Conquer Club

game blue and pink have signed on and played

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game blue and pink have signed on and played

Postby Atilla on Fri Apr 06, 2007 12:43 pm

three times together... definate multi
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Postby AK_iceman on Fri Apr 06, 2007 2:55 pm

Fill out the form in the sticky at the top of the forum and it will be looked into.
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Postby iaedyene on Fri Apr 06, 2007 6:45 pm

LOL they are doing a team game. Maybe they are friends and communicate their turns at the same time. Many many folks do that - espcially with a freestyle board. That's the benefit of it. You can log on at the same time and play together. Now if it was a standard/indivdual game then there's a valid concern but this is pretty silly to try to assume.

Hell many of my team games I play with my boyfriend or his best friend and we get on the phone to work up our moves and don't start our turns til everyone is ready and we've worked it out and planned our attack. It's not cheating because we're on a team and we're expected to work together.

If ya don't like it don't play team freestyle games.
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OK.... where is the sticky @? It's not really standing

Postby Atilla on Sat Apr 07, 2007 7:57 am

out at me...
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i here ya

Postby Atilla on Sat Apr 07, 2007 8:05 am

iaedyene, but how many times do you and your boyfriend play in the same room... or even take each others turns? at what point does it become cheating?... Well I say when it proves a great advantage for one team vs. another when your physicaly together instead of communicating via the computer. It hurts the integrety of the game and of those who operate in that manner.... nomatter what you think...

The point is.. in a non-real time game such as this... the lure and excitement of the game comes from the uncertainty of playing with people whom you have never, and may never meet. There's a break in the fluidity from, for instance everyone sitting around a table playing the game together, so to assume that what your boyfriend and yourself are doing isn't cheating, or at the very least, unsportsmanlike, is shortsighted
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why don't we just have a two teams per player game??

Postby Atilla on Sat Apr 07, 2007 8:09 am

I really don't see what freestyle has to do with it... if your a multi or two play together people, just sign up sequentially
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Postby willis on Sat Apr 07, 2007 10:22 am

Nice triple post :lol:

Btw you still haven't filled out the form
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Postby iaedyene on Sat Apr 07, 2007 12:42 pm

LOL We don't take turns for each other and what's the difference of talking online and planning vs talking via phone or sitting next together? How is sitting in the same room cheating? That's not in the rules so it's not cheating. Making multiple accounts is - creating secret alliances out of chat is. We either play private games with a bunch of friends or do team games together where we're EXPECTED to work together. Shoot I've played team games where we've exchanged instant msgr info so that when the board was up we could let the other teammate know. It's communication and how much you want to work at it.

You claimed those folks are multi's - totally different if they are RL friends. And I'd have a hard time finding folks on here that love this game that hasn't gotten RL friends involved.
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Postby AK_iceman on Sat Apr 07, 2007 1:04 pm

Fill out the form in the sticky at the top of the forum and it will be looked into.

You know, the one that says ***[Official] FORM - READ BEFORE YOU REPORT SOMEONE***
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Still can find the"sticky" that is being talked ab

Postby Atilla on Sat Apr 07, 2007 2:41 pm

By the way, iaedyene, Let me break it down for you... I understand your female....If you like playing Risk than you probibly played team sports growing up. I commend that. Both my sons played ball and are better people for it.
There's a thing that "true" sportsmen call the "trill of the hunt", plainely, it means the challenge. It applies to all sports. A game such as Risk, played in person with other people poses is a very different dynamic than that of a game played in this format. That being said, there are a lot more forms of communication than written word and as you probibly know, the down fall with e-mails and the such, is that the inflection of the authors meaning is really undeterminable. It's the difference between having and egg toss compition with some blindfolded and some un-blindfolded competetors.
If you are one of these kind of players : first I feel for you as you miss the point of the game, secondly I feel for others who have to be that much better than "your kind of player's" just to win, lastly I feel for myself since I'm waisting my time explaining something to someone that everyone should know by the age of 12.

If you chose not to disclose that fact that you and your partner as doubles players are physically together this forum... , you are a cheater... bottomline!
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I did notice you admitted to playing together....

Postby Atilla on Sat Apr 07, 2007 3:01 pm

Not to say anything..but do you even own a Risk game? :?
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I've found the "stick"...duh.. Can't manipulte it

Postby Atilla on Sat Apr 07, 2007 3:08 pm

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Re: I've found the "stick"...duh.. Can't manipulte

Postby AK_iceman on Sat Apr 07, 2007 3:39 pm

Atilla wrote:help

Copy/paste it into the thread, and fill it out.
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Damn it Iceman.. why do I have to repeat myself!!

