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Dibbun - derogatory slur [closed]

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Dibbun - derogatory slur [closed]

Postby Royal Panda on Sat Jul 09, 2011 12:43 am



The accused are suspected of:

Other: Using derogatory slur - "retard", which I find extremely offensive.

Dibbun doesn't appear to have been warned for baiting and slurring, while his opponent was. Evil Semp has not bothered to warn, or announce a warning, for Dibbun. By doing this, ES and CC have shown a lack of respect for any other culture bar America.

Faggot is not a gay bashing slur in Britain or its colonies (the accused was in South Africa), merely an insult. Retard is a far worse word, but the judgement passed down has been only from an American point of view.

My opinion was that neither word deserves a warning, but that Dibbun deserved one for creating a spurious report. However, if you warn one, you MUST warn both. Come on CC, do the right thing this time!
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Re: Dibbun - derogatory slur

Postby jefjef on Sat Jul 09, 2011 12:52 am

Have your facts right...

From peevish.coUK/slang (A site in re of UK slang)


Noun. 1. A homosexual male. Derog.
2. On the gay scene meaning a 'camp' effeminate male homosexual. Derog.

Derog = derogatory...

So YES it is a derogatory slur in UK and S Africa...
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Re: Dibbun - derogatory slur

Postby Royal Panda on Sat Jul 09, 2011 1:01 am

jefjef wrote:Have your facts right...

From peevish.coUK/slang (A site in re of UK slang)


Noun. 1. A homosexual male. Derog.
2. On the gay scene meaning a 'camp' effeminate male homosexual. Derog.

Derog = derogatory...

So YES it is a derogatory slur in UK and S Africa...

For a list of all meanings see:

In one meaning:
Faggot, often shortened to fag, is a pejorative term and common slur used chiefly in North America against homosexual males. Its pejorative use has spread from the United States to varying extents elsewhere in the English-speaking world through mass culture, including movies, music, and the Internet.

Yes, we know of the word how you people use it, but no it's not as bad as retard in our culture. If DBo had said:
"You're a fucking faggot and I hope you fucking die you motherfucking homo because gays are evil and should all be executed"
then Dibbun may have had a case.

Either way, this post is about the use of the word 'retard'. The faggot case has already been decided. Please keep on topic jefjef, or I'll have to report you for a rule violation. You didn't have anything to say about what I was reporting for, merely about my use of a previous case to explain.

This in a way proves my point. Jefjef finds the word faggot offensive. He is from the AMERICAN culture, so this is understandable. Most other cultures would not find this offensive in the slightest. It's the intent behind the insult, and not the word itself, which makes for bigotry. Both players in the case used a word for an insult, but the meaning behind them BOTH was nothing. Dibbun just chose to be a pussy about it.
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Re: Dibbun - derogatory slur

Postby ad10r3tr0 on Sat Jul 09, 2011 1:11 am

BIG pussy indeed! Im 100% behind you Pander. Do anyone of you actually have someone who is mentally retarded close to you like i do, perhaps a good friend, or a family member? If so, you would find the use of this word is very offensive and downright wrong. Now, for the other part of you, like Dibbun, you fail to see that there are people out there that are physically handicapped (how you say it, "retarded"). And you don't find that word offensive. But to me, i find it along with Pander, extremely offensive.
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Re: Dibbun - derogatory slur

Postby jefjef on Sat Jul 09, 2011 1:12 am

Pander88uk wrote:Either way, this post is about the use of the word 'retard'. The faggot case has already been decided. Please keep on topic jefjef, or I'll have to report you for a rule violation. You didn't have anything to say about what I was reporting for, merely about my use of a previous case to explain.

This in a way proves my point. Jefjef finds the word faggot offensive. He is from the AMERICAN culture, so this is understandable. Most other cultures would not find this offensive in the slightest. It's the intent behind the insult, and not the word itself, which makes for bigotry. Both players in the case used a word for an insult, but the meaning behind them BOTH was nothing. Dibbun just chose to be a pussy about it.

