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arkansania, wogreen, mtatman [Warned] KRK

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[These cases have been closed. If you would like to appeal the decision of the hunter please open a ticket on the help page and the case will be looked into by a second hunter.]

Re: arkansania, wogreen, bhoward1978, mtatman, ShivDogg [pen

Postby doktur_conkur on Mon Jun 06, 2011 6:24 pm

arkansania wrote:So what have the great gods of conquer club come up with in regards to Mr. Doktur's complaint here? Surely they have discovered he is a complete gayboat. If they have not I can prove it. I was talking to the doktur's roommate earlier and asked how he knew is roommate was gay he responded "well I was sucking his dick and tasted like shit".

How much more contempt for the Moderators and the site's rules is it going to take for the axe to be dropped on these fucks?
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Re: arkansania, wogreen, bhoward1978, mtatman, ShivDogg [pen

Postby TheForgivenOne on Mon Jun 06, 2011 6:43 pm

doktur_conkur wrote:
arkansania wrote:So what have the great gods of conquer club come up with in regards to Mr. Doktur's complaint here? Surely they have discovered he is a complete gayboat. If they have not I can prove it. I was talking to the doktur's roommate earlier and asked how he knew is roommate was gay he responded "well I was sucking his dick and tasted like shit".

How much more contempt for the Moderators and the site's rules is it going to take for the axe to be dropped on these fucks?

Did you read the post before yours? These cases take time sometimes, because the Multi Hunters do a lot more work than you think.
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Re: arkansania, wogreen, bhoward1978, mtatman, ShivDogg [pen

Postby Evil Semp on Mon Jun 06, 2011 8:05 pm

doktur_conkur wrote:
arkansania wrote:So what have the great gods of conquer club come up with in regards to Mr. Doktur's complaint here? Surely they have discovered he is a complete gayboat. If they have not I can prove it. I was talking to the doktur's roommate earlier and asked how he knew is roommate was gay he responded "well I was sucking his dick and tasted like shit".

How much more contempt for the Moderators and the site's rules is it going to take for the axe to be dropped on these fucks?

It doesn't matter how much anyone does or does not like someone. We have a disciplinary scale that we use. Give them enough time and they very well might cross the line.
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Re: arkansania, wogreen, bhoward1978, mtatman, ShivDogg [pen

Postby doktur_conkur on Thu Jun 09, 2011 1:44 am

In my latest game a new username has taken the time to come into my game and drop the same link arkansania has been badgering my gamechats with (a link to this thread).

2011-06-08 13:07:30 - jesusdiedfuryou: viewtopic.php?t=145845

You might want to add this username to your search. Better get this under control before it snowballs out of control.

It's really sad that a few knobheaded assholes can harrass another player on this site with this abuse set sturdily in Bigotry and Secret Diplomacy.

Added on 6/13/2011:
2011-06-13 13:48:09 - jesusdiedfuryou: I am pretty sure the dok wouldnt be winning any fist fights.

2011-06-03 09:57:31 - arkansania: come on doktur - please play some more games with us. I will buy you a membership. we miss you.

2011-06-03 23:34:36 - jarheel: The Doktur has a foothold in Baltimore...and he has spoils. Don't let him get too far ahead or he will run away with this. Red, Green, Blue and Yellow may want to team up for a round or 2.
2011-06-03 23:34:40 - jarheel: ... tur_conkur

2011-06-04 18:58:22 - arkansania: The dok and randy obviously have a secret alliance going on

2011-06-08 13:07:30 - jesusdiedfuryou: viewtopic.php?t=145845

2011-06-10 09:26:00 - jesusdiedfuryou: The doktur is a multi user guys dont him gang up on you

2011-05-31 14:23:34 - arkansania: I think we should consider trcuing against grey. he talks way to much
2011-05-31 14:23:46 - arkansania: viewtopic.php?t=145845

2011-06-01 10:11:15 - arkansania: how am I getting mine again?
2011-06-01 10:11:35 - arkansania: please take the time to read the chat in that game and his complaint - it is probably the funniest thing you have ever read
2011-06-01 14:40:00 - arkansania:

2011-06-02 10:44:39 - arkansania: Oh now now dok - i just wanted to share the funniest chat log ever with your buddies.
2011-06-02 10:45:51 - arkansania: because man oh man is it funny. We want you to come back dok. We will pay for you a membership if you will play with us.

2011-06-04 23:21:39 - arkansania: Whoa look. Kale and doc have secret alliance up just check the India border and last move...
<<truce clearly stated in gamechat, btw>>
Last edited by doktur_conkur on Mon Jun 13, 2011 2:10 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: arkansania, wogreen, bhoward1978, mtatman, ShivDogg [pen

Postby doktur_conkur on Thu Jun 09, 2011 2:13 am

TheForgivenOne wrote:
doktur_conkur wrote:
arkansania wrote:So what have the great gods of conquer club come up with in regards to Mr. Doktur's complaint here? Surely they have discovered he is a complete gayboat. If they have not I can prove it. I was talking to the doktur's roommate earlier and asked how he knew is roommate was gay he responded "well I was sucking his dick and tasted like shit".

