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leolou2 sitting abuse again ? [cleared] Mas

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leolou2 sitting abuse again ? [cleared] Mas

Postby eddie2 on Thu Jun 16, 2011 9:06 am

Accused: leolou2

The accused are suspected of: babysitting abuse

Comments: in Game 9225460 leolou2 states he is sitting for noretreat till further notice this game was part of a series of 4 games. 2 are still active. at the begining of the games i was not on foe by this player noretreat after this wall comment i recieved (screen shot later) stating this

wow what a piece of work you are

by noretreat
on Thu Jun 16, 2011 2:23 pm

went to respond and found myself on foe.

i put the ? on this case because there is a chance he is back playing but i am leaning more towards it being leolou that put me on foe and posted the wall comment. this would come under sitting abuse which he knows about after my involvement in the blitzaholic/leolou case

show: screenshots
Last edited by eddie2 on Thu Jun 16, 2011 9:42 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: leolou sitting abuse again ??????

Postby SirSebstar on Thu Jun 16, 2011 9:12 am

if you are talking about wall msg's I can point out that some players have the walls disabled. If you try to post then, it will look as if you are on the foelist.
However i tried noretreat and i could post on the wall, so thats not it. I do not entirly understand your post by the way. Why should noretreat not have foed you, and or why should lelou have foed your account on noretreat';s account?
ps can you clean up your post a little?
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Re: leolou sitting abuse again ??????

Postby Ace Rimmer on Thu Jun 16, 2011 9:20 am

Let me convert from eddie speak to English.

leolou posted that he was sitting for noretreat until further notice
noretreat posted on eddie's wall
noretreat foed eddie
noretreat has not posted that leolou is no longer sitting for him

It is possible that leolou posted on eddie's wall and foed him from noretreat's account. This would be babysitting abuse and is what eddie would like investigated.
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Re: leolou sitting abuse again ??????

Postby SirSebstar on Thu Jun 16, 2011 9:23 am

Thanks jake, that does make sense now..
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Re: leolou2 sitting abuse again ? [pending] Mas

Postby Masli on Thu Jun 16, 2011 9:45 am

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Re: leolou sitting abuse again ??????

Postby eddie2 on Thu Jun 16, 2011 2:27 pm

SirSebstar wrote:if you are talking about wall msg's I can point out that some players have the walls disabled. If you try to post then, it will look as if you are on the foelist.
However i tried noretreat and i could post on the wall, so thats not it. I do not entirly understand your post by the way. Why should noretreat not have foed you, and or why should lelou have foed your account on noretreat';s account?
ps can you clean up your post a little?

what jake said plus.

do you not remember the high profile case i managed to get reopened with the help of others. where leolou got busted as well.
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Re: leolou2 sitting abuse again ? [pending] Mas

Postby noretreat on Thu Jun 16, 2011 5:21 pm

That is my fault as I did not say I was back , happens sometimes I get in a hurry and yes I foed him and his teammate for dirty tactics .So check all you want as I am playing now after getting minor surgery done. Yes I am okay if you need to know .Only reason I knew about this was I had a complaint about someone else
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Re: leolou2 sitting abuse again ? [pending] Mas

Postby eddie2 on Fri Jun 17, 2011 2:30 am

noretreat wrote:That is my fault as I did not say I was back , happens sometimes I get in a hurry and yes I foed him and his teammate for dirty tactics .So check all you want as I am playing now after getting minor surgery done. Yes I am okay if you need to know .Only reason I knew about this was I had a complaint about someone else

if this is you plz explain. you were not present for the game had a sitter. then say i used dirty tactics ?????? where was that was i on holiday when this happened. but fair enough if it was you i have no problem with it. but i think i will wait for the mods response.
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Re: leolou2 sitting abuse again ? [pending] Mas

Postby Dibbun on Sat Jun 18, 2011 3:48 am

After reading the game log, the only "dirty tactic" I saw was green deploying on red's position at Hanover, and if you seriously consider that to be a dirty tactic you've got issues.
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Re: leolou2 sitting abuse again ? [pending] Mas

Postby Gypsys Kiss on Sat Jun 18, 2011 8:40 am

Dibbun wrote:After reading the game log, the only "dirty tactic" I saw was green deploying on red's position at Hanover, and if you seriously consider that to be a dirty tactic you've got issues.

Why is this relevant? Oh that's right, it's not. She can foe who she wants, when she wants and for whatever reason she wants.
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Re: leolou2 sitting abuse again ? [pending] Mas

Postby noretreat on Sat Jun 18, 2011 12:07 pm

I was going to explain but I dont see the point they are foed and that's all that matters but if you look at green in game log and see the difference in times played you might see . he only played the ones he tried to miss ( dirty tactic ) after we complained #-o Plus I dont need someone to foe for me as I know how so get over it and from what I understand now is eddie has a thing for leolou2 anyway , so he saw a chance to f*ck with him again ,just goes to show how one person can cause so much grief over nothing . He called us babies well he has not even gotten that far yet seems he is still nursing on his mother. now this is all I have to say on the subject , get a life eddie you spend to much time trying to screw players in here when there is probably lots where you live , but with you attitude maybe not . :!:
I am always open for suggestions .
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Re: leolou2 sitting abuse again ? [pending] Mas

Postby eddie2 on Sun Jun 19, 2011 3:30 am

noretreat wrote:if you look at green in game log and see the difference in times played you might see . he only played the ones he tried to miss ( dirty tactic ) after we complained #-o Plus I dont need someone to foe for me as I know how so get over it and from what I understand now is eddie has a thing for leolou2 anyway , so he saw a chance to f*ck with him again

rofl thank you so much for proberly the funniest comment i read in here for a while. let me explain somthing to you. i do not care if you foed me or not that is totally up to you. the whole thing with this case is if it actually was you or not. now on to the fact of trying to miss shots. hummmm we were playing a 2 home game 2 away game challenge for a tourney. now the game you are talking about is a game where it was your map so extra talk needed to happen when obvious moves wernt avalible. ps leaving a comment in the game chat isnt a complaint because if he was going to miss he would not of seen the game comment and played his shot.

now onto the fact about leolou, did i go spying on his games? no i did not what you need to remember is the fact leo has proven himself to abuse players accounts when he is babysitting them. so for these events to actually happen while in a set of games i am playing in then i have every right to open a c and a report. remember your statement earlier.
noretreat wrote:That is my fault as I did not say I was back , happens sometimes I get in a hurry and

you actually state that it was your fault for not posting you were back (if you actually were) . If this had of happened i would not of opened a c and a report.
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Re: leolou2 sitting abuse again ? [cleared] Mas

Postby Masli on Sun Jun 19, 2011 6:01 am

leolou2 is cleared of sitting abuse
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