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ad10r3tr0 - Systematic farming of new recruits[cleared]

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ad10r3tr0 - Systematic farming of new recruits[cleared]

Postby Dibbun on Fri Jul 08, 2011 10:19 pm

Accused: ad10r3tr0


The accused are suspected of:

Systematic farming of new recruits

Game number(s):

Game 9355414 - 3/3 new recruits
Game 9355395 - 3/3 new recruits
Game 9355393 - 3/3 new recruits
Game 9355390 - 3/3 new recruits
Game 9355387 - 2/3 new recruits
Game 9264758 - 2/3 new recruits
Game 9264757 - 2/3 new recruits
Game 9139122 - 2/3 new recruits
Game 9139118 - 3/3 new recruits
Game 9139110 - 3/3 new recruits
Game 9139102 - 3/3 new recruits ... r3tr0&so=D

Comments: There's more.. this is about half of his page 1 games with at least 2/3 of his opponents being new recruits.
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Re: ad10r3tr0 - Systematic farming of new recruits

Postby ad10r3tr0 on Fri Jul 08, 2011 11:50 pm

Haha, Is Dibbun the whiniest little bitch here on CC or what?

Let me start off by explaining...
1. I can't help who joins my games. Maybe if Dibbun had some balls he could join and be taught a lesson and that would be 1 less recruit. But he obviously doesn't with all of his utter bullshit he posts.

2. All I play is Pelo War. It has 8 starting points.. I know if a game has like 6 people they are blocked from new recruits to join. However, with 8 starting positions, everyone gets a fair 2 starting positions which is the best setting by FAR. Also, with more than 4 players or less than 4 players there are extreme disadvantages and where your starting off and who you are next to or next to a neutral causes an extreme unbalanced gameplay. And thus, why 4 players is best. Nothing less and nothing more.
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Re: ad10r3tr0 - Systematic farming of new recruits

Postby ad10r3tr0 on Fri Jul 08, 2011 11:52 pm

And way to pick out like 1% of the total games I have played. Good job moto! I play plenty of good competition around here, and only once in a while do i get stuck with 2/3 new recruits. Also, there have been plenty of instances where the new recruit does play the game.
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Re: ad10r3tr0 - Systematic farming of new recruits

Postby Dibbun on Sat Jul 09, 2011 12:04 am

TheForgivenOne on March 19, 2011 said this from this thread: viewtopic.php?f=239&t=140612




MrPipes What your saying is he is systematically farming new players with a preset game strategy and that is ok on this site?

The rule on this site ONLY is in affect if New Recruits are being played. Not low ranks.

^^ AND...

He doesn't 'systematically farm' them... they join on their own. He doesn't go around and join the all, they join his games. And as you might have noticed, he doesn't even invite them.

Rulings in the past have actually had warnings and Point Resets for players who set up a ton of one gametype in hopes that it attracts only attracts New Recruits. So that doesn't exactly fly anymore.

You have set up a ton of one gametype and it has attracted New Recruits.
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Re: ad10r3tr0 - Systematic farming of new recruits

Postby Royal Panda on Sat Jul 09, 2011 12:34 am

Dibbun wrote:TheForgivenOne on March 19, 2011 said this from this thread: viewtopic.php?f=239&t=140612




MrPipes What your saying is he is systematically farming new players with a preset game strategy and that is ok on this site?

The rule on this site ONLY is in affect if New Recruits are being played. Not low ranks.

^^ AND...

He doesn't 'systematically farm' them... they join on their own. He doesn't go around and join the all, they join his games. And as you might have noticed, he doesn't even invite them.

Rulings in the past have actually had warnings and Point Resets for players who set up a ton of one gametype in hopes that it attracts only attracts New Recruits. So that doesn't exactly fly anymore.

You have set up a ton of one gametype and it has attracted New Recruits.

You missed out the crucial word from TFO's judgement: "hopes". Now excuse me, I'm off to collect some faggots.
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Re: ad10r3tr0 - Systematic farming of new recruits

Postby basic_man2010_20 on Sat Jul 09, 2011 10:40 am

you might get noted at most....

eye84free wrote:Ok this is alot to take in. But I think I got it.
First off, I cant find any proff that he invited the players to the games, this being said he can not control the people who join, most games were noobs that joined but some other players that are more expeiranced also joined some. So for farming as it stands now I will note this for future referance.

this is a quote from the aboive link
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Re: ad10r3tr0 - Systematic farming of new recruits

Postby KraphtOne on Sat Jul 09, 2011 8:57 pm

I got a warning, you got "noted" this guy will get "cleared" next guy will get "point reset"

It's literally just whatever mood they're in
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Re: ad10r3tr0 - Systematic farming of new recruits

Postby Rodion on Sat Jul 09, 2011 9:24 pm

viewtopic.php?f=239&t=129452 - noted


Coincidentally, it was the same practice on the same map.
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Re: ad10r3tr0 - Systematic farming of new recruits

Postby Lubawski on Sun Jul 10, 2011 8:47 am

Rodion wrote: - noted


Coincidentally, it was the same practice on the same map.