Uhuh. You used the faggot case in direct relation to this complaint... IE it is pertinent. SO REPORT ME. I would do it right NOW. :roll: It will be treated as a spurious complaint. ;)

Be sure to also report your flaming/trolling and baiting Dibbun by calling him pussy.
This post was made by jefjef who should be on your ignore list.
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Re: Dibbun - derogatory slur

Postby Royal Panda on Sat Jul 09, 2011 1:16 am

jefjef wrote:
Pander88uk wrote:Either way, this post is about the use of the word 'retard'. The faggot case has already been decided. Please keep on topic jefjef, or I'll have to report you for a rule violation. You didn't have anything to say about what I was reporting for, merely about my use of a previous case to explain.

This in a way proves my point. Jefjef finds the word faggot offensive. He is from the AMERICAN culture, so this is understandable. Most other cultures would not find this offensive in the slightest. It's the intent behind the insult, and not the word itself, which makes for bigotry. Both players in the case used a word for an insult, but the meaning behind them BOTH was nothing. Dibbun just chose to be a pussy about it.

Uhuh. You used the faggot case in direct relation to this complaint... IE it is pertinent. SO REPORT ME. I would do it right NOW. :roll: It will be treated as a spurious complaint. ;)

Be sure to also report your flaming/trolling and baiting Dibbun by calling him pussy.

Aha once again proving my point that if every perceived rule violation was reported, we'd have thousands. I made that comment because it could technically be a rule violation, as could both our posts here be called trolling.

We'd both be in the shit if every single thing like this was reported, and if every single naughty word went reported, we'd all have to be C&A mods to keep up with the deluge!
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Re: Dibbun - derogatory slur

Postby jefjef on Sat Jul 09, 2011 1:28 am

Yeah. Technically nothing in my post is trolling.... Yours sure are though...

In re of this complaint - direct from - the site for UK slang.

retard - Noun. A contemptible person. A term usually used by adolescents.

Nowhere does it say it's a derogatory term. You are also aware that very recently CC cleared a retard bigotry case.

This could technically be considered a spurious complaint solely for the purpose of baiting and trolling Dibbun especially considering the bait/flame posts from his valid bigotry complaint thread.

Good luck and have a wonderful day.
This post was made by jefjef who should be on your ignore list.
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Re: Dibbun - derogatory slur

Postby ad10r3tr0 on Sat Jul 09, 2011 1:37 am

Let me help you understand why the word "retard" is 100% bigotry...

read it... then post your thoughts ... etard.html
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Re: Dibbun - derogatory slur

Postby ad10r3tr0 on Sat Jul 09, 2011 1:50 am

another case... read then post your thoughts.... how can you not find this word offensive? ... 15641.html

"In America, the fightback has begun. The Special Olympics has launched a campaign to drive the word "retard" into disuse, asking people to pledge never to use the word. Many of the pledges are from children such as Samantha, who has a sister with special needs. "All my life I have heard people saying the r-word. It makes me really upset. No one understands how hurtful it is until you have someone close to you being called that."

As the parent of a child with profound mental and physical disabilities, I share Samantha's view. It is deeply upsetting to hear words once used to describe my daughter thrown around as a casual insult. But far worse than my own bruised sensitivities, language reflects how we view the world, reinforcing the exclusion of people with disabilities from the rest of society."

As I do, I have a very close friend who is mentally handicapped(as you all know, retarded)... "No one understands how hurtful it is until you have someone close to you being called that."
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Re: Dibbun - derogatory slur

Postby hmsps on Sat Jul 09, 2011 7:27 am

I believe the following may help which is from the oxford English dictionary which is an official meaning rather than thos on wikipedia or other websites:

Retared: noun
a person who has a mental disability (often used as a general term of abuse).

Faggot: noun
1 (usually faggots) British a ball or roll of seasoned chopped liver, baked or fried.
2 (US fagot)a bundle of sticks bound together as fuel.
a bundle of iron rods bound together for reheating, welding, and hammering into bars.
3 North American informal , derogatory a male homosexual.
4 British informal , dated an unpleasant or contemptible woman.
verb (faggots, faggoting, faggoted; US fagots, fagoting, fagoted)
[with object]
1 archaic bind in or make into faggots.
2 (in embroidery) join by faggoting.
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Re: Dibbun - derogatory slur

Postby Royal Panda on Sat Jul 09, 2011 11:08 am

Can I just point out that the conversation within the game in question contained NO bigotry whatsoever. That Evil Semp doesn't know the meaning of the term is laughable.
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Re: Dibbun - derogatory slur

Postby jefjef on Sat Jul 09, 2011 11:52 am

Pander88uk wrote:Can I just point out that the conversation within the game in question contained NO bigotry whatsoever. That Evil Semp doesn't know the meaning of the term is laughable.

