.

EDIT: The flame post in which Nola_Lifer was referred to as being a "jackass" has been reported. [-X
So yes - He does specifically admit to inviting new recruits. ?
Last edited by jefjef on Fri Jul 22, 2011 3:55 pm, edited 2 times in total.
This post was made by jefjef who should be on your ignore list.
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Re: *Snowman* - Systematic farming of new recruits

Postby Dibbun on Fri Jul 22, 2011 3:51 pm

jefjef wrote:
*Snowman* wrote: As to the invite issue, yes some invites were sent (about half a dozen) to people that had already joined one or more of my games. This was because I want to get on and existing members only seem interested in their own game settings and maps. I hope this explains myself. Regards *Snowman*

I will dissect this comment for those who lack comprehension.

This is from the 1st "defense" post of *snowman* on page 1.

Invites being sent to New Recruits is part of the complaint.

*snowman* admits to sending out about a half dozen. He did it because existing members only seemed interested in their own game settings and maps. Existing members = those who are not new recruits...

So yes - He does specifically admit to inviting new recruits. ?

There are so many admissions of guilt by *Snowman* of farming that this ruling really boggles my mind.
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Re: *Snowman* - Systematic farming of new recruits[cleared]

Postby *Snowman* on Fri Jul 22, 2011 4:13 pm

What bobbles the mind is you Dibbun. May I ask are you actually on this planet? I have never known anybody to change the facts as much as you Dibbun. These attacks must stop please. I never deleted any games. You posted a list - check it!
Also jefjef I am really concerned that you have deceided your age is displayed as 7 now changed to 12 on your wall. Are you trying to attract minors? Also talking about petrol and matches is that a good idea?
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Re: *Snowman* - Systematic farming of new recruits[cleared]

Postby Dibbun on Fri Jul 22, 2011 4:19 pm

How's that break from CC going? And yes you disinvited people, like I said before I should have taken screenshots because I should have anticipated that you were going to lie about it.

The only "facts" we're discussing are your own words, farmer.
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Re: *Snowman* - Systematic farming of new recruits

Postby ad10r3tr0 on Fri Jul 22, 2011 5:11 pm

jefjef wrote:
*Snowman* wrote: As to the invite issue, yes some invites were sent (about half a dozen) to people that had already joined one or more of my games. This was because I want to get on and existing members only seem interested in their own game settings and maps. I hope this explains myself. Regards *Snowman*

I will dissect this comment for those who are having difficulty comprehending what was stated.

This is from the 1st "defense" post of *snowman* on page 1.

Invites being sent to New Recruits is part of the complaint.

*snowman* admits to sending out about a half dozen invites. He did it because existing members only seemed interested in their own game settings and maps. Existing members = those who are not new recruits. Those that are ranked.

EDIT: The flame post in which Nola_Lifer was referred to as being a "jackass" has been reported. [-X
So yes - He does specifically admit to inviting new recruits. ?

Again, What evidence do you have that says he invited NR? YOU DONT HAVE ANY! except for your word, which is so biased. You have nothing to prove your points...maybe this noob Dibbun was smart enough, he would have taken screen shots, BUT he DIDNT! So get over it and move on, like KA said, CLEARED! no matter if you disagree with the rulings or not, your not a mod, so get the f*ck over it.
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Re: *Snowman* - Systematic farming of new recruits[cleared]

Postby Masli on Fri Jul 22, 2011 5:34 pm

If you have a problem with each other, I suggest you all Foe each other and move on. This is not the place for any personal vendetta.

We will take another look at this case and ad10r3tr0, he did invite NR's.He admitted that in this topic and I've seen that he did that.
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Re: *Snowman* - Systematic farming of new recruits[cleared]

Postby greenoaks on Fri Jul 22, 2011 10:02 pm

Dibbun wrote:How's that break from CC going? And yes you disinvited people, like I said before I should have taken screenshots because I should have anticipated that you were going to lie about it.

The only "facts" we're discussing are your own words, farmer.

how do you disinvite someone ?

i run a lot of tournaments and sometimes invite the wrong person which sucks as the only thing i know to do is delete the game, create a new one and pay more attention to who gets invited to the new one.

i would really like to be able to disinvite someone.
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Re: *Snowman* - Systematic farming of new recruits[cleared]

Postby jefjef on Fri Jul 22, 2011 10:10 pm

Masli wrote:We will take another look at this case and ad10r3tr0, he did invite NR's.He admitted that in this topic and I've seen that he did that.

