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ad10r3tr0 - Systematic farming of new recruits[cleared]

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Re: ad10r3tr0 - Systematic farming of new recruits

Postby KraphtOne on Mon Jul 11, 2011 8:39 pm

ad10r3tr0 wrote:I have rocketed up the scoreboard because I am good at the setting that I like to play!! I have beated PLENTY of competition from brigs to privates to NR players that actually play and actually some have beaten me.

4 player public pelop. settings map rank :

Major256 +1244 52 from 68(76%) 143 Grim Reaper (91%)148 Point Hoarder (0.580)

2,3,5,6,7,and 8 player pelop. settings map rank :

Corporal61 +139 11 from 17(65%) 15 Serial Killer (73%)2 Equalitarian (0.818)

out of 17 games you won 2 out of 3 against players relatively ranked near you...

out of 68 games against new recruits you won 4 out of every 5 games for a much larger gain in points...

and i agree that you should be able to start whatever games you want to, if CC has a problem with new recruits joining that settings then they should fix that... (perhaps new recruits cannot join against players ranked above lieutenant) either way its not your fault and therefore shouldnt be your problem... but please, these games clearly boosted your score ;)
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Re: ad10r3tr0 - Systematic farming of new recruits[pending]e

Postby KraphtOne on Mon Jul 11, 2011 8:44 pm

and i hate this map but here are my stats under 5 player public pelop...

Peloponnesian War Sergeant82 +318 17 from 21(81%) 67 Grim Reaper (94%)8 N00b Farmer (0.381)

difference is i stopped making them after one batch when i saw it was a noob magnet, cause lord knows i don't need any more warnings...

will have to look elsewhere for nuke medal
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Re: ad10r3tr0 - Systematic farming of new recruits

Postby ljex on Mon Jul 11, 2011 9:37 pm

ad10r3tr0 wrote:Yea, I read about your case Ljex. I pay for this site, so I should be able to play the setting, game that i want to... I mean that is pretty logical right to say that? As I posted in suggestions forum... we all learned how to play risk on classic, well most of us... classic is the standard why not make it the only map new recruits can play? for 5 games or whatever..

haha my actual case is completely different as i never played new recruits, just an example of how just because you create games does not make you innocent of people thinking you are a farmer.

Oh and one of the huge draws to new players is CC's wide variety of maps so i doubt the idea to only let them play classic will gain traction
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Re: ad10r3tr0 - Systematic farming of new recruits[pending]e

Postby Dibbun on Mon Jul 11, 2011 9:40 pm

Another draw to CC is the idea that the leaderboards have a semblance of integrity. Based on his farming, I do not recognize ad10r3tr0's rank - he has a paper crown.
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Re: ad10r3tr0 - Systematic farming of new recruits[pending]e

Postby ljex on Mon Jul 11, 2011 9:55 pm

Dibbun wrote:Another draw to CC is the idea that the leaderboards have a semblance of integrity. Based on his farming, I do not recognize ad10r3tr0's rank - he has a paper crown.

have you not bothered to look at the last 20 conquerors? or most of the top 10?
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Re: ad10r3tr0 - Systematic farming of new recruits[pending]e

Postby Dibbun on Mon Jul 11, 2011 9:57 pm

I agree it's a problem, and that's a reason I support a hardline stance against systematic farming.
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Re: ad10r3tr0 - Systematic farming of new recruits[pending]e

Postby Frop on Tue Jul 12, 2011 5:19 am

Seriously, we had the same discussion years ago and it simply doesn't resolve any issues. Farmers who achieve high ranks are always frowned upon and carry a stigma until they resort to "fair play". Give it a rest and keep the spiteful rapports out of C&A, thank you very much.
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Re: ad10r3tr0 - Systematic farming of new recruits[pending]e

Postby Assassin07 on Tue Jul 12, 2011 12:25 pm

Frop wrote:Seriously, we had the same discussion years ago and it simply doesn't resolve any issues. Farmers who achieve high ranks are always frowned upon and carry a stigma until they resort to "fair play". Give it a rest and keep the spiteful rapports out of C&A, thank you very much.

True that
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Re: ad10r3tr0 - Systematic farming of new recruits[pending]e

Postby Melichor on Tue Jul 12, 2011 12:26 pm

Seriously, this thread is a waste of time and a waste of moderation that can be used elsewhere. Pelo is a tough map that should be restricted against NRs. If I were to create games should I kick or dump them if new people join?
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Re: ad10r3tr0 - Systematic farming of new recruits[pending]e

Postby Assassin07 on Tue Jul 12, 2011 12:35 pm

Melichor wrote:Seriously, this thread is a waste of time and a waste of moderation that can be used elsewhere. Pelo is a tough map that should be restricted against NRs. If I were to create games should I kick or dump them if new people join?

