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jejef (no following a dirrect command from mods)[closed]

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jejef (no following a dirrect command from mods)[closed]

Postby eddie2 on Wed Jul 13, 2011 2:26 am



The accused are suspected of:

not following a direct command from a moderator.

Other: me and jefjef have been told to not post in each others threads and stay away from each other by the following mod.
lord v
king a

Comments: i was banned for thye following comment
under the rule of falure to comply with a mods orders. jef jef has made a couple of comments towards myself over the last few months i did deal with them via the report a post icon but do not feel the reports were dealt with on the same level as myself. so i am making this report public.

in this thread jefjef has made a comment towards me as well trying to acuse me of a spurious report. i do now have to state that in a matter of fairness you treat this with the same harshness as my ban for a non flame or bait post that i made.(ps i have reported this post as well as my photo shop is not working at present.)
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Re: jejef (no following a dirrect command from several mods)

Postby demonfork on Wed Jul 13, 2011 2:48 am

I foed that douche ages ago
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Re: jejef (no following a dirrect command from several mods)

Postby grifftron on Wed Jul 13, 2011 3:24 am


wont you get banned again for making this thread about jefjef right after the mods told you to stay away from each other?

here we go again! :lol: 8-)

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Re: jejef (no following a dirrect command from several mods)

Postby eddie2 on Wed Jul 13, 2011 3:31 am

grifftron wrote:wait...

wont you get banned again for making this thread about jefjef right after the mods told you to stay away from each other?

here we go again! :lol: 8-)


i have tried to deal with this via the report the post icon previously and they have not dealt with it. So this is the only way i can have a fair outcome by making the report public.
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Re: jejef (no following a dirrect command from several mods)

Postby king achilles on Wed Jul 13, 2011 4:50 am

I am not siding with any of you two but jefjef does have a point in what he posted in the other thread. If you two start to get on each other nerves once again, think twice for both your own sake. Put each other on foe and ignore each other.
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Re: jejef (no following a dirrect command from several mods)

Postby eddie2 on Wed Jul 13, 2011 5:10 am

king achilles wrote:I am not siding with any of you two but jefjef does have a point in what he posted in the other thread. If you two start to get on each other nerves once again, think twice for both your own sake. Put each other on foe and ignore each other.

and king a i had a point asking them to update there challenge thread (due to the fact we had a challenge facing them starting) but i got a ban for it my post as highlighted there was no flame or bait in it.

on my appeal at that time you stated we had been told not to make any form of comment towards each other flame bait or in general. what your are now saying is if there is a valid point to a post it is ok. so plz explain my ban for the post highlighted is any different to his post and the others i have previously reported.

from your comment all i can understand is that it was a unfair ban you issued me. And you are not willing to act on the same level against the other party.
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Re: jejef (no following a dirrect command from mods)[closed]

Postby JoshyBoy on Wed Jul 13, 2011 8:46 am

Why can't you just be the bigger man eddie? Just ignore him.

Not impressed. [-(
drunkmonkey wrote:I honestly wonder why anyone becomes a mod on this site. You're the whiniest bunch of players imaginable.

Ron Burgundy wrote:Why don't you go back to your home on Whore Island?
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Re: jejef (no following a dirrect command from mods)[closed]

Postby eddie2 on Wed Jul 13, 2011 8:48 am

JoshyBoy wrote:Why can't you just be the bigger man eddie? Just ignore him.

Not impressed. [-(

its not about being the bigger man its about mods treating people equally if you punish one for something then you have to punish another for the same.
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Re: jejef (no following a dirrect command from mods)[closed]

Postby JoshyBoy on Wed Jul 13, 2011 8:51 am

Either way, it's still not the right move posting two C&A reports in this forum. Listen to your Joshy. :)
drunkmonkey wrote:I honestly wonder why anyone becomes a mod on this site. You're the whiniest bunch of players imaginable.

Ron Burgundy wrote:Why don't you go back to your home on Whore Island?
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Re: jejef (no following a dirrect command from mods)[closed]

Postby josko.ri on Wed Jul 13, 2011 12:20 pm

eddie2 wrote:its not about being the bigger man its about mods treating people equally if you punish one for something then you have to punish another for the same.

yes eddie2 I agree with that, and I am also trying to achieve that word of law is equal for everyone. but when I tried to achieve that you said:
so, how do you expect that word of law will be treated equally vs everyone, when you are the first one who in every possible way are trying to interrupt others whose point is the same like yours? (fighting for equal word of law for everyone)
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Re: jejef (no following a dirrect command from mods)[closed]

Postby jefjef on Wed Jul 13, 2011 12:35 pm

josko.ri wrote:
x wrote:its not about being the bigger man its about mods treating people equally if you punish one for something then you have to punish another for the same.

