To achieve balance, first you must grow. To grow, first you must learn. To learn, first you must listen. To listen, first you must shut the hell up. -Buddhist saying
You're a star-belly sneech You suck like a leach You want everyone to act like you Kiss ass while you bitch So you can get rich But your boss gets richer off you
1st in Centerscape Tournament 1st in LW's Red and Green Double Tournament! (with BagwellTheGreat) 2nd in Australian Open Tournament (with BagwellTheGreat) 2nd in Best 3 of 3 Tournament 2nd in North America Tournament
Dice stats are irrelevant. If I roll the same amount of 6's as everyone else, but my opponents role 6's at the same time, that's what matters, what's rolled opposite my dice. How about how many total guys I've won and lost while attacking?