So you are saying Dibbuns retard comment was also not bigotry and this complaint is spurious.

Dibbun was called a meatball and he called the other guy a contemptible person.
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Re: Dibbun - derogatory slur

Postby Royal Panda on Sat Jul 09, 2011 12:23 pm

jefjef wrote:
Pander88uk wrote:Can I just point out that the conversation within the game in question contained NO bigotry whatsoever. That Evil Semp doesn't know the meaning of the term is laughable.

So you are saying Dibbuns retard comment was also not bigotry and this complaint is spurious.

Dibbun was called a meatball and he called the other guy a contemptible person.

Correct on the retard comment, I think I've mede it pretty clear that I feel neither should have been warned/punished. However, this complaint is not spurious, because CC shouldn't be seen punishing one person for a naughty word and not another. The sooner we get the banned word list on the front page the better :) How was DBo to know that a simple word could get him a warning when others get away with similar?
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Re: Dibbun - derogatory slur

Postby Dibbun on Sat Jul 09, 2011 5:28 pm

Regardless of whether or not a word was legal, if you were offended by a word I would never post it on your wall. That was just classless.
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Re: Dibbun - derogatory slur

Postby *Snowman* on Sat Jul 09, 2011 5:43 pm

Hi What ever happened to Sticks and stones will brake your bones but names will never hurt me? If you dont like certain words foe the user and move on. This is a games site. Lets have fun
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Re: Dibbun - derogatory slur

Postby *Snowman* on Sat Jul 09, 2011 6:06 pm

hmsps has kindly given us an English Dictionary definition of the word 'Faggot'. Unfortunately the word and meaning in relation to gays comes from an old English word 'Fag'. This was a 6 - 7 year old Public School boy in his first year. A noob if you will. This young boy was assigned a prefect or sixth form older boy to help him adjust to boarding School life. The 'Fag had to do tasks for the older boy very much like a servant today. In return the older boy protected the younger from bullying etc. The older boy had the power to administer punishment such as the cane on the hand or backside. Unfortunately some older boys took advantage of the powerless younger one and sometimes abused them in a sexual way. Hense the term 'fag' or the Americanism 'Faggot'.
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Re: Dibbun - derogatory slur

Postby Royal Panda on Sun Jul 10, 2011 12:36 am

Dibbun wrote:Regardless of whether or not a word was legal, if you were offended by a word I would never post it on your wall. That was just classless.

I think I was pretty clearly using the other meaning...

*Snowman* wrote:Hi What ever happened to Sticks and stones will brake your bones but names will never hurt me? If you dont like certain words foe the user and move on. This is a games site. Lets have fun

My thoughts exactly.
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Re: Dibbun - derogatory slur

Postby Dibbun on Sun Jul 10, 2011 12:44 am

Pander88uk wrote:
Dibbun wrote:Regardless of whether or not a word was legal, if you were offended by a word I would never post it on your wall. That was just classless.

I think I was pretty clearly using the other meaning...

You know exactly what you were doing. You called me a faggot on my wall, it was reported, and you do it again I'll report it again and hopefully you get banned. Don't fucking harass me, find something more constructive to do on this site.
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Re: Dibbun - derogatory slur

Postby Royal Panda on Sun Jul 10, 2011 1:06 am

Dibbun wrote:
Pander88uk wrote:
Dibbun wrote:Regardless of whether or not a word was legal, if you were offended by a word I would never post it on your wall. That was just classless.

I think I was pretty clearly using the other meaning...

You know exactly what you were doing. You called me a faggot on my wall, it was reported, and you do it again I'll report it again and hopefully you get banned. Don't fucking harass me, find something more constructive to do on this site.

Where did I call you a faggot? I was (obviously far too subtly) trying to show you that words can have many meanings in different countries, and that there is a difference between inference and implication. You have twice now deliberately inferred something that wasn't implied. Obviously my hint went way over your head.

Edit: By the way, you're a retard.