I was about to say the same thing you are wasting mods time when they could be doing better things like finding multi' farming intentional or just making a game of your favorite settings and NR's join NR's are part of the game and always will be so give it a rest there wouldnt even be rules about farming if people didnt wine about the previous peeps who did it and made it up high ya maybe it was cheap but they made it and every one farms when you make a team or 1vs1 game on your best map a map you know you win 70-90% of the time i see that as farming i mean my best map is aor 1 1vs1 freestyle speed games and sometimes majors+ join and most the time its a easy win (and i dont play it for that i play it kuz iv always loved the map ) but to me im farming majors :D its just a game calm down and stop taking it so serious i mean you never even really played with the guy and you report this just to waste peeps time i could understand if he was inviting one player to the same game over and over and winning but thats not the case how would you fill if they told you you couldnt play a game or map just kuz who joined bottom line get over it.-Assassin07
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Re: ad10r3tr0 - Systematic farming of new recruits[pending]e

Postby gcwca_4_life on Wed Jul 13, 2011 1:05 pm

Woah woah woah! First thing first, your just getting more and more annoying Dibbun....

One more thing... Think ya idiot.. You can't control who joins your games... (unless you do as KLOBBER, and foe everyone and anyone who has any kind of skill)

I've had a few post like this posted about me... And if they do as they should, this should be cleared, and nothing done, unless it keeps going on...

But ya can't help it if the map and settings you like are one that just happens to not fill in time enough before new recruits get to it.. It happens, so get your panties out your mouth and go cry to your mommie!

Gcw out! :twisted:
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Re: ad10r3tr0 - Systematic farming of new recruits[pending]e

Postby Dibbun on Wed Jul 13, 2011 1:55 pm

Before you try to be the internet toughguy why don't you read the whole thread first?

I linked to this quote by lackattack:

"Newbie Farming" is the technique of setting up as many games as possible (either by starting or joining them) with New Recruits to gain easy points by taking advantage of difficult game options and the fact the New Recruits are more likely to deadbeat.

If illiteracy was warnable I swear this forum would get spammed like crazy with threads.
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Re: ad10r3tr0 - Systematic farming of new recruits[pending]e

Postby ad10r3tr0 on Wed Jul 13, 2011 5:57 pm

Dibbun wrote:Before you try to be the internet toughguy why don't you read the whole thread first?

I linked to this quote by lackattack:

"Newbie Farming" is the technique of setting up as many games as possible (either by starting or joining them) with New Recruits to gain easy points by taking advantage of difficult game options and the fact the New Recruits are more likely to deadbeat.

If illiteracy was warnable I swear this forum would get spammed like crazy with threads.

This is all good you you hypocrite, however, let me highlight the key word.setting up as many games as possible.. I never have set up as many games as possible... Like i said, I set up anywhere between 5-10 games at a time.. yeah, thats as many games as possible isn't it? Get your facts straight hypocrite!

Diffucult game options? The settings actually are some of the easiest out there, sequential, unlimited forts, no cards.

Will you quit about the illiteracy, that is off topic and does not belong in this thread! Thanks asshole goodbye now
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Re: ad10r3tr0 - Systematic farming of new recruits[pending]e

Postby Frop on Wed Jul 13, 2011 6:13 pm

It still has very different gameplay mechanics (one could consider those "game options" in this context) and nearly half your games have been played on this map.
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Re: ad10r3tr0 - Systematic farming of new recruits[pending]e

Postby ad10r3tr0 on Wed Jul 13, 2011 6:17 pm

and..what's your point if i have over half my games on it? I love the map! I'm going to play games on it.. I paid for this site!

Gameplay mechanics arent much different at all really...
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Re: ad10r3tr0 - Systematic farming of new recruits[pending]e

Postby ad10r3tr0 on Wed Jul 13, 2011 6:21 pm

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Re: ad10r3tr0 - Systematic farming of new recruits[pending]e

Postby safariguy5 on Wed Jul 13, 2011 6:39 pm

Do you know how most NR's join games? By going to the join game tab and clicking on the first couple of games on the first page.

Even if you do get ranked, you often see a high ranked team beating down on some cooks and low ranks on a difficult map, usually using freestyle.

Unless you're going to restrict certain rank players from playing in certain games, I cannot see how you would possibly be able to draw the line and say "hey, it's farming if you do it by yourself, but doing it with a team is ok". The definition is too difficult to enforce and there's a lot of different variables that factor into the decision.

This particular case to me does not have the scope (not enough games at a time) nor the intent (auto settings, unlimited forts) to prove farming. And there are plenty of people who set up public games with the effect of low ranking people joining and usually being beaten. By trying to choke off public game creation, you're going to cause a point divide in the scoreboard, probably cause a good amount of people to quit, and still not solve anything.

Seriously, it's a damn online game, who really cares what score you have?
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Re: ad10r3tr0 - Systematic farming of new recruits[pending]e

Postby ljex on Wed Jul 13, 2011 11:10 pm

safariguy5 wrote:Do you know how most NR's join games? By going to the join game tab and clicking on the first couple of games on the first page.

Even if you do get ranked, you often see a high ranked team beating down on some cooks and low ranks on a difficult map, usually using freestyle.