Same map, not the same practice by the looks of it. 4 player vs. 5 player. I agree that any conquest maps is ideal when players have 2 starting points. The site needs to find a way of blocking new recruits from these games if they are that concerned. For those who do systematically farm new recruits, what a waste of time. I'm not sure people can convince themselves that 1. points really matter than much and 2. using cheap tactics to gain those points somehow validates your intelligence. A win is only a win if the opponent is worthy.
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Re: ad10r3tr0 - Systematic farming of new recruits

Postby basic_man2010_20 on Sun Jul 10, 2011 10:41 am

KraphtOne wrote:I got a warning, you got "noted" this guy will get "cleared" next guy will get "point reset"

It's literally just whatever mood they're in

well this is deffinatley interesting here i think they need to keep to useing the same jugement and not jump all over the place especially if the same evidance is used on each case
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Re: ad10r3tr0 - Systematic farming of new recruits

Postby IR1SH ACE on Sun Jul 10, 2011 2:24 pm

first off Dibbun u are really startin to show how much of "tard" u are and ur latest C&A report is just about as much a waste of time as every other C&A report u hav opened....

DBo - anti-gay slur[warned]...I along with alot other people (including the accused here..ad10r3tr0) felt there was no justification for openin this report other than just been a DICK

Darwins_Bane possible script?[cleared]...another dumb report

Racist thread [CLOSED]....another waste of time report to bring to the attention of the community

this latest report is rubbish, I have had a look and in total I found about 30 games that ad10r3tr0 has played involving 2/3 New Recruits and that accounts for a whoopin 7% of his total games played :o
Also nearly all of those 30 games hav been in the last few months on Pelop War and I would agree with ad10r3tr0 explanation of playin Pelop War with 4 people is the best way, if this had been all done on Classic Map and over a longer period of time then I think there would be some merit to ur claim,

I think Lubawski is spot on here....
Lubawski wrote:Same map, not the same practice by the looks of it. 4 player vs. 5 player. I agree that any conquest maps is ideal when players have 2 starting points. The site needs to find a way of blocking new recruits from these games if they are that concerned. For those who do systematically farm new recruits, what a waste of time. I'm not sure people can convince themselves that 1. points really matter than much and 2. using cheap tactics to gain those points somehow validates your intelligence. A win is only a win if the opponent is worthy.

New recruits should only have access to standard style maps (Classic/Ireland/England/........plenty more) and not be allowed join conquest style maps (Pelop War/Kings Court/.....) I am sure there are lots of people on this site who play/played many times on conquest style maps which hav 8 startin positions on 4 way games because it makes sense and are not lookin to attract New Recruits but inevitably the way the site is set up that is what happens and if u had a REAL problem with this (not just that ur been vindictive towards ad10r3tr0 due to comments made in other stupid reports opened by u) then open up a thread in the suggestions forum

I think the mods need to end this case and maybe think about handin out a warnin to Dibbun for opening another stupid report
thank god there are people like Dibbun out there keepin the site fair & safe for the rest of us ;)
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Re: ad10r3tr0 - Systematic farming of new recruits

Postby Assassin07 on Sun Jul 10, 2011 2:50 pm

I do not see this as a rule violation i have been beatin by a recruit b4 and i see very player is the same it dont matter rank recruits have 1000 points people play cooks with less points all the time and no problem who cares if he makes games how are you gnna tell him he pays to play CC and cant make the game with the map and settings he likes it aint his fault who joins
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Re: ad10r3tr0 - Systematic farming of new recruits

Postby Dibbun on Sun Jul 10, 2011 3:03 pm

Source: viewtopic.php?f=1&t=73745

lackattack wrote:"Newbie Farming" is the technique of setting up as many games as possible (either by starting or joining them) with New Recruits to gain easy points by taking advantage of difficult game options and the fact the New Recruits are more likely to deadbeat. Some players have been farming extensively - even sending hundreds of PMs to the latest members to get them into their games.

