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accused KingJamie - intentional deadbeating [noted]

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accused KingJamie - intentional deadbeating [noted]

Postby GeneralAnestetic on Thu Jul 21, 2011 6:15 am



the accused are suspected of:

intentional deadbeating

game number:

Game 9442634

comments: doubles game, accused was my "teammate"

2011-07-21 03:28:22 - KingJamie: Dude i'm out of this game if youre going to be a jerk
2011-07-21 03:31:42 - KingJamie: Dude youre an asshole, have fun playing by first time back in years, great experience. Eat a dick dude

2011-07-21 03:52:39 - KingJamie missed a turn
2011-07-21 03:52:39 - KingJamie was kicked out for missing too many turns
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Re: accused KingJamie - intentional deadbeating

Postby eddie2 on Thu Jul 21, 2011 6:24 am

put the whole chat up if you were talking to him like a dick( you prob were) then he has every right not to play any games you are in esp if he is your team mate.
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Re: accused KingJamie - intentional deadbeating

Postby perchorin on Thu Jul 21, 2011 7:33 am

I guess since GeneralAnestetic's not allowed to leave ratings anymore this is how he's going to let the anger out. Anyone else see that recent South Park episode where Cartman goes to anger management classes? I wonder if the same root cause of his problem applies here...
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Re: accused KingJamie - intentional deadbeating

Postby SirSebstar on Thu Jul 21, 2011 9:25 am

intentional deadbeating is a partern, not a single isolated game. Do you have any such patterns to show? I would not be surprised if it would be noted, but i have not seen such a pattern. Besides, because of that you actually win.. is that not nice.
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Re: accused KingJamie - intentional deadbeating

Postby BoganGod on Thu Jul 21, 2011 9:36 am

[url]2011-07-21 20:27:33 - GeneralAnestetic: inexperience isn't the problem when i've left explicit instructions[/url]

maybe suggest rather than INSTRUCT EXPLICITLY. Trying to engender co operation and help a rusty teammate along requires some sensitivity. Been a drill sargent gets under peoples skin a little. You won the game, you were a bad teammate bossing the poor chap around like you owned him. You got some points, FAMO and suck it up cupcake. After all you said to him, he still had the decency to announce that he was going to miss turns, thus giving all players in the game notice that they would have time for a toilet or tea break.

Why don't you post what you said in team chat that made him so mad? You do know you can get pinged for making a spurious accusation. So is this just a case of being a bit butt sore because you can't tag him bad teammate? :lol: Your that upset about a game you won, that you want to go shopping for another slap on the wrist?
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Re: accused KingJamie - intentional deadbeating

Postby sunshining on Thu Jul 21, 2011 12:03 pm

I'm totally done with it. When will he be warned of a site ban,GeneralAnestetic stays current reporting posts about other players.He is the terrible player on the site. He can no longer give a person ratings.Every week he is reporting other players.
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Re: accused KingJamie - intentional deadbeating

Postby Dibbun on Thu Jul 21, 2011 12:25 pm

Unwritten Rules

Obviously any gross abuse of the game is forbidden. This includes but is not limited to: throwing games or deliberately benefiting from thrown games, intentional deadbeating, holding players hostage, serial teammate killing, hijacking accounts, systematically "farming" new recruits.

Doesn't say serial or systematic deadbeating, it just says intentional deadbeating. This deadbeating was surely intentional and unlike "strategic deadbeating" (to transfer cards to a partner) this could have led to a loss for the team. Game abuse and should be at least a warn.
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Re: accused KingJamie - intentional deadbeating

Postby eddie2 on Thu Jul 21, 2011 12:48 pm

Dibbun wrote:
Unwritten Rules

Obviously any gross abuse of the game is forbidden. This includes but is not limited to: throwing games or deliberately benefiting from thrown games, intentional deadbeating, holding players hostage, serial teammate killing, hijacking accounts, systematically "farming" new recruits.

Doesn't say serial or systematic deadbeating, it just says intentional deadbeating. This deadbeating was surely intentional and unlike "strategic deadbeating" (to transfer cards to a partner) this could have led to a loss for the team. Game abuse and should be at least a warn.

you really need to start looking at the whole thing.

Banter and some trash talking IS allowed in the Game Chats, provided it doesn't cross some specific lines.
While you might find some game chat disagreeable, uncouth, and boorish, cursing and using foul language may not be a breach of our Guidelines. Try kindly asking them to stop or ignoring them using your Foes List.
That said, what is not allowed is any form of bigotry, cyber-bullying/harassment or those extremes outlined in the Forum Guidelines. Please report any such comments that you find offensive.

the person starting this thread has previously been found guilty of abuse he goes around joining team games and if others join up and dont do his exact word he is abusive towards them. you cannot punish someone for saying enough is enough i am not playing with you anymore.
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Re: accused KingJamie - intentional deadbeating

Postby Dibbun on Thu Jul 21, 2011 12:52 pm

So he can foe and move on, even foe during the game and ignore GA's chat, but no excuse for trying to throw the game over it.
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Re: accused KingJamie - intentional deadbeating

Postby sunshining on Thu Jul 21, 2011 2:28 pm

yes buth its no reason to report somebody right away.
GeneralAnestetic is looking to piss people of for his own fun.
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Re: accused KingJamie - intentional deadbeating

Postby king achilles on Fri Jul 22, 2011 3:36 am

Although there may have been some disagreements between the team, it was his decision to deadbeat to get out of the game than to continue debating with his teammate. This has been noted.
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Re: accused KingJamie - intentional deadbeating [noted]

Postby GeneralAnestetic on Fri Jul 22, 2011 7:51 am

ha ha this is ludicrous. you don't even follow your own rules. intentional deadbeating is against the rules, unless of course the deadbeater didn't like his teammate.
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Re: accused KingJamie - intentional deadbeating [noted]

Postby eddie2 on Fri Jul 22, 2011 9:15 am

GeneralAnestetic wrote:ha ha this is ludicrous. you don't even follow your own rules. intentional deadbeating is against the rules, unless of course the deadbeater didn't like his teammate.

stop being a twat. at the end of it one game does not give enough evidence for a verdict. also in the rules you are so high and mighty about there is a passage that says the following.

Don't be intentionally annoying!

Common sense prevails - if you are intentionally or continually making this community less enjoyable for others, you're going to be removed from it. It's that simple. This applies to any part of the site where interaction takes place; in Forums, Private Messages, Live Chat and Game Chat.

If you understand this one prevailing rule you can probably stop reading now, or just give everything a glance-over. If you're not sure what 'common sense prevails' means, read on for the boring details. If you don't agree with this, sayonara.

from the game chat in the game mentioned
2011-07-21 03:31:42 - KingJamie: Dude youre an asshole, have fun playing by first time back in years, great experience. Eat a dick dude

so obviously you have been intentional annoying towards players in game chat,forum, and ratings. and your pathetic c and a threads because you cant rate players comes under this 2. so take a look and kick yourself from the site or change your ways because the mods will remove you if you continue.
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Re: accused KingJamie - intentional deadbeating [noted]

Postby jefjef on Fri Jul 22, 2011 11:41 am

GeneralAnestetic wrote:ha ha this is ludicrous. you don't even follow your own rules. intentional deadbeating is against the rules, unless of course the deadbeater didn't like his teammate.

NOTED is not cleared.. Just isn't at the level for a warning. If the offender does it again then this noted complaint will have bearing on the next incident.

I'm surprised that this was considered noted worthy cuz it really wasn't...
This post was made by jefjef who should be on your ignore list.
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