Unless you're going to restrict certain rank players from playing in certain games, I cannot see how you would possibly be able to draw the line and say "hey, it's farming if you do it by yourself, but doing it with a team is ok". The definition is too difficult to enforce and there's a lot of different variables that factor into the decision.

This particular case to me does not have the scope (not enough games at a time) nor the intent (auto settings, unlimited forts) to prove farming. And there are plenty of people who set up public games with the effect of low ranking people joining and usually being beaten. By trying to choke off public game creation, you're going to cause a point divide in the scoreboard, probably cause a good amount of people to quit, and still not solve anything.

Seriously, it's a damn online game, who really cares what score you have?

The line is not how you do it but who you do it too. It just so happens that ?'s are the line and it appears it has been crossed here. There are obv ways to farm but lacks goal in this rule is to avoid people playing ?'s and giving them a bad experience that will make them leave, something he figures is less likely after the first 5 games are complete
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Re: ad10r3tr0 - Systematic farming of new recruits[pending]e

Postby safariguy5 on Thu Jul 14, 2011 1:16 am

ljex wrote:
safariguy5 wrote:Do you know how most NR's join games? By going to the join game tab and clicking on the first couple of games on the first page.

Even if you do get ranked, you often see a high ranked team beating down on some cooks and low ranks on a difficult map, usually using freestyle.

Unless you're going to restrict certain rank players from playing in certain games, I cannot see how you would possibly be able to draw the line and say "hey, it's farming if you do it by yourself, but doing it with a team is ok". The definition is too difficult to enforce and there's a lot of different variables that factor into the decision.

This particular case to me does not have the scope (not enough games at a time) nor the intent (auto settings, unlimited forts) to prove farming. And there are plenty of people who set up public games with the effect of low ranking people joining and usually being beaten. By trying to choke off public game creation, you're going to cause a point divide in the scoreboard, probably cause a good amount of people to quit, and still not solve anything.

Seriously, it's a damn online game, who really cares what score you have?

The line is not how you do it but who you do it too. It just so happens that ?'s are the line and it appears it has been crossed here. There are obv ways to farm but lacks goal in this rule is to avoid people playing ?'s and giving them a bad experience that will make them leave, something he figures is less likely after the first 5 games are complete

Still, this isn't some DH style invite abuse or something like that. You can lead a horse to water, you can't make him drink.

So by this logic, new recruits are forced to play lower ranked players and have no way to prove themselves by beating higher ranked players? Seems like you're unnecessarily holding them back.
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Re: ad10r3tr0 - Systematic farming of new recruits[pending]e

Postby king achilles on Thu Jul 14, 2011 3:53 am

Enough with the flaming again. Geeezzz...

I do not see that many new recruits joining in the accused' games therefore, I would clear this case. I can recommend that the Peloponnesian War map be added to the new recruits restricted map, and if possible, fog settings as well.
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Re: ad10r3tr0 - Systematic farming of new recruits[cleared]

Postby ad10r3tr0 on Thu Jul 14, 2011 9:16 am

Thank you KA! I also recommend that the Peloponnesian War map be added to the new recruits block list.... Nice try Dibbun lol
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Re: ad10r3tr0 - Systematic farming of new recruits[cleared]

Postby jefjef on Thu Jul 14, 2011 11:40 am

ad10r3tr0 wrote:Thank you KA!

You weren't all that far from having a different decision. You have a good start towards one.
This post was made by jefjef who should be on your ignore list.
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Re: ad10r3tr0 - Systematic farming of new recruits[cleared]

Postby Leehar on Thu Jul 14, 2011 1:42 pm

for the record, my multi-player Feudal fog loss to tdans, was influential in making me stick with the site as an NR 'cos I was just so curious about how he beat us so easily ;)
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Re: ad10r3tr0 - Systematic farming of new recruits[cleared]

Postby ljex on Thu Jul 14, 2011 5:29 pm

jefjef wrote:
ad10r3tr0 wrote:Thank you KA!

You weren't all that far from having a different decision. You have a good start towards one.

IMO you should have had a different decision and had dibbum waited a few more weeks to report you you probably would have been on the other end of this. He was correct to report you though
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Re: ad10r3tr0 - Systematic farming of new recruits[cleared]

Postby safariguy5 on Thu Jul 14, 2011 5:48 pm

ljex wrote:
jefjef wrote:
ad10r3tr0 wrote:Thank you KA!

You weren't all that far from having a different decision. You have a good start towards one.

IMO you should have had a different decision and had dibbum waited a few more weeks to report you you probably would have been on the other end of this. He was correct to report you though

But if this is an issue about quantity, then over time, anyone could theoretically be accused of farming.

Let's say I set up Pelop wars games in the same manner. For example, 5 every two weeks. So in 6 months, I would have made 60 games. Then, someone could open up a C&A thread and accuse me of farming?

I think we need to look at the games in question as % of active games. If it's just a setting that the player enjoys and isn't actively trying to farm, then the % of games in question in relation to total active games at that time should make clear intentions.
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