Congrats to Team Wrecking Crew ~ Denise catnipdreams swimmerdude99 Master Fenrir Iseman ljex lord voldemort mkcummins jalen45 Lindax downfall skillfull for winning this tourney!!
Do you have 11 CC Friends or clan mates to take on a summer vacation with you to exotic places? Well then sign up and do a little butt whipping on your journey!
This tourney came about to try the new "Large Team" tourney changes. So I came up with a pretty simple tourney here that should meet all of the new Large Team requirements.
- Get a team of 12 players
- Each round break then up between 1 dub, 2 trip and 1 quad (each player plays only once per round)
- Pick one of 14 maps for each (1 dub, 2 trip, 1 quad)
- Each week you will have Home and away games so 2 dub, 4 trip and 2 Quad games per team
- Round Robin so 7 weeks of game play
When signing up please give us a team name.
First find 11 (12 players on a team) of your cc friends or clan mates to join with you.
Tourney will be a round robin between 8 teams. Each round will have 4 Home games and 4 Away games. Each Player will play in 2 games each round. Rounds will consist of 1 home doubles, 2 home trip and 1 home quad & 1 away doubles, 2 away trip and 1 away quad games. So within your friend circle or clan you have a solid dubs team, 2 trip teams and 1 quad team (that each have different players in them) then you are set for this tourney . If for any reason someone needs to miss a week then a player will have 2 additional games (or 2 players will have an additional game) but then the following week the player that missed will be in 2 additional games and the players that filled will sit out. So by the end of the tourney ALL PLAYERS will have had the same amount of GAMES PLAYED! If someone drops out a replacement player will need to be found and they till continue where the player that dropped out finished at.
There are 14 maps to choose from (listed below)
Doubles can only use map one time for their home games
Trips can you a map twice for their home games
Quads can only use map one time for their home games
Settings - Only restrictions are NO Manual, No Freestyle, No Speed. All the other settings are fine.
Tourney Flow~
Captain will turn in home games with settings and players to host or co-host. For away games maps and settings will be given to Away Captain and they will either fill the games using a password of gives the names of the players to the host or co-host which they will fill.
Tourney will have 7 weeks of match ups. If we stay on track we will be exchanging games every week to 2 weeks. Each win counts as 1 point.
Commitment - All players will need to have 2 slots open since every exchange will consist of one home and one away game they will be playing.
Winning - At the end of the round robin the team with most points/wins will be named the winner. If there should be a tie then we will have a 3 quad game tie breaker. Each team will pick their map and settings from those provided and I will the last game with No Spoils, Chained and Fog from the maps left after the teams pick their home map for the tie breaker.
Host = merch313
Co-Host = Gunn217
Host Tasks = Create games, keep thread updated, update standings
Co-Host Task = Make sure games are filled, keep track when games are complete, Create games