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DBo - anti-gay slur[warned]es

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Re: DBo - anti-gay slur[pending]es

Postby ad10r3tr0 on Fri Jul 08, 2011 1:36 pm

This post was made by Dibbun who is currently on your ignore list. Display this post.

Thank god, i foed you Dibbun before I played against you..You're such a prick/douche/little bitch/whiner. Grow a pair
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Re: DBo - anti-gay slur[pending]es

Postby Evil Semp on Fri Jul 08, 2011 2:03 pm

I can see this thread is going nowhere fast. i am going to lock this. Please don't let this spill over into other threads.
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Re: DBo - anti-gay slur[pending]es

Postby Evil Semp on Fri Jul 08, 2011 9:22 pm

DBo has received a WARNING for his bigoted comments.
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Re: DBo - anti-gay slur[warned]es

Postby ad10r3tr0 on Fri Jul 08, 2011 9:53 pm

and no warning to dibbun for his slurs?
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Re: DBo - anti-gay slur[warned]es

Postby Royal Panda on Sat Jul 09, 2011 12:37 am

ad10r3tr0 wrote:and no warning to dibbun for his slurs?

I agree. I have a real problem with this judgement if no warning for Dibbun. ES has shown a complete lack of respect for British culture and failed to recognise that faggot has a different meaning in Britain and it's more recent colonies (including South Africa). It is a WORD, which means many different things, not less a simple insult. MUCH LESS derogatory than retard.

Would ask that another mod looks into this if this is the best ES can come up with.

Excuse me, I need to go buy my lunch. Off to pick up a faggot I think, would anyone else like one?
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Re: DBo - anti-gay slur[warned]es

Postby MoB Deadly on Sat Jul 09, 2011 12:43 am

ES is sticking to CC's established rules. this is a black and white case because that f word is on the list of words not acceptable in Game Chat. Although many including me disagree with how it should be ruled, this isn't the appropriate place to push for a change.
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Re: DBo - anti-gay slur[warned]es

Postby Royal Panda on Sat Jul 09, 2011 12:54 am

MoB Deadly wrote:ES is sticking to CC's established rules. this is a black and white case because that f word is on the list of words not acceptable in Game Chat. Although many including me disagree with how it should be ruled, this isn't the appropriate place to push for a change.

How is this black and white? The established rules are that CC is relaxed and if you have a problem with someone's language you foe and move on. This ruling means that I could (if I didn't have a life) report EVERY bad word said against me from now on, and not be slapped on the wrist for wasting the mods' time.

Dibbun is reported for offending me by using the word: retard.
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Re: DBo - anti-gay slur[warned]es

Postby ad10r3tr0 on Sat Jul 09, 2011 1:05 am

100% agree with you Pander. It's black and white, but where is this list that you speak of? Only the mods have it? Because if this is the case, then its simply not fair. Not every person who joins this site knows what words are acceptable and what words aren't. However, I am ok with D_bo getting a warning, however absolutely 100% Dibbun should recieve for one too.. How is that word, ret*** not offensive? because i am extremely offended by his use of it and how he just throws it around like its nothing? tell me Dibbun, do you have someone close to you who is mentally retarded? Ill answer that for you, NO, because if you did you wouldn't be using like you do.
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Re: DBo - anti-gay slur[warned]es

Postby greenoaks on Sat Jul 09, 2011 2:32 am

Pander88uk wrote:
ad10r3tr0 wrote:and no warning to dibbun for his slurs?

I agree. I have a real problem with this judgement if no warning for Dibbun. ES has shown a complete lack of respect for British culture and failed to recognise that faggot has a different meaning in Britain and it's more recent colonies (including South Africa). It is a WORD, which means many different things, not less a simple insult. MUCH LESS derogatory than retard.

Would ask that another mod looks into this if this is the best ES can come up with.

Excuse me, I need to go buy my lunch. Off to pick up a faggot I think, would anyone else like one?

the rules are quite clear.

you can not use language that might offend an american.
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Re: DBo - anti-gay slur[warned]es

Postby Royal Panda on Sat Jul 09, 2011 11:06 am

greenoaks wrote:
Pander88uk wrote:
ad10r3tr0 wrote:and no warning to dibbun for his slurs?

I agree. I have a real problem with this judgement if no warning for Dibbun. ES has shown a complete lack of respect for British culture and failed to recognise that faggot has a different meaning in Britain and it's more recent colonies (including South Africa). It is a WORD, which means many different things, not less a simple insult. MUCH LESS derogatory than retard.

Would ask that another mod looks into this if this is the best ES can come up with.

Excuse me, I need to go buy my lunch. Off to pick up a faggot I think, would anyone else like one?

the rules are quite clear.

you can not use language that might offend an american.

This is the most sense I've heard in this thread! And explains the bizarre decisions perfectly :)
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Re: DBo - anti-gay slur[warned]es

Postby Evil Semp on Sun Jul 10, 2011 7:06 pm

OK guys this isn't the place to change the rules or to see how far you can go without crossing the line.
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Re: DBo - anti-gay slur[warned]es

Postby greenoaks on Sun Jul 10, 2011 7:15 pm

Evil Semp wrote:OK guys this isn't the place to change the rules or to see how far you can go without crossing the line.

where is the place ?

i saw another thread asking for a list of words that was locked by rdsrds2120. non-americans want to know what they can and can't say and why their cultural sensitivities don't seem to mean squat here.

perhaps you could start a thread in the correct location to discuss this ;)
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Re: DBo - anti-gay slur[warned]es

Postby Evil Semp on Sun Jul 10, 2011 7:23 pm

greenoaks wrote:
Evil Semp wrote:OK guys this isn't the place to change the rules or to see how far you can go without crossing the line.

where is the place ?

i saw another thread asking for a list of words that was locked by rdsrds2120. non-americans want to know what they can and can't say and why their cultural sensitivities don't seem to mean squat here.

General discussions is the place to discuss it.

perhaps you could start a thread in the correct location to discuss this ;)
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Re: DBo - anti-gay slur[warned]es

Postby greenoaks on Sun Jul 10, 2011 9:55 pm

a new thread was started there. it was locked by rdsrds2120.

it seems he doesn't want it discussed. perhaps if a mod started the discussion ;)
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Re: DBo - anti-gay slur[warned]es

Postby Royal Panda on Mon Jul 11, 2011 1:22 am

greenoaks wrote:a new thread was started there. it was locked by rdsrds2120.

it seems he doesn't want it discussed. perhaps if a mod started the discussion ;)

Yep, I did start a thread in GD, which apparently had complaints by some people who clearly can't see from the title "List of banned words" that there might be offensive posts in there.

I would very much welcome a discussion topic started by a mod on this matter, or at least some input from one. In reality you should be providing us the whole list so we don't have to keep guessing.

Evil Semp wrote:OK guys this isn't the place to change the rules or to see how far you can go without crossing the line.

Well how else can we establish where the line is when we don't know what rules we're trying to change? :roll:
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Re: DBo - anti-gay slur[warned]es

Postby MichelSableheart on Tue Jul 12, 2011 1:49 pm

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