This is a gross abuse of the game. It gives the New Recruit "victims" a poor first experience and reduces the chances of them sticking around. As farmers move up the scoreboard it also harms the competitive nature of Conquer Club - the scoreboard is meant to measure skill in the game, not "harvesting" techniques.

In accordance with the desires and feedback of the majority of the community, our rules and as a new leaf for 2009, it is our New Years resolution to make Newbie Farming forbidden. Members who continue this practice will receive point resets and then progressively longer website bans.

This does not mean you will get in trouble for joining a game here and there with many new recruits. We are only talking about the systematic targeting of new recruits.

Here's a good argument made by karelpietertje.

Source: viewtopic.php?p=2838768#p2838768

karelpietertje wrote:Everybody knows you get only New Recruits if you pick 5 player games as a setting.
Then pick a map that is in the list of maps New Recruits can join, and make a whole bunch of them.
New Recruits can't see 6-8 man games, so in the Join A Game list, they will pretty soon show up at the first page, while at the same time, it's still on like page 30 for the rest of CC.

These games were specifically created en masse to attract new recruits with no intention of them being filled by ranked players. It was systematic farming.
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Re: ad10r3tr0 - Systematic farming of new recruits

Postby Assassin07 on Sun Jul 10, 2011 3:09 pm

Even if thay are whats the big deal they are still players and we all got to learn how to play i know i lost lots of games to higher ranks but got better i could understand if that is the only game the person plays but some people report peeps that play a few recruits here and there but also play other peeps but when you make a public game any one can join and thats it you cant chose who and if they join their fault its messed up he will get in trouble when he didnt make them join or even asked
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Re: ad10r3tr0 - Systematic farming of new recruits

Postby TheForgivenOne on Sun Jul 10, 2011 3:32 pm

assassin07 wrote:Even if thay are whats the big deal they are still players and we all got to learn how to play i know i lost lots of games to higher ranks but got better i could understand if that is the only game the person plays but some people report peeps that play a few recruits here and there but also play other peeps but when you make a public game any one can join and thats it you cant chose who and if they join their fault its messed up he will get in trouble when he didnt make them join or even asked

Doesn't matter. A majority of NR's that join this site, either A: Have no clue what they are doing or B: Leave the site. So in a majority of games, most New Recruits deadbeat out of it, leaving a very experienced player on a map going against 1 maybe 2 people who have 0 knowledge of the map/game. Heck, a lot of times all the NR's deadbeat out of the game.
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Re: ad10r3tr0 - Systematic farming of new recruits

Postby Assassin07 on Sun Jul 10, 2011 4:19 pm

TheForgivenOne wrote:
assassin07 wrote:Even if thay are whats the big deal they are still players and we all got to learn how to play i know i lost lots of games to higher ranks but got better i could understand if that is the only game the person plays but some people report peeps that play a few recruits here and there but also play other peeps but when you make a public game any one can join and thats it you cant chose who and if they join their fault its messed up he will get in trouble when he didnt make them join or even asked

Doesn't matter. A majority of NR's that join this site, either A: Have no clue what they are doing or B: Leave the site. So in a majority of games, most New Recruits deadbeat out of it, leaving a very experienced player on a map going against 1 maybe 2 people who have 0 knowledge of the map/game. Heck, a lot of times all the NR's deadbeat out of the game.

Ya but thats not his fualt
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Re: ad10r3tr0 - Systematic farming of new recruits

Postby TheForgivenOne on Sun Jul 10, 2011 4:21 pm

assassin07 wrote:
TheForgivenOne wrote:
assassin07 wrote:Even if thay are whats the big deal they are still players and we all got to learn how to play i know i lost lots of games to higher ranks but got better i could understand if that is the only game the person plays but some people report peeps that play a few recruits here and there but also play other peeps but when you make a public game any one can join and thats it you cant chose who and if they join their fault its messed up he will get in trouble when he didnt make them join or even asked

Doesn't matter. A majority of NR's that join this site, either A: Have no clue what they are doing or B: Leave the site. So in a majority of games, most New Recruits deadbeat out of it, leaving a very experienced player on a map going against 1 maybe 2 people who have 0 knowledge of the map/game. Heck, a lot of times all the NR's deadbeat out of the game.

Ya but thats not his fualt

So you're saying it's fair that he rockets up the scoreboard all because all his opponents deadbeat?
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Re: ad10r3tr0 - Systematic farming of new recruits

Postby ad10r3tr0 on Sun Jul 10, 2011 4:41 pm

Dibbun wrote:Source: viewtopic.php?f=1&t=73745

lackattack wrote:"Newbie Farming" is the technique of setting up as many games as possible (either by starting or joining them) with New Recruits to gain easy points by taking advantage of difficult game options and the fact the New Recruits are more likely to deadbeat. Some players have been farming extensively - even sending hundreds of PMs to the latest members to get them into their games.

