Conquer Club

Exterminator [TPA] [68] (winner: Gromph)

Tournaments completed in 2011.

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Re: Exterminator [TPA] [68] [fight 9]

Postby GloriousL on Sun May 29, 2011 3:55 am

Fight 9 - arena 1 is done as well
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Re: Exterminator [TPA] [68] [fight 9]

Postby PepeAtila on Mon May 30, 2011 1:16 pm

GloriousL wrote:Fight 9 - arena 1 is done as well

Thank you ... counting
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Re: Exterminator [TPA] [68] [fight 9 & 10]

Postby Lindax on Thu Jun 02, 2011 5:25 pm

Fight 10 - Arena 2 is done. I just may be in this another round.... :D

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Re: Exterminator [TPA] [68] [fight 9 & 10]

Postby PepeAtila on Wed Jun 08, 2011 12:58 pm

Lindax wrote:Fight 10 - Arena 2 is done. I just may be in this another round.... :D


yes. One more for you :D
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Re: Exterminator [TPA] [68] fight 9 updates

Postby PepeAtila on Wed Jun 08, 2011 1:23 pm

Fight 9 updates
arena 1 => GloriousL +3 & MudPuppy -1 & Lindax -1 & drunkmonkey -1
arena 2 => shoop76 +2 & danryan -1 & Gromph -1 & sonicsteve 0
arena 3 => Bandido +2 & ga7 -1 & barterer2002 -1 & jigger1986 0
arena 4 => Tripitaka +2 & Robespierre__ -1 & benga -1 & freyme 0
arena 5 => shaneback +3 & generalahole -1 & Krissan -1 & irlLordy -1
arena 6 => Night Strike +2 & Serbia -1 & jug68 -1 & theheadholes 0
arena 7 => Vaicius +3 & ckyrias -1 & tokle -1 & wolfpack0530 -1
arena 8 => hagardunor +3 & mviola -1 & Guderian09 -1 & taxmanjle -1
arena 9 => dead-meat +2 & rmjw10 -1 & cliffaspinall -1

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Re: Exterminator [TPA] [68] [fight 10 &11]

Postby Electricksabers on Wed Jun 08, 2011 8:27 pm

I'm confused, the ranking shows me being knocked out in fight 9 with 2 lives, but the post above this one shows me getting 3 lives in fight 9?

Also the rules state

Fight 5 and nexts. Each round of games(fight) the lowests point players are eliminated. The games will be aproximately of 4 or 5 players until the end.

But in round 9 you knocked out people with 2 and 3 lives, and round 10 you knocked out people with 2,3, and 4 lives. What criteria are you using to knock people out?
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Re: Exterminator [TPA] [68] [fight 10 &11]

Postby PepeAtila on Thu Jun 09, 2011 1:42 pm

shaneback wrote:I'm confused, the ranking shows me being knocked out in fight 9 with 2 lives, but the post above this one shows me getting 3 lives in fight 9?

Also the rules state

Fight 5 and nexts. Each round of games(fight) the lowests point players are eliminated. The games will be aproximately of 4 or 5 players until the end.

But in round 9 you knocked out people with 2 and 3 lives, and round 10 you knocked out people with 2,3, and 4 lives. What criteria are you using to knock people out?

Yes, I understand what you say. I was thinking about your case. The main problem is I am sending games for the next round without wait all the games in the round before finish... in fact, if you see it happens since Fight 5 (players with life 1 or 0), ... your case: Round 8 (players finishing with life 3,2, 1 knocked out), ... But before all the games in round 8 finished, I sent round 9, so people with life 3 but playing yet, continued... (perhaps they can win their games in round 8, so I send round 9.) while round 9 is playing I should eliminate the lowests points (2 in your case, - with round 8 finished) and send Round 10 games. However when you finished the Fight 9 you won 3 points (but you should finished before) ... also games in Round 10 were finishing...

You are right about perhaps I should wait all the games in round 8 finish before to send round 9 ... but I just hope all you have fun.
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Re: Exterminator [TPA] [68] [fight 10 &11]

Postby Electricksabers on Thu Jun 09, 2011 1:44 pm

Soooo, does that mean I am out of the tournament?
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Re: Exterminator [TPA] [68] [fight 10 &11]

Postby PepeAtila on Thu Jun 09, 2011 1:56 pm

shaneback wrote:Soooo, does that mean I am out of the tournament?

