by InsomniaRed on Sun Jul 10, 2011 9:30 pm
How did you come up with your username?
How did you first find Conquer Club?
Do you miss Flame Wars?
Who is the fairest mod on the site?
Who is the sexiest mod on the site?
Who is the creepiest mod on the site? (just kidding, we all know that's Sully)
What is your favorite map?
Which map do you think has the most fun gameplay?
Which map is the nicest to look at?
Where is your favorite place(s) you have traveled to on holiday?
How did you decide what profession you wanted to work in?
Are you sexier than lord voldemort? Is your accent sexier as well?
What medal was the hardest one to earn for you, so far?
When are you coming to L.A.?
Are you currently drunk?
Are you currently hungover?
What is your favorite Social Usergroup?
Did you find leaving the bandits hard, like a break up? Or were you relieved to be able to start anew, with a clan of your own?
Who is your favorite bandit?
Pick one: TheForgivenOne or rdsrds2120
Favorite Disney princess?
Top 3 favorite movies?
Favorite author(s)?
Favorite actor/actress?
Are you really, really, really good looking? Are you going to post a picture of you doing Blue Steel in the Post a PIcture of Yourself thread?
Is it true that you and InsomniaRed have been having an affair for 8 months?
I will always love you Nick, Forever.

I will always love you Nick, Forever.