jefjef wrote:do not forget the origin of this case. in the uk pansy has the same meaning as the f word
DOOM and General are both flying a USA flag. What anything means in the UK does not matter. The only thing that matters is how an AMERICAN interprets and uses words etc...
Yes, God bless America, and screw everyone else right?
What I would like to know is what relevance the sexual orientation of the devil has. If I'm reading the accusation correctly, and I'm trying to read between the incoherence. Panzy = homosexual devil. Which in the accusers eyes is a worse thing than a hetrosexual devil. So the thread starts with the accuser insinuating that a homosexual devil is worse/more evil/more of an insult than an asexual or hetrosexual devil. Startling knowledge of demonic sexuality eh?
So C&A mods, are we any closer to a list of naughty words?