C'mon, who doesn't like a Luxembourg Assassin tourny?

In Round 1, each of the 32 players will be placed into four groups of 8, using the order that they signed up in. Each group will then act independently of the other group. In the first round, each group will play seven 8 player assassin games, and whoever wins one game or more will move on to the next round. Then next round, if there are 5 players left in one group, that group will play four 5 player assassin games, etc etc until there are either 1 or 2 players left in the group. Once all group have less than three players remaining in them, the remaining players, minimum four, maximum 8, will play a series of 32 assassin games on Luxembourg, with 4-8 players in each game, depending on the number of people remaining. These games will be sent out in four batches, probably one batch every couple days, like 5 days or so. This way the first batch of 8 will be finishing up when you get the second batch
Settings for ALL games:
Luxembourg, Assassin, Automatic, Sequential, Esc/Flat Rate, Chained, Sunny
Reserves won't be needed, anyone that doesn't join their game in 24 hours will be dropped