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*Snowman* - Systematic farming of NR's[cleared/noted]

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Re: *Snowman* - Systematic farming of new recruits

Postby ad10r3tr0 on Tue Jul 19, 2011 5:48 pm

Haha, why post that again? Haha, I'm already cleared of your bitch report. Nice try though!

Dibbun's favorite map is luxemborg... lololololol n00b

ok, take away those 10 games you posted...subract 50 points each game.. subract 500 points - im a 2100 still.. lmao!! which is still better than your n00b score and would still have a better win % than you..nice try again prick
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Re: *Snowman* - Systematic farming of new recruits

Postby Assassin07 on Tue Jul 19, 2011 6:08 pm

*Snowman* wrote:Sorry assassin my last post was directed at Dibbun not you. lol You got in before I posted
lol its all good i dont even see his post
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Re: *Snowman* - Systematic farming of new recruits

Postby Assassin07 on Tue Jul 19, 2011 6:09 pm

i say every one just chill out let him waste his time its a game its for fun and this ruins it
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Re: *Snowman* - Systematic farming of new recruits

Postby Assassin07 on Tue Jul 19, 2011 6:14 pm

Dibbun wrote:
assassin07 wrote:I say they make it where Nr can only play Nr until their 5 games is up if they finish 5 games and have a couple with Nr then thats fine but they will no longer be able to see Nr games and Nr would not be able to see ours or maybe just make it where Nr have a max of 5 games and can not join more then 5 till they are finished and they have a rank

I say quit farming, farmer.

Lol Farmer i bet i would farm you all day seem like your just mad you cant find your way to the top, a little advice stop wineing last time i check i never see blitz or and of the fellow conquerors sjnap scottland or any of them wine about who they played or other peeps did ...all this time you spend crying you could be getting better...but ya farmer do you see the games i play daily, lots of high ranks lol i guess you can say i farm them :D if farming majors and captians is posible lol i dont even like playing lower ranks kuz the risk of point i might lose so ya good day
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Re: *Snowman* - Systematic farming of new recruits

Postby safariguy5 on Tue Jul 19, 2011 6:31 pm

What is the definition of a "hard map"? I'd say a conquer style map like Feudal or Pelop Wars is a "hard map". A map with bombardments like Waterloo or Stalingrad is a "hard map". A map with objectives or one-way attacks like Das Schloss or Castle Lands or Oasis is a "hard map". CCU is not a hard map. The gameplay is straightforward, there are no victory conditions or anything that you wouldn't see on a regular Risk board. Playing CCU is like playing one of the Risk variants like Risk 2210. So that part of the report about playing difficult maps is debatable.

If you want to join a clan, you need a lot of team experience, so medal hunting yes, but it's not really going to get you into many clans Snowman. And even if you do get into one, most clan challenges are all team games anyways, so that's what you're going to be doing a lot in any clan.
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Re: *Snowman* - Systematic farming of new recruits

Postby *Snowman* on Tue Jul 19, 2011 6:55 pm

Thanks safariguy5 for your comments.

I really am looking to learn the Maps first before joining team games 2,3,4, players because I do not want to let them down. If I can not play a simple singles match what hope do I have in a team game. Once I have completed simpler maps I will progress to the complex ones. Then Random map medal & then I will be ready to offer my services to a decent Clan. At the moment I am really beginning to despair. How can I play different maps without New Members joining. Unless as I go down the list less will join.

Dibbun calls playing new members cheating. I think that is a very prejudiced view point. They are not artifical intelligence they are people. The site dictates a scoring policy to accommodate for their lack of expertise.
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Re: *Snowman* - Systematic farming of new recruits

Postby Dibbun on Tue Jul 19, 2011 6:58 pm

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Re: *Snowman* - Systematic farming of new recruits

Postby safariguy5 on Tue Jul 19, 2011 7:03 pm

Dibbun wrote:Read, then post.


I didn't say that this was a spurious report, I'm saying that your assertion that these are complex maps is not quite true. Asia, Arctic, Canada, CCC, Benelux, these are all maps with standard gameplay. Yes, the settings are conducive to farming, and inviting NR's is a big no no, but to say that these are complex maps is not quite true. However, you don't need to use complex maps to farm, so the rest of the case is valid and worth investigating.
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Re: *Snowman* - Systematic farming of new recruits

Postby *Snowman* on Tue Jul 19, 2011 7:30 pm

Hi there, thank you for your imput on the thread. Could you please do me a favour. Open three games 4/5 player from the first maps on cc's up to 'C' as that is as far as I have got so far and see what happens. Your choice. I am after manual, free style so those settings please. Then bring that evidence to the thread. Saying there are grounds for investigation is all but saying I am guility. I am allowed, or so I thought to open up to 50 games at once and any settings. So the point is, am I allowed or not? To say I farm is unfair without evidence. People see games with ? in them and come to the wrong conclusions. We all have a point of view. I think using special software to improve response time on freestyle is cheating, as I do two high rankers playing doubles with low rankers. Players decide what games/settings they want, the problem starts when others decide what is right and what is wrong.
Thanks to Dibbun tonight has been a blast, completely ruined.
Regards *Snowman*
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Re: *Snowman* - Systematic farming of new recruits