That is the explanation. When round 10 finish I will answer your question ;) .
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Re: Exterminator [TPA] [68] [fight 10 &11]

Postby Electricksabers on Thu Jun 09, 2011 2:06 pm

I don't understand how you can knock people out of the tourney when they still have active games? They are no round limits listed in any of the rules. And you still haven't answered my question about how many people you decide to knock out each round. It seems like you arbitrarily pick a number to eliminate.

Normally I wouldn't care, because I doubt I can win this, but it is a TPA tourney and I have a goal I am trying to achieve in the final standings.
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Re: Exterminator [TPA] [68] [fight 10 &11]

Postby PepeAtila on Sat Jun 11, 2011 3:28 pm

shaneback wrote:I don't understand how you can knock people out of the tourney when they still have active games? They are no round limits listed in any of the rules. And you still haven't answered my question about how many people you decide to knock out each round. It seems like you arbitrarily pick a number to eliminate.

Normally I wouldn't care, because I doubt I can win this, but it is a TPA tourney and I have a goal I am trying to achieve in the final standings.

I think it is clear ... perhaps a little complicate, but clear ...
They still active games, but they have a "history" in the tournament, and you can follow reading one by one the rounds results. Of course there are not round limits (I don't understand what you mean with round limits)
It is not a question on ... how many people are knocked out?, it is how many points you need to continue when a round is finished ? ...
So, they are not knocked out people finishing with more than "x" points each round.
After this 4rd fight, are going to be knoked out all the players with 0 pt.
Fight 5 and nexts. Each round of games(fight) the lowests point players are eliminated. The games will be aproximately of 4 or 5 players until the end.

and what are the lowests point ? or how many points are the lowests???
in 5th round 1 ... and so on.

I arbitrarily decide what is the line of points you need to continue ... in fact I write it in the post I send to the players with how many points can you be knocked out each round.

This about TPA is the main reason why I thought not to wait ALL the games in each round are finished ... because I realize it can be too much time to finished. In fact when games in round 10 finish I will send a game for round 11 to you and the players who still with 4 life ...
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Re: Exterminator [TPA] [68] [fight 10 &11]

Postby Krissan on Tue Jun 14, 2011 5:28 pm

I'm confused too - I'm listed as being knocked out in round 10, but my fight 10 is still going on (I have 1 kill and a good shot at sweeping the board once I take my move, which would send me up to 8 in life). Does it mean I was knocked out after round 9?
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Re: Exterminator [TPA] [68] [fight 10 &11]

Postby Electricksabers on Tue Jun 14, 2011 10:42 pm

It looks like you got knocked out after round 10 with 4 lives, according to the scoreboard.

I don't like the fact you get penalized if someone in your game plays slow
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Re: Exterminator [TPA] [68] [fight 10 &11]

Postby PepeAtila on Thu Jun 16, 2011 11:15 am

Krissan wrote:I'm confused too - I'm listed as being knocked out in round 10, but my fight 10 is still going on (I have 1 kill and a good shot at sweeping the board once I take my move, which would send me up to 8 in life). Does it mean I was knocked out after round 9?

No, since you didn't finish round 10 with 4 ... I still waitting one game to finish to send the round 11
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Re: Exterminator [TPA] [68] [fight 10 &11]

Postby freyme on Thu Jun 16, 2011 9:46 pm

Bummer, I am knocked out in Round 10 right as I eliminate 3 which would give me 7 lives. I guess I should have got my kills in earlier rounds.
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Re: Exterminator [TPA] [68] [fight 10 &11]

Postby PepeAtila on Fri Jun 17, 2011 6:11 am

freyme wrote:Bummer, I am knocked out in Round 10 right as I eliminate 3 which would give me 7 lives. I guess I should have got my kills in earlier rounds.

