Official CC Speed World Cup 2011
Congratulations to the Winner
Speed Champion of the World 2011
Well done to the other top finishers:
2nd - mattattam
3rd - Leehar
4th - eddie2
First Phase Winner - Lupo

Brought to you by the Entertainment Team
Thanks for taking an interest in this Speed Tournament as brought to you by the Entertainment Team in celebration of the 2011 FIFA Women's World Cup, but enough with pleasantries! Let's get down to business!
To join, read the details below then PM DJ Teflon, Leehar and rdsrds2120. One of them will send you a password within a couple of hours.

Please click the icon below to find available games.

Ensure you are happy with the times - you need to be on-line during the second and final phases (Sunday) in order to be able to win the tournament.
FREEMIUMS CAN PLAY (once the speed holiday has begun - see notes below). Freemiums can play with just one free slot but would ideally have a better chance with more slots.

Map: 2011 World Cup (limited edition map)
Players per game: 2-3
Game Type: Assassin, Terminator, and Standard
Initial Troops: Automatic
Play Order: Sequential
Spoils: Escalating
Reinforcements: Chained
Fog of War: Yes and No
Round Length: Speed
Setup & Structure
- First Phase
The tournament starts at CC Time: 2011-07-01 16:00:00 (9PM BST).
The first phase runs through to Sunday CC Time: 2011-07-03 12:45:00 (5:45PM BST). The first phase will therefore last almost 2 full days.
During this phase, players can join as many games as they wish.
Games will be 2-player and 3-player assassin, terminator and standard.
**Freemium participants will only be able to join the speed games once the speed game holiday has commenced at CC Time: 2011-07-02 00:00:00.
The last game in this phase will start no later than CC Time: 2011-07-03 12:10:00 (5:10PM BST) - at this time empty games will be deleted.
The top 50% of eligible players (according to win points percentage - see below) will progress to the second phase after a short break (this will be rounded-up if we have an odd number).
Players will be ranked by win points percentage.
This is calculated as follows:
- A win in 1 v 1 games counts for 2 win points.
A win in 3-player games counts for 3 win points.
(This reflects the real probabilities of winning different game types.)
Each players win points are added up and divided by the number of games played to give a win points percentage.
For players to progress they must have played at least 4 games, including 3 of the 4 different game types (1 v 1, assassin, terminator and 3-player standard).
The player with the best win points percentage from the first phase will also be rewarded with a General Achievement medal (should this player not finish in the first 3).
Second Phase
This phase starts at CC Time: 2011-07-03 13:30:00 (6:30PM BST) and runs through to CC Time: 2011-07-03 15:40:00 (8:40PM BST). The second phase will therefore last just over 2 hours.
During this phase, players can join as many games as they wish.
Games will be 2-player and 3-player assassin, terminator and standard.
The last game in this phase will start no later than CC Time: 2011-07-03 15:15:00 (8:15PM BST) - at this time empty games will be deleted.
If there are more than 15 participants in this stage then the top 8 eligible players will progress to the final phase after a very short break.
If there are 15 participants or less in this stage then the top 4 eligible players will progress to the final phase after a very short break.
Players will again be ranked by win points percentage (which will start afresh).
This is calculated as follows:
- A win in 1 v 1 games counts for 2 win points.
A win in 3-player games counts for 3 win points.
(This reflects the real probabilities of winning different game types.)
Each players win points are added up and divided by the number of games played to give a win points percentage.
For players to progress they must have played at least 3 games, and 3 of the 4 different game types (1 v 1, assassin, terminator and 3-player standard).
Final Phase
This phase starts at CC Time: 2011-07-03 16:00:00 (9PM BST) and will run until the tournament is completed (anticipated to be less than 2 hours).
It is anticipated that the final phase will be complete within 2 hours (although this cannot be absolutely guaranteed by organisers).
This phase will be a 1 v 1 knock-out bracket for the final 4 or 8 players (see above).
Losing semi-finalists will play each other in a 3rd-place play-off.
During this stage, if players are unavailable (i.e. do not respond to PM invites within 10 minutes, then a reserve from the previous round (or phase) will be sought. If no reserve can be found within 10 minutes then a bye will be awarded.
The winner of the tournament will receive 6 months Premium membership. They will also be rewarded with a General Achievement Medal.
The runner-up will be rewarded with a General Achievement medal.
The 3rd-placed player will be rewarded with a General Achievement medal.
1st, 2nd and 3rd place will also be reserved a place in Game 10 million.
The player with the best win percentage from the first phase will also be rewarded with a General Achievement medal (should this player not finish in the first 3).
Prizes are donated by Entertainment team.
- Tournament begins at CC Time: 2011-07-01 16:00:00 on Friday 1st July (9PM BST); this is the date and time when first games are made and become available to players.
- **Freemium participants will only be able to join the speed games once the speed game holiday has commenced at CC Time: 2011-07-02 00:00:00.
- This tournament is part of Official 2011 CC Women's World Cup Event.
- During the first 2 phases, players join as many (or as few ) games as they wish, using a generic password. During the final phase players will be sent a PM invite and will have 10 minutes to join theuir games (or forfeit - whereby a reserve may be sought).
- Any issues will be solved by the tournament organisers and their word is final.