Postby safariguy5 on Tue Jul 19, 2011 8:15 pm

*Snowman* wrote:Hi there, thank you for your imput on the thread. Could you please do me a favour. Open three games 4/5 player from the first maps on cc's up to 'C' as that is as far as I have got so far and see what happens. Your choice. I am after manual, free style so those settings please. Then bring that evidence to the thread. Saying there are grounds for investigation is all but saying I am guility. I am allowed, or so I thought to open up to 50 games at once and any settings. So the point is, am I allowed or not? To say I farm is unfair without evidence. People see games with ? in them and come to the wrong conclusions. We all have a point of view. I think using special software to improve response time on freestyle is cheating, as I do two high rankers playing doubles with low rankers. Players decide what games/settings they want, the problem starts when others decide what is right and what is wrong.
Thanks to Dibbun tonight has been a blast, completely ruined.
Regards *Snowman*

If you're innocent, then you have nothing to fear. Freestyle games in general are considered easy pickings for farmers, and have no bearing on clan games. Your reasoning for getting medals is because you hope to be accepted to a clan. I've said twice now that clans don't look for manual or freestyle medals, mainly team games. I've joined and started many team games with my teammates. If you set up Automatic chained esc. spoils dubs/trips/quads games, you may get some new players join, but you'll also attract higher ranked premade teams. Manual and freestyle have no bearing on clan games.
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Re: *Snowman* - Systematic farming of new recruits

Postby Dibbun on Tue Jul 19, 2011 8:15 pm

Why are you inviting NR's to your games? That shows intent, so idk why you're hiding behind the "can't help who joins" defense.
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Re: *Snowman* - Systematic farming of new recruits

Postby safariguy5 on Tue Jul 19, 2011 8:16 pm

Dibbun wrote:Why are you inviting NR's to your games? That shows intent, so idk why you're hiding behind the "can't help who joins" defense.

I have to agree. Inviting new recruits is definitely a no no, I think Gen.LeeGettinhed was busted doing something similar to this.
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Re: *Snowman* - Systematic farming of new recruits

Postby *Snowman* on Tue Jul 19, 2011 8:30 pm

Dibbun you said I was inviting NR's to games remember? I did not. Also as I said before what you think is of no interest to me. What others think is. I thought we are innocent untill proven guilty? In your kangaroo court I am sure those rules don't apply. I am not 'hiding' behind anything. The facts are 15 different maps, 4 and 5 player, my set up, Not one complaint except by you. You prove I am Farming, I don't have to prove I am not. The other facts are you were foed by me. That is motive on your part to seek revenge. You have name called and tried to anger me and others. I am sure after the mods see this issue a fair decision will be made. This site is a pleasant place and your sugestions of cheating can only make it unpleasant for others.
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Re: *Snowman* - Systematic farming of new recruits

Postby *Snowman* on Tue Jul 19, 2011 8:38 pm

Also Dibbun I have 16 games still waiting for players and most of them have empty slots. You forgot that fact also. You are extremely dangerous and I am sure you will be making many more complaints and upsetting other members in the future. This is my last post on this issue unless the mods need clarification.
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Re: *Snowman* - Systematic farming of new recruits

Postby Dibbun on Tue Jul 19, 2011 8:39 pm

*Snowman* wrote:Dibbun you said I was inviting NR's to games remember? I did not.

You have a lot of nerve calling me a liar, especially since I posted game numbers and people had the opportunity to click them and see that at the time there were invitations out to new recruits. You obviously revoked the invitations because you know that you fucked up and now you're trying to drag my name down with yours. I should have taken screenshots, since farming and dishonor are two sides of the same coin. I'll be more prepared next time.
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Re: *Snowman* - Systematic farming of new recruits

Postby *Snowman* on Tue Jul 19, 2011 8:49 pm

When did I call you a liar? Also every number you listed is either active or still waiting check. You really are something else
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Re: *Snowman* - Systematic farming of new recruits

Postby Dibbun on Tue Jul 19, 2011 8:54 pm

*Snowman* wrote:When did I call you a liar? Also every number you listed is either active or still waiting check. You really are something else

You called me a liar here:

*Snowman* wrote:Dibbun you said I was inviting NR's to games remember? I did not.

Although you also said here:

*Snowman* wrote:As to the invite issue, yes some invites were sent (about half a dozen) to people that had already joined one or more of my games.

So you admitted that you did send invite to NR's. Just in case you want to ninjaedit that post (like how you disinvited those NR's after I called you on it) jefjef quoted it in this post.