Yes, it was like this, however ... CONTINUE
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Re: Exterminator [TPA] [68] fight 10 updates

Postby PepeAtila on Fri Jun 17, 2011 6:15 am

Fight 10 updates
arena 1 => MudPuppy +3 & jigger1986 -1 & drunkmonkey -1 & GloriousL -1
arena 2 => Lindax +3 & ga7 0 & Bandido -1 & shoop76 -1 & Gromph -1
arena 3 => freyme +3 & benga -1 & Tripitaka -1 & danryan -1 & sonicsteve 0
arena 4 => wolfpack0530 +3 & tokle -1 & barterer2002 0 & Robespierre__ -1 & Vaicius -1
arena 5 => Krissan +3 & ckyrias 0 & taxmanjle -1 & jug68 -1 & generalahole -1
arena 6 => Guderian09 +3 & dead-meat 0 & hagardunor -1 & rmjw10 -1 & cliffaspinall -1

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Re: Exterminator [TPA] [68] [fight 11]

Postby PepeAtila on Sun Jul 03, 2011 4:32 am

Because of personal reasons I will send the games for 12 round aprox. the july 10th.
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Re: Exterminator [TPA] [68] [fight 11]

Postby Bandido on Sun Jul 03, 2011 5:59 pm

Ok, I can't wait ! Take care ;)
2012-10-20 23:23:17 - neutral player eliminated madman7 from the game in round - 1
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Re: Exterminator [TPA] [68] [fight 11]

Postby PepeAtila on Wed Jul 06, 2011 6:24 am

Bandido wrote:Ok, I can't wait ! Take care ;)

I sent the 6th so, I hope it is correct ;)
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Re: Exterminator [TPA] [68] [fight 12]

Postby sonicsteve on Wed Jul 06, 2011 1:30 pm

you sure I'm only on 11, mate?

I thought I was on 9, then killed 3 people without dying, so should be 12 now?
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Re: Exterminator [TPA] [68] [fight 12]

Postby PepeAtila on Mon Jul 11, 2011 3:22 am

sonicsteve wrote:you sure I'm only on 11, mate?

I thought I was on 9, then killed 3 people without dying, so should be 12 now?

I am sorry for the delay ... in these moments because of familiar problems. Counting the log...of each fight...
4+ (and now fights 1 to 11)
+2, +2, 0, -1, +3, -1, -1, 0, 0, 0, +3 ... 11, perhaps I wrote 9 before you finished your game, but now I think it is correct 11.
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Re: Exterminator [TPA] fight 11 updates

Postby PepeAtila on Sun Jul 31, 2011 1:09 pm

Fight 11 updates
arena 1 => MudPuppy +3 & Bandido -1 & Lindax -1 & GloriousL -1
arena 2 => sonicsteve +3 & danryan -1 & Gromph -1 & Tripitaka -1
arena 3 => Vaicius +1 & ga7 1 & jigger1986 -1 & shoop76 -1
arena 4 => ckyrias +3 & taxmanjle -1 & wolfpack0530 -1 & jug68 -1
arena 5 => cliffaspinall +3 & dead-meat -1 & hagardunor -1 & Guderian09 -1
arena 6 => shaneback +2 & freyme -1 & Krissan -1

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Re: Exterminator [TPA] [68] [fight 14]

Postby tokle on Mon Oct 03, 2011 10:44 am

This tournament thread has not been visibly updated in a while. By “visibly updated” I mean that the thread has not been bumped for at least 2 months by posting a new post or reply.

We routinely check the last few pages of the “Ongoing Tournaments” Forum for inactive tournaments. If your tournament thread is on those last pages, we have to check to see if your tournament is still active, which can be quite a lot of work.

Please help us in our quest to find inactive tournaments and update your thread regularly and then also post that you have updated it (if your tournament is still active). This will get the active threads and tournaments bumped to the first page, and significantly lessen our workload of checking for inactive tournaments.

For more information about updating your tournament thread and avoiding your tournament being labeled “inactive”, see also: Keeping Your Tournament Active & Updated

Thank you very much in advance,

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Re: Exterminator [TPA] [68] [fight 14]

Postby PepeAtila on Sun Oct 09, 2011 1:30 pm

It was waiting for a game to finish. The main problem (perhaps) is I use to EDIT my posts for rankings and so on.
I hope we can continue...
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