Thank you for taking another look at this. king a was very busy with several complaints and I'm sure he just overlooked the invite portion of this.
This post was made by jefjef who should be on your ignore list.
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Re: *Snowman* - Systematic farming of new recruits[cleared]

Postby *Snowman* on Sat Jul 23, 2011 4:10 am

Hello again. Thank you Dibbun you are abusing me again I see.

1. I set up 4 player and 5 player games, - Is this allowed?
2. I opened about 45 games, is this allowed?
3. I had freestyle is this allowed?
4. I went for manual deployment, is this allowed?
5. I played on 15 different maps, is this allowed?
6. I never entered anybody elses game even if one was already set up.
7. Targeting specific medals is this allowed?

Until last Saturday I played on only 5 maps. I read about Dibbuns complaint made a post on the suggestion forum about NR as they join my settings. I realized Dibbun and jefjef were more interested in abusing and controling members than playing games (check the number of posts they have made). I foed both players at that point even though as far as I know I have never played them.

8. Dibbun made a complaint listing game numbers and accusing me of Farming. (which he won't use to confirm my statements).
9. I made a true and honest statement detailing my case.
10. I never deleted any games off the list until yesterday as I had nothing to hide and did not want to be seen as a cheat and left it till the Mods had time to make a decision.
11. Dibbun feels that my statement is all the prove he needs, because his evidence is not conclusive.
12. In my statement I wrote 'As to the invite issue, yes some invites were sent (about half a dozen) to people that had already joined one or more of my games. This was because I want to get on and existing members only seem interested in their own game settings and maps' please understand this was written about 1am. So I ask is sending an invite out allowed? The members I invited 6ish (to complete a couple of games) had already played me before. I know at least 3 were ranked.The whole case comes down to the words existing members. I should have used current known members or members known to me. I sent invites to speed players who did not accept as they were not interested in my settings.

I have had a lot of worry and concern over this subject and quite frankly I have had enough. Dibbun in the thread all but told me to leave and deadbeat my games.The aggressors Dibbun and jefjef in my opinon have already got what they wanted. They are bullies. They will upset other members in the future I am sure.

If this case is ruled in their favour - Mods Please just Ban me for life

It comes down to Does the mob rule or will Justice prevail?

this is my last entry

Regards *Snowman*
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Re: *Snowman* - Systematic farming of new recruits[cleared]

Postby Dibbun on Sat Jul 23, 2011 5:03 am

*Snowman* wrote:Hello again. Thank you Dibbun you are abusing me again I see.

God you're so dramatic. I'm calling you out on your abusing of the rank/medal system and driving away NR's. Believe it or not, it's not even close to being personal.

1. I set up 4 player and 5 player games, - Is this allowed?

A mod recommended you go 6 players+ to avoid attracting so many NR's.

2. I opened about 45 games, is this allowed?


3. I had freestyle is this allowed?


4. I went for manual deployment, is this allowed?


5. I played on 15 different maps, is this allowed?


6. I never entered anybody elses game even if one was already set up.

Lol of course not.

7. Targeting specific medals is this allowed?

Targeting medals is perfectly legal.. but it helped establish intent (by your own admission) as to why you were farming NR's.

Until last Saturday I played on only 5 maps.

More lies, I see.

10/2/2010 - WWII Europe - Game 7735936 (hilarious game chat too)
10/4/2010 - Classic - Game 7654771
10/6/2010 - USA - Game 7756751
10/7/2010 - Macedonia - Game 7762785
10/17/2010 - US Senate - Game 7816126
10/18/2010 - Feudal War - Game 7818611

That's last October and I already found 6 different ones. Doesn't matter how many maps you play but you had the audacity to call me a liar in this thread in the face of your quoted statements and you keep piling it on and you say I'm "abusing" you.

I read about Dibbuns complaint made a post on the suggestion forum about NR as they join my settings. I realized Dibbun and jefjef were more interested in abusing and controling members than playing games (check the number of posts they have made). I foed both players at that point even though as far as I know I have never played them.

lackattack wrote:New Years Resolution: Newbie Farming is not Cool.