Waiting on my apology for you calling me a liar.
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Re: *Snowman* - Systematic farming of new recruits

Postby jefjef on Tue Jul 19, 2011 9:00 pm

assassin07 wrote:i say every one just chill out let him waste his time its a game its for fun and this ruins it

That's funny. You are in here stirring things and baiting and trolling and double posting and then come in with this... :roll:

This complaint deff appears VERY valid. Dibbun was well within his right to file this and I bet CC will NOTE this if not outright issue a warning for it. The dude is even inviting new recruits to games with nothing but ??.. VERY questionable tactics and games.

*Snowman* wrote:Dibbun you said I was inviting NR's to games remember? I did not.

*Snowman* wrote:As to the invite issue, yes some invites were sent (about half a dozen) to people that had already joined one or more of my games.
This post was made by jefjef who should be on your ignore list.
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Re: *Snowman* - Systematic farming of new recruits

Postby macbone on Tue Jul 19, 2011 9:10 pm

Snowman, if you want those medals and want to avoid the problems inherent with playing NRs, just make 'em all 6+ player games. As it stands, you're creating a bunch of games on settings that NRs love to play.
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Re: *Snowman* - Systematic farming of new recruits

Postby *Snowman* on Wed Jul 20, 2011 4:54 am

Thanks macbone noted for the future.

Jefjef thanks also for your comment. So you are saying now that I don't have the right to defend myself? Also after a member makes a complaint people have a right to an opinion but I don't see why it should be added to the thread. Evidence yes malicious gossip no.

A serial complainer in itself is abuse. Because of Dibbun I will be winding down in a proper manner my games and will be leaving cc for a while. I spent three hours answering questions and defending myself (till 3 am) and have real issues in real life that are more important. This is a games site not a court room. I feel you jefjef and Dibbun enjoy the thread more than the games.

Thank you all that have had constructive comments with this thread.
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Re: *Snowman* - Systematic farming of new recruits

Postby jefjef on Wed Jul 20, 2011 9:32 am

*Snowman* wrote:Jefjef thanks also for your comment. So you are saying now that I don't have the right to defend myself? Also after a member makes a complaint people have a right to an opinion but I don't see why it should be added to the thread. Evidence yes malicious gossip no.

What? You pull this out the air? Of course you have a right to defend yourself. If you re-look at my post above this one what I am saying is directed at someone else... But anyway threads like these are crap. I just don't care to see questionable game play. This is just a game site. No good reasons to cheat.
This post was made by jefjef who should be on your ignore list.
drunkmonkey wrote:I'm filing a C&A report right now. Its nice because they have a drop-down for "jefjef".
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Re: *Snowman* - Systematic farming of new recruits

Postby *Snowman* on Wed Jul 20, 2011 9:53 am

No you are right no good reason. and I did not cheat so please stop name calling. Also we all have an idea what is questionable gameplay as we are human and are individuals with differing ideas. I hate to tell you the system decides what can and can not be done on the site as far as gaming is concerned. The problem arises when members (like you)care more about silly icons, badges and score than they do playing a game. In your case it is about control. You want to control me and make me play as you do. Sorry no can do. When I give you advice on how to play you can return the favor if that is ok with you. Thanks
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Re: *Snowman* - Systematic farming of new recruits

Postby jefjef on Wed Jul 20, 2011 10:24 am

*Snowman* wrote:No you are right no good reason. and I did not cheat so please stop name calling. Also we all have an idea what is questionable gameplay as we are human and are individuals with differing ideas. I hate to tell you the system decides what can and can not be done on the site as far as gaming is concerned. The problem arises when members (like you)care more about silly icons, badges and score than they do playing a game. In your case it is about control. You want to control me and make me play as you do. Sorry no can do. When I give you advice on how to play you can return the favor if that is ok with you. Thanks

Wow. What name did I call? Where are you coming up with this stuff. You read WAY too much into what is and isn't said.

Control? I and many others like to have an above the board - clean - mostly honest game...

Care about badges? I don't medal hunt but Isn't that what you claim YOU are doing? :roll:

Well anyway. I am going to go and exercise my control over you.

Good luck and good bye.
This post was made by jefjef who should be on your ignore list.
drunkmonkey wrote:I'm filing a C&A report right now. Its nice because they have a drop-down for "jefjef".
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Re: *Snowman* - Systematic farming of new recruits

Postby *Snowman* on Wed Jul 20, 2011 10:28 am

Thank goodness for that bye now
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Re: *Snowman* - Systematic farming of new recruits

Postby king achilles on Fri Jul 22, 2011 3:17 am

This is cleared. He uses different maps from time to time and they are also not complicated maps. However, to avoid future suspicions on you (*Snowman*), make more 6 - 8 player games as it seems you restricted yourself to only 5 - below player games which is where new recruits may be able to join.
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