by patrickaa317 on Mon Apr 04, 2011 11:18 pm
Just so everyone knows, this is how the maps were determined.
I took the list from the Maps Foundry and removed the "limited time" ones. Christmas, St. Patty's Day, World Cup.
Then I put them all in and took the first 50 listed and put them in a spreadsheet. I then put each of our teams down 10 times, and ran the list of 100 (10 teams * 10 times) through, the first 50 went in the first column, the second 50 went in the second column. Since some teams were the same in the first & second column, I took out the duplicates in the second column and ran them through again to determine who went where. All duplicates were ran through until they were all able to be placed avoiding duplicates.
This is how I'll do it for each round, just adjusting the number of total maps as needed each round.
taking a break from cc, will be back sometime in the future.