"Newbie Farming" is the technique of setting up as many games as possible (either by starting or joining them) with New Recruits to gain easy points by taking advantage of difficult game options and the fact the New Recruits are more likely to deadbeat. Some players have been farming extensively - even sending hundreds of PMs to the latest members to get them into their games.

This is a gross abuse of the game. It gives the New Recruit "victims" a poor first experience and reduces the chances of them sticking around. As farmers move up the scoreboard it also harms the competitive nature of Conquer Club - the scoreboard is meant to measure skill in the game, not "harvesting" techniques.

In accordance with the desires and feedback of the majority of the community, our rules and as a new leaf for 2009, it is our New Years resolution to make Newbie Farming forbidden. Members who continue this practice will receive point resets and then progressively longer website bans.

This does not mean you will get in trouble for joining a game here and there with many new recruits. We are only talking about the systematic targeting of new recruits.

That quote is from lackattack, CC admin. I have added additional emphasis.

Did you set up a bunch of games? Did you set difficult options? Did you attract NR's and get easy victories? None of these things are disallowed... until you combine them and do it over, and over, and over, and over again.

8. Dibbun made a complaint listing game numbers and accusing me of Farming. (which he won't use to confirm my statements).

I don't understand what you mean by that.

9. I made a true and honest statement detailing my case.

Then why do you fight it every time me, jefjef, or someone else quotes your statement to call you on your lies?

10. I never deleted any games off the list until yesterday as I had nothing to hide and did not want to be seen as a cheat and left it till the Mods had time to make a decision.

I will give you that one - I did not at the time understand invite mechanics and thought you had disinvited those NR's. I know now that you cannot disinvite people, so those NR's either declined the invite, or left the site because you drove them off.

11. Dibbun feels that my statement is all the prove he needs, because his evidence is not conclusive.

My evidence is the large number of games I posted, you admitting that you are medal farming, admitting (and having a mod corroborate) that you invited NR's, admitting that you want to "learn" maps by playing non-ranked players, and knowing precisely what type of player you were attracting and systematically continuing to create those types of games with the same settings to continue your farming enterprise.

12. In my statement I wrote 'As to the invite issue, yes some invites were sent (about half a dozen) to people that had already joined one or more of my games. This was because I want to get on and existing members only seem interested in their own game settings and maps' please understand this was written about 1am. So I ask is sending an invite out allowed? The members I invited 6ish (to complete a couple of games) had already played me before. I know at least 3 were ranked.The whole case comes down to the words existing members. I should have used current known members or members known to me. I sent invites to speed players who did not accept as they were not interested in my settings.

Oh my god are you finally admitting that you invited NR's? After calling me a liar multiple times in this thread? You admit you invited 6, and 3 were ranked, well that matches up just about perfectly with the 3 games I posted in the OP that said that you invited NR's. And yeah inviting NR's looks very bad, unless you know them in RL, are a SoC instructor, or it's a pickup game from Live Chat. When you combine the invites with the very large number of games you've had with ALL NR's, it's rather obvious you didn't want real competition.

I have had a lot of worry and concern over this subject and quite frankly I have had enough. Dibbun in the thread all but told me to leave and deadbeat my games.The aggressors Dibbun and jefjef in my opinon have already got what they wanted. They are bullies. They will upset other members in the future I am sure.

Lol I would never tell anyone to deadbeat. Apparently with your 90% turn rate you don't need to be told anyway. I like that - I'm a "bully" because I'm saying that it should be beneath a Major (that's a high rank) to exclusively play scores of New Recruits to maintain his rank and win medals. What about you, using difficult map settings to annihilate new players? That's not bullying?

If this case is ruled in their favour - Mods Please just Ban me for life

It comes down to Does the mob rule or will Justice prevail?

this is my last entry

Regards *Snowman*

So dramatic - if you did nothing wrong, don't worry. If you did, learn from it.
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Re: *Snowman* - Systematic farming of new recruits[cleared]

Postby chang50 on Sat Jul 23, 2011 6:59 am

Just wondering is 'farming',actually against the cc rules or just considered bad form?
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Re: *Snowman* - Systematic farming of new recruits[cleared]

Postby DJPatrick on Sat Jul 23, 2011 8:39 am

V Much against the rules...
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