How much more contempt for the Moderators and the site's rules is it going to take for the axe to be dropped on these fucks?

Did you read the post before yours? These cases take time sometimes, because the Multi Hunters do a lot more work than you think.

I was just expressing my frustration with the accused; my pardons for implying anything other than that. The Mods are more than likely doing some magical things behind the curtain so kudos definitely goes to them for their efforts.
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Re: arkansania, wogreen, bhoward1978, mtatman, ShivDogg [pen

Postby king sam on Thu Jun 09, 2011 7:02 am

doktur_conkur wrote:I was just expressing my frustration with the accused; my pardons for implying anything other than that. The Mods are more than likely doing some magical things behind the curtain so kudos definitely goes to them for their efforts.

They are most likely letting the accounts accumulate so they can Bust all the offenders in 1 fair swoop. TBH I didnt and still dont agree that the game play in this game was enough for a SD case, but the other involvements by these players and new addition of this other player is sounding more and more like multi accounts to me.

My guess is they are waiting for all the other accounts to surface.. If not then at the least you have a few more violations to add to the fire. Check the community guidelines, players spamming game chats they arent in with the stuff that they are saying is not allowed.
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Re: arkansania, wogreen, bhoward1978, mtatman, ShivDogg [pen

Postby Karl_R_Kroenen on Mon Jun 13, 2011 4:50 pm

Secret Diplomacy - ALL CLEARED

Multiple accounts - ALL CLEARED

Bigotry -
arkansania - 30 day Vacation
wogreen - Warned
bhoward1978 - Cleared
mtatman - Warned
ShivDogg - Cleared
doktur_conkur - Warned

doktur_conkur - the best thing for you to do is to FOE AND MOVE ON, as it has been clearly repeated in this thread and many others. Regardless if someone calls you a colorful name which you do/don't fit with, it doesn't give you the right to call that same colorful name back. You effectively sound like a finger-pointing 3rd grader that says "He/She started it!"

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Re: arkansania, wogreen, mtatman [Warned] KRK

Postby doktur_conkur on Wed Jun 15, 2011 10:46 am

So the Bigotry definition is more a matter of keeping the site clean of offensive terms...not about limiting the abuse of people... ok.

I'll foe but I assume I'll continue to be plagued by them in my gamechats.
(You missed username: jesusdiedfuryou [he had the balls to jump in this thread and say "ha doktur is a gayboat", harrass me in several of my games that he was not in, as well as playing only with these gang-rapers...he seems to have joined just for this thread: come on, you have to admit that sounds like a multi...)

Anyways, thanks for looking into it.
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Re: arkansania, wogreen, mtatman [Warned] KRK

Postby Karl_R_Kroenen on Wed Jun 15, 2011 12:32 pm

doktur_conkur wrote:So the Bigotry definition is more a matter of keeping the site clean of offensive terms...not about limiting the abuse of people... ok.

I'll foe but I assume I'll continue to be plagued by them in my gamechats.
(You missed username: jesusdiedfuryou [he had the balls to jump in this thread and say "ha doktur is a gayboat", harrass me in several of my games that he was not in, as well as playing only with these gang-rapers...he seems to have joined just for this thread: come on, you have to admit that sounds like a multi...)

Anyways, thanks for looking into it.

jesusdiedfuryou =
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Re: arkansania, wogreen, mtatman [Warned] KRK

Postby king sam on Wed Jun 15, 2011 3:29 pm

doktur_conkur wrote:(You missed username: jesusdiedfuryou [he had the balls to jump in this thread and say "ha doktur is a gayboat", harrass me in several of my games that he was not in, as well as playing only with these gang-rapers...)

I love how you can be offended by someone calling you a name and in the same sentence do the same thing, and think nothing of it. Brilliant.
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Re: arkansania, wogreen, mtatman [Warned] KRK

Postby doktur_conkur on Thu Jun 16, 2011 1:25 am
I know everyone hates me here, but this is hilarious; three foreign(possibly proxied), unrated(just joined 0-5 days ago, so the implication is that they're multis created to be used during my last joined game and missed their opportunity to jump in, or they were created today for the same purpose) players jumping into my game. Funny even if there is nothing going on...
The only one that really looks suspicious is BOmBiN since they joined the site after I joined this game and they have yet to add themselves to another game. Noob, amirite? x)

Anyways, just a chuckle for you kids out there thinking of being human on the internet what with lurking gangs of haxors the prowl.
Last edited by doktur_conkur on Thu Jun 16, 2011 1:31 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: arkansania, wogreen, mtatman [Warned] KRK

Postby TheForgivenOne on Thu Jun 16, 2011 1:27 am

doktur_conkur wrote:
I know everyone hates me here, but this is hilarious; three foreign(possibly proxied), unrated(just joined 0-5 days ago) players jumping into my game. FUnny even if there is nothing going on...