That was implied. Did it offend you? Obviously not as you think that word is fine to use, and CC agree, so I won't be punished for it :)
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Re: Dibbun - derogatory slur

Postby Dibbun on Sun Jul 10, 2011 1:17 am

Pander88uk wrote:
Dibbun wrote:
Pander88uk wrote:
Dibbun wrote:Regardless of whether or not a word was legal, if you were offended by a word I would never post it on your wall. That was just classless.

I think I was pretty clearly using the other meaning...

You know exactly what you were doing. You called me a faggot on my wall, it was reported, and you do it again I'll report it again and hopefully you get banned. Don't fucking harass me, find something more constructive to do on this site.

Where did I call you a faggot? I was (obviously far too subtly) trying to show you that words can have many meanings in different countries, and that there is a difference between inference and implication. You have twice now deliberately inferred something that wasn't implied. Obviously my hint went way over your head.

I'm going to stop you right there and tell you to shut the f*ck up. I argued my case about the use of that word in the appropriate topic in the appropriate forum using logic and reasoning, and absolutely refraining from using personal attacks. I did not insult any person in that debate because it was a legal matter to be decided by moderators. As it turned out, the moderators agreed that the rules were violated by the other party and not violated by myself. I have no problem with you opening this thread, as you obviously desire greater clarification from the mods concerning my actions in the game I report, specifically using the word "retard." I defended my use of it in the other thread, again without making any attack or making it personal. I understand that it's a personal issue for you and for many others and I did not try to marginalize that.

What you have done is bring a word I find offensive to my front door, and attempt to tell the mods to f*ck off with their attempts at enforcement of the rules by hiding behind a "second meaning" excuse. Yes, I am aware of that argument you made in the original thread, and the mods ruled against you. Deal with it. If you disagree with the mods, appeal to an admin. If you disagree with an admin, this probably isn't the site for you. What you posted on my wall is nonsensical. We are not friends, and we have no relationship outside of this forum. I have never inquired about sticks by any name, and you had no reason to post that comment except that you wanted to be harassing by injecting that word into it.

Say I posted on your wall something to the effect of, "I was growing plants and the soil wasn't properly irrigated so that might retard their development." Now what reason would I have to post that? Do I have plants? Have you asked about plants? Do I really think that you give a high holy shit about these plants? No, it would be to flip the bird to you and say I will post a word you find offensive on your wall, where you have to see it and eat shit because there's nothing that can be done about it.

You need to learn the difference between a dispute over rules and a dispute which has become personal. We can argue all day in this forum, and I would enjoy that as I like debating rules, but when you try to intentionally make someone uncomfortable in a personal way, you are making the site much less enjoyable for others and should not be here.
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Re: Dibbun - derogatory slur

Postby Royal Panda on Sun Jul 10, 2011 1:25 am

No personal attack hmm. I'm sure the person you called a retard would disagree! Did you ever apologise to him? No, because you just dont see how anything you say could ever offend someone, yet you're the first to be offended when used against you.

For the record any insult or comment I made against you was ironic, in an attempt to make you see. By taking offence at every turn you have proved my point, and proved that you find it impossible to see the world from someone elses viewpoint.

There's no point me pursuing this claim now, as retard is clearly a perfectly ok word to use; I won't be using it in future as I have some morals, you feel free to go on offending everyone else while hiding behind ridiculous laws :) have fun.
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Re: Dibbun - derogatory slur

Postby Karl_R_Kroenen on Sun Jul 10, 2011 1:51 am

enough... the C&A thread is not the place to banter back and forth, thank you!
The case will be dealt with shortly
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Re: Dibbun - derogatory slur

Postby king achilles on Mon Jul 11, 2011 8:46 am

Enough. I think you can find a lot more words out there that are as offensive and you may even connect it to any group of people. Although the use of these kind of words are not "okay", this word will not be added as another infraction for the site. I can agree that it can be offensive and an example of flaming, depending on how it was used, but not to the extent that we should pull the trigger the moment someone says it.

The game chat is already hard to police as it is, what with all the swearing, cursing, calling names, etc. All these are meant to offend and to let your anger out and they are allowed. They are all just trash talk, and what do you do with trash? It is not something that you should take that much seriousness about. If you got offended, use the foe list and play in peace. If you don't want to back down from an argument and chose to continue to call names and swear at each other in an Internet game, be strong enough to handle all the trash talk you chose to continue to take.
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