This is a gross abuse of the game. It gives the New Recruit "victims" a poor first experience and reduces the chances of them sticking around. As farmers move up the scoreboard it also harms the competitive nature of Conquer Club - the scoreboard is meant to measure skill in the game, not "harvesting" techniques.

In accordance with the desires and feedback of the majority of the community, our rules and as a new leaf for 2009, it is our New Years resolution to make Newbie Farming forbidden. Members who continue this practice will receive point resets and then progressively longer website bans.

This does not mean you will get in trouble for joining a game here and there with many new recruits. We are only talking about the systematic targeting of new recruits.

Here's a good argument made by karelpietertje.

Source: viewtopic.php?p=2838768#p2838768

karelpietertje wrote:Everybody knows you get only New Recruits if you pick 5 player games as a setting.
Then pick a map that is in the list of maps New Recruits can join, and make a whole bunch of them.
New Recruits can't see 6-8 man games, so in the Join A Game list, they will pretty soon show up at the first page, while at the same time, it's still on like page 30 for the rest of CC.

These games were specifically created en masse to attract new recruits with no intention of them being filled by ranked players. It was systematic farming.

Oh really, Dibbun? You are such a fucking idiot, you literally have no common sense whatsoever.
"These games were created in mass' - oh really now? Is that why I create like 5-7 games at a time when all my previous games were finished. That sounds like MASSING to me for sure!

"No intention of them being filled with ranked players" - Shut the f*ck up..First, what proof do you have of this? oh thats right, NOTHING! If i didn't want to play ranked players, you wouldn't see the occasional speed game in there against a lot of majors+. You wouldn't see any games with ranked players dumbass. I have never dropped a game because another rated player joined in on the action. And i have dropped plenty of games when I'm on in time to see 2/3 New Recruits joined in on a game. Whether its you Dibbun, your mom, your dad, your grandpa, ill layeth the smacketh down on all their candy asses'!! just bring it!

If i get noted, warned or point reset, I will continute to play the same exact setting everytime.. I PAY for this website and I will play the game and the setting that I like the best! If you want something done, take Pelo War off the maps NR can play!

I have never dropped games because some competition has joined in.. I don't invite NR to my games. I sstart the games(90% of the time, 10 games) and don't log in til tomorrow.. So most of the time, I'm not around when they do join up.

Everytime I create 10 games or so like i previously stated, shall I post in General Discussion that my games are now available to join? since lil bitches like dibbun have a chance to join, so they can get their ass kicked!

TheForgivenOne wrote:
assassin07 wrote:
TheForgivenOne wrote:
assassin07 wrote:Even if thay are whats the big deal they are still players and we all got to learn how to play i know i lost lots of games to higher ranks but got better i could understand if that is the only game the person plays but some people report peeps that play a few recruits here and there but also play other peeps but when you make a public game any one can join and thats it you cant chose who and if they join their fault its messed up he will get in trouble when he didnt make them join or even asked

Doesn't matter. A majority of NR's that join this site, either A: Have no clue what they are doing or B: Leave the site. So in a majority of games, most New Recruits deadbeat out of it, leaving a very experienced player on a map going against 1 maybe 2 people who have 0 knowledge of the map/game. Heck, a lot of times all the NR's deadbeat out of the game.

Ya but thats not his fualt

So you're saying it's fair that he rockets up the scoreboard all because all his opponents deadbeat?

I have rocketed up the scoreboard because I am good at the setting that I like to play!! I have beated PLENTY of competition from brigs to privates to NR players that actually play and actually some have beaten me.
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Re: ad10r3tr0 - Systematic farming of new recruits

Postby ljex on Sun Jul 10, 2011 5:42 pm

assassin07 wrote:
TheForgivenOne wrote:
assassin07 wrote:Even if thay are whats the big deal they are still players and we all got to learn how to play i know i lost lots of games to higher ranks but got better i could understand if that is the only game the person plays but some people report peeps that play a few recruits here and there but also play other peeps but when you make a public game any one can join and thats it you cant chose who and if they join their fault its messed up he will get in trouble when he didnt make them join or even asked

Doesn't matter. A majority of NR's that join this site, either A: Have no clue what they are doing or B: Leave the site. So in a majority of games, most New Recruits deadbeat out of it, leaving a very experienced player on a map going against 1 maybe 2 people who have 0 knowledge of the map/game. Heck, a lot of times all the NR's deadbeat out of the game.

