Congratulations to our winning team of BoganGod and DarknessFollows. They won 3 - 1 against Fuzzy316 and deantursx!
My fifth journey of exploration and discovery recreates the first expedition to cross the Australian continent from south to north. In 1860–61, Robert O'Hara Burke (1820-1861) and William John Wills (1834-1861) led an expedition of 19 men with the intention of crossing from Melbourne in the south to the Gulf of Carpentaria in the north. Although they look like explorers (miserable and unkempt), Burke was, in fact a policeman and Wills a surveyor and meteorologist. They reached swamps a few kilometers from the northern coast but, on the return journey, they and some others of their party died from hunger and exhaustion. Only one man completed the full journey and returned alive.
Unlike Burke and Wills though, can you and your partner explore Australia and win through unscathed?