This tournament is for Triples. When signing up, please provide a country, state, region or city that your team will represent.
Sign-up will be open for two weeks. And there is no limit on how many can join. If the number of players does not match the bracket (16, 32, 64) there will be need for a qualifying lap. If the number of teams at end of sign-ups is not an even number the one team that has the best record from the most recently completed qualifiers will get an automatic qualification.
In the qualifying round all winners go through to the tournament. While the losers will be ordered by how many rounds their game lasted, the more rounds the better.
This tournament thread has not been visibly updated in a while. By “visibly updated” I mean that the thread has not been bumped for at least 2 months by posting a new post or reply.
We routinely check the last few pages of the “Ongoing Tournaments” Forum for inactive tournaments. If your tournament thread is on those last pages, we have to check to see if your tournament is still active, which can be quite a lot of work.
Please help us in our quest to find inactive tournaments and update your thread regularly and then also post that you have updated it (if your tournament is still active). This will get the active threads and tournaments bumped to the first page, and significantly lessen our workload of checking for inactive tournaments.
For more information about updating your tournament thread and avoiding your tournament being labeled “inactive”, see also: Keeping Your Tournament Active & Updated
Thank you very much in advance,
Tournament Director Abandoned & Rescued Tournaments