Ya but thats not his fualt

It has been ruled the opposite way in the past...and i expect it to follow that past precedent here as well
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Re: ad10r3tr0 - Systematic farming of new recruits

Postby IR1SH ACE on Sun Jul 10, 2011 6:06 pm

I am still 100% behind u on this one ad10r3tr0, this is not an issue of farmin NR's

just check out ad10r3tr0 stats for 4 way Pelop War......53 wins from 69 completed games. a very nice 77% win ratio =D>
and is more than capable of winin evenin when non NR's join his games, some examples below

Game 7853661
Game 7944336
Game 9139113
Game 9264744
Game 9264749

as has been said a couple of times this is more an Issue of limitin further the amount of maps NR's can join,

Pelop War should not be accessible to NR's
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Re: ad10r3tr0 - Systematic farming of new recruits

Postby Pirlo on Sun Jul 10, 2011 7:36 pm

I know that Dibbun complains too much, especially recently, but how the f*ck new recruits are able to join foggy games. I thought they were unable to do.
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Re: ad10r3tr0 - Systematic farming of new recruits

Postby ad10r3tr0 on Sun Jul 10, 2011 7:47 pm

IR1SH ACE wrote:I am still 100% behind u on this one ad10r3tr0, this is not an issue of farmin NR's

just check out ad10r3tr0 stats for 4 way Pelop War......53 wins from 69 completed games. a very nice 77% win ratio =D>
and is more than capable of winin evenin when non NR's join his games, some examples below

Game 7853661
Game 7944336
Game 9139113
Game 9264744
Game 9264749

as has been said a couple of times this is more an Issue of limitin further the amount of maps NR's can join,

Pelop War should not be accessible to NR's

Thank you Irish! :D

And here are some speed games... like I said, I don't really care who joins my games. I really enjoy the setting, the map, etc. of Pelo War..If it's really that big of a deal or you are really jealous I'm that good at this map or you're jealous of my score then keep reporting me.. Because I'm not going to stop playing the setting the I LOVE! If u want it stopped, ask the mods to limit PELO to only ranked players...

Game 9341977
Game 9273207
Game 9230814
Game 9230306
Game 9158101
Game 9152147
Game 9160706
Game 9154799

All against really good competition..all 1600 points+
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Re: ad10r3tr0 - Systematic farming of new recruits

Postby ljex on Sun Jul 10, 2011 7:50 pm

ad10r3tr0 wrote:
IR1SH ACE wrote:I am still 100% behind u on this one ad10r3tr0, this is not an issue of farmin NR's

just check out ad10r3tr0 stats for 4 way Pelop War......53 wins from 69 completed games. a very nice 77% win ratio =D>
and is more than capable of winin evenin when non NR's join his games, some examples below

Game 7853661
Game 7944336
Game 9139113
Game 9264744
Game 9264749

as has been said a couple of times this is more an Issue of limitin further the amount of maps NR's can join,

Pelop War should not be accessible to NR's

Thank you Irish! :D

And here are some speed games... like I said, I don't really care who joins my games. I really enjoy the setting, the map, etc. of Pelo War..If it's really that big of a deal or you are really jealous I'm that good at this map or you're jealous of my score then keep reporting me.. Because I'm not going to stop playing the setting the I LOVE! If u want it stopped, ask the mods to limit PELO to only ranked players...

Game 9341977
Game 9273207
Game 9230814
Game 9230306
Game 9158101
Game 9152147
Game 9160706
Game 9154799

All against really good competition..all 1600 points+

just because sometimes you play games against good competition does not mean you are not farming...ask anyone about me when i had a score of 5000, they will say i farmed despite the fact that many of my games were clan games as well
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Re: ad10r3tr0 - Systematic farming of new recruits

Postby ad10r3tr0 on Sun Jul 10, 2011 7:56 pm

Yea, I read about your case Ljex. I pay for this site, so I should be able to play the setting, game that i want to... I mean that is pretty logical right to say that? As I posted in suggestions forum... we all learned how to play risk on classic, well most of us... classic is the standard why not make it the only map new recruits can play? for 5 games or whatever..
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Re: ad10r3tr0 - Systematic farming of new recruits[pending]e

Postby Royal Panda on Mon Jul 11, 2011 1:19 am

My opinion: It is probable CC will ask you to cut back on creating these games.
Therefore: You should be entitled to a refund. You will have been misold a product that you purchased because you enjoyed those games. If you're now told you're not allowed to play those games that made you pay for the site, they should give you your money back.
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