Postby Atilla on Sat Apr 07, 2007 4:00 pm

Your the curator... Take care of it.. please man..
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Re: Still can find the"sticky" that is being talke

Postby ABSOLUTE_MASTER on Sat Apr 07, 2007 4:06 pm

Atilla wrote:Let me break it down for you... I understand your female....

And what exactly do you mean with that??

Now, let me break it down for you: The first topic in the forum: You click on Club Forum, then you click on Cheating and Abuse Reports, then you click the topic called: ***[Official] FORM - READ BEFORE YOU REPORT SOMEONE***

I know it must be very hard to see it, I guess it's a female thing to be able to see it.

That topic will provide you with instruction of what to include in the body and the subject of you acussation. In case you miss it, here it is:

Subject line: <Put name of accused in subject line>

These are suspected Multis/Secret Alliance (delete the one they are not)
Suspect users: <enter names here>
Game number:
Comments: <enter comments here>

<enter your name here>

You just need to copy and paste.

Good luck!
"You have undertaken to cheat me. I won't sue you, for the law is too slow. I'll ruin you." -- Cornelius Vanderbilt
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Postby Atilla on Sat Apr 07, 2007 4:11 pm

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Very informative..

Postby Atilla on Sat Apr 07, 2007 4:13 pm

But did you mss the fact that "I can't input anything into the bold type spots"?
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still doesn't help..

Postby Atilla on Sat Apr 07, 2007 5:06 pm

I can not manipulate the text of your abuse report form... Why in the world do you people have a rerport abuse forum if the reporters have to fill out a completely different form..?
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Postby ffgamer9 on Sat Apr 07, 2007 5:38 pm

the form is not that complicated. and i took a look at this game. they don't exactly look like multis. some of their action times are very close, and unless they have two computers side by side, it's be hard to log out and log back in at the same time. i suppose multiple browsers might work, but i doubt it. anyways, if you want anything done about it, fill out the form, plain and simple. in fact, i'll give you a head start:

Subject line: <Put name of accused in subject line>

These are suspected Multis/Secret Alliance (delete the one they are not)

Suspect users: <enter names here>

Game number: [url] number here[/url]

Comments: <enter comments here>

<enter your name here>
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Postby ClessAlvein on Sat Apr 07, 2007 6:13 pm

We are two students living in the same residence.
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Re: I did notice you admitted to playing together....

Postby iaedyene on Sat Apr 07, 2007 7:04 pm

Atilla wrote:Not to say anything..but do you even own a Risk game? :?

First, infact smartass I own one of the original games - one that has just roman numerals on it and still has the USSR listed on the board. Second I find it funny that you're trying to put me down cause I'm a girl and yet you can't figure out how to copy and paste. Thirdly, you use the example of teams and sportsmanship...uhhh ok so you don't think a team sits in the locker room and doesn't discuss strategy? What do you think those Quarterbacks are doing on the phone on the sidelines? Think they are calling ordering a pizza? Uh NO! They are calling for advice from play coordinators. Oh wait then that'd be cheating right? Or hmm if they review tapes of a competitors previous games to learn their strategy that's cheating too right?? Yeah that's what I thought.

I have been a gamer for many many years thank you very much. I played Everqest for about 5 years and I play WoW now and run a very sucessful guild. So continue to complain - I'll be happy when Iceman clears them from being a multi. Infact one of the guys has posted on here already stating that they are two students living in the same residence.

Cause once that's been cleared you'll still be a whiner.
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"You" are a very simple minded person.

Postby Atilla on Sat Apr 07, 2007 7:34 pm

So humm..... they play on the same PC...humm.. who cares? .... you are seriously mixing apple and oranges... and lets see..hum... you don't get it...

Theses guys..(if they are actually two people), think they have a master plan to become generals... if you don't know need to bone up on your "knowing men manual"... i bet you've caught your boyfriend cheating and let him make you think it wasn't serious also....

Get a grip girl....
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Buy the way sunshine... anytime anywhere

Postby Atilla on Sat Apr 07, 2007 7:47 pm

lets go...real game ..old style.... classic... adjacent....escending..... me you .... random picked lady!!!
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Postby ClessAlvein on Sat Apr 07, 2007 7:50 pm

No, we don't have a master plan to become generals, and we each have our own computer. We're neighbours in residence, and we're just here to enjoy some online Risk.

If you don't like the style of coordination that my partner and I are displaying, I suggesting playing Sequential style. It does not allow anyone to take their turn simultaneously, and offers less of an advantage to instantaneous team communication.
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kiss my ass dumbass.. sell that shit to your mother

Postby Atilla on Sat Apr 07, 2007 7:55 pm

I'm a man...I know better.... you just grovel in the fact that these people won't expend the energy to call you out.
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