I agree with that, and I am also trying to achieve that word of law is equal for everyone. but when I tried to achieve that you said:
so, how do you expect that word of law will be treated equally vs everyone, when you are the first one who in every possible way are trying to interrupt others whose point is the same like yours? (fighting for equal word of law for everyone)

What is not being acknowledged is the alleged unequal punishment that is being complained about is that "x" was specifically warned to no longer post in a clan war thread, which had nothing to do with his clan, that he had previously visited and baited in. He chose to ignore that specific warning and received punishment for it.
This post was made by jefjef who should be on your ignore list.
drunkmonkey wrote:I'm filing a C&A report right now. Its nice because they have a drop-down for "jefjef".
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Re: jejef (no following a dirrect command from mods)[closed]

Postby eddie2 on Wed Jul 13, 2011 2:38 pm

josko.ri wrote:
eddie2 wrote:its not about being the bigger man its about mods treating people equally if you punish one for something then you have to punish another for the same.

yes eddie2 I agree with that, and I am also trying to achieve that word of law is equal for everyone. but when I tried to achieve that you said:
so, how do you expect that word of law will be treated equally vs everyone, when you are the first one who in every possible way are trying to interrupt others whose point is the same like yours? (fighting for equal word of law for everyone)

josko that case plz quote what else i was saying not part.

i was actually saying you had a gap of 8 months with only 3 games in the last 2 months were it can be seen someone was sitting for the player for a time period. i did state on my thought that if you could provide more up to date info my thought might change. but your claim was on info from last year.
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Re: jejef (no following a dirrect command from mods)[closed]

Postby josko.ri on Wed Jul 13, 2011 5:33 pm

eddie2 wrote:i did state on my thought that if you could provide more up to date info my thought might change. but your claim was on info from last year.

the same problem is here, part of your first (accusing) post is from January 2010. I regret if you have double standards and you think that facts from January are not relevant in my C&A report but are relevant here in this report.

so why did you reported someone for something that happened 6 months ago? dont you think it is old info? (as you think the same for the old data from my C&A report). if you expect the same rules for everyone, you should show the same standards for everyone, not change it from case to case ;)
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Re: jejef (no following a dirrect command from mods)[closed]

Postby eddie2 on Thu Jul 14, 2011 1:24 am

josko.ri wrote:
eddie2 wrote:i did state on my thought that if you could provide more up to date info my thought might change. but your claim was on info from last year.

the same problem is here, part of your first (accusing) post is from January 2010. I regret if you have double standards and you think that facts from January are not relevant in my C&A report but are relevant here in this report.

so why did you reported someone for something that happened 6 months ago? dont you think it is old info? (as you think the same for the old data from my C&A report). if you expect the same rules for everyone, you should show the same standards for everyone, not change it from case to case ;)

i have been reporting posts throughout that time josko feeling that mods were not dealing with them. listen i dont want to get into a arguement with you about your case. your case was different in the fact that all your evidence was pre bogangod draq noted case(december) i do feel that was the landmark case for that kind of abuse and did ask you if you had any more up to date evidence with forum posts or speed games getting played. that post you are quoteing was after a long chat in live chat were instead of you getting evidence for your present claim you were looking at evidence for another 2 tofu members. So i did feel it was a revenge thread i might be wrong but that was my feeling.
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Re: jejef (no following a dirrect command from mods)[closed]

Postby MegasWoman on Thu Jul 14, 2011 6:43 am

And all you were doing was trolling and baiting in our war thread Eddie. A war you were not involved in but yet persisted in posting in. You were told several times to stop. You did not. You got warned. You continued. You got a time out. You finally stopped. Comparing that to JJ posting in a C&A complaint in defense of the person you are accusing makes no sense what so ever...
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Re: jejef (no following a dirrect command from mods)[closed]

Postby eddie2 on Thu Jul 14, 2011 6:59 am

MegasWoman wrote:And all you were doing was trolling and baiting in our war thread Eddie. A war you were not involved in but yet persisted in posting in. You were told several times to stop. You did not. You got warned. You continued. You got a time out. You finally stopped. Comparing that to JJ posting in a C&A complaint in defense of the person you are accusing makes no sense what so ever...

wait a min
jp = stay away from each other in clan pages.
king a= stay away from each other in forums
lord v= stay away from each other in forums.
(due to jefjef using another players account to post abuse in game chat towards myself)

i got busted for posting in clan pages 1 mod said so.
jefjef gets off with posting in other forums against 2 mods say so. he gets off with it.

also why are you even posting you were told to stay away 2.
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Re: jejef (no following a dirrect command from mods)[closed]

Postby josko.ri on Thu Jul 14, 2011 7:49 am

eddie2 wrote:jp = stay away from each other in clan pages.
king a= stay away from each other in forums
lord v= stay away from each other in forums.

eddie2, what you quoted here is 6 months old. you recently said that in YOUR opinion, any evidence older than 5 months is not relevant. so please do not use evidence older than 5 months in you cases, as YOU think that is old info.
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Re: jejef (no following a dirrect command from mods)[closed]

Postby lord voldemort on Thu Jul 14, 2011 7:54 am

wasnt this closed 24 hours ago...seriously get over it children
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Re: jejef (no following a dirrect command from mods)[closed]

Postby jefjef on Thu Jul 14, 2011 1:06 pm

Could we have this clearly spurious bait thread that was already cleared locked?
This post was made by jefjef who should be on your ignore list.
drunkmonkey wrote:I'm filing a C&A report right now. Its nice because they have a drop-down for "jefjef".
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