You do know this happens in many many many many many games, right? There are certain maps/settings that attract NR's like fat guys to cake.
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Re: arkansania, wogreen, mtatman [Warned] KRK

Postby doktur_conkur on Thu Jun 16, 2011 1:32 am

I did not know about fat guys and cake... :| I'll be careful about which maps I choose now.
Any other maps I should avoid to keep from looking like a NR?
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Re: arkansania, wogreen, mtatman [Warned] KRK

Postby SirSebstar on Thu Jun 16, 2011 3:19 am

yes, pick 6 player maps. 5 players is max for nr i think
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Re: arkansania, wogreen, mtatman [Warned] KRK

Postby doktur_conkur on Sun Jun 19, 2011 6:51 am

I foed these guys yet I'm still getting game invites; any recommendations?
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Re: arkansania, wogreen, mtatman [Warned] KRK

Postby Serbia on Sun Jun 19, 2011 8:28 am

doktur_conkur wrote:I foed these guys yet I'm still getting game invites; any recommendations?

Try ignoring them? Just decline the invite.
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Re: arkansania, wogreen, mtatman [Warned] KRK

Postby SirSebstar on Sun Jun 19, 2011 11:31 am

doktur_conkur wrote:I foed these guys yet I'm still getting game invites; any recommendations?

you can disable all invites, but obviously that is not recommended either
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Re: arkansania, wogreen, mtatman [Warned] KRK

Postby doktur_conkur on Tue Jun 21, 2011 1:20 am

So how many more invites do I have to put up with until it's considered harrassment?
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Re: arkansania, wogreen, mtatman [Warned] KRK

Postby Eudora on Wed Jun 22, 2011 1:55 pm

I cannot believe that you are still biting every time someone pokes at you Dok. How did you ever make it through middle school, or even high school? Get the point and shut up. Then maybe people will quit messing with you.
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Re: arkansania, wogreen, mtatman [Warned] KRK

Postby Evil Semp on Wed Jun 22, 2011 4:53 pm

doktur_conkur wrote:So how many more invites do I have to put up with until it's considered harrassment?

First we have to be aware of the problem. Most of the time I don't read post in the closed C&A forum. Take a screen shot and post it in the C&A so we can take action.

doktur_conkur wrote:I foed these guys yet I'm still getting game invites; any recommendations?

We need to know exactly who. I know the game you had problems in but we need proof and you need to provide it.
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Re: arkansania, wogreen, mtatman [Warned] KRK

Postby jesusdiedfuryou on Wed Jun 22, 2011 4:59 pm

Yes please prove it. Now what is it you are trying to prove again? I think you should probably open a new thread so it will get a little more attention. I wish that arkansas guy was still here.
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Re: arkansania, wogreen, mtatman [Warned] KRK

Postby doktur_conkur on Wed Jun 22, 2011 8:03 pm

jesusdiedfuryou wrote:Yes please prove it. Now what is it you are trying to prove again? I think you should probably open a new thread so it will get a little more attention. I wish that arkansas guy was still here.

(yeah that arkansas guy...that isn't really here...yeah, that guy...) ffs.

It's pretty simple, "jesusdiedfuryou": I'm making the impossible and outlandish claim that wogreen, Eudora, and arkansania continue to invite me to games. Aside from that: GTFO, arkansania, you dirty multi.
If anyone looks at the game I linked above, one that I entered into after foeing these guys you'll see two are deadbeating and all three haven't joined any other games; it's like the flipping UN in there with the proxy locations they chose. These assholes are creating multis to waste my time. It's pretty damn clear. I've never had this anywhere near as so much strife from this place before and there's just a too much coincidence for it to be just that. I need a new account...not nambypamby claims of "we'll warn them" or even banning them because they'll just be back again. Utterly ludicrous.
I'd also like to point out that two computers on my home network were hacked, files deleted, os's slowed to a crawl and nearly ruined, and other things I have never encountered in the years I've used this computer, network, and solid set of safe websites and multiple security scans/etc...and all this on schedule with the developments related to this thread. Make of that what you will, go ahead mock me and drag things out and roll your eyes in disbelief but this shit is too much. Stear clear of these fucking bastards.
Last edited by doktur_conkur on Wed Jun 22, 2011 8:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: arkansania, wogreen, mtatman [Warned] KRK

Postby doktur_conkur on Wed Jun 22, 2011 8:04 pm

Eudora wrote:I cannot believe that you are still biting every time someone pokes at you Dok. How did you ever make it through middle school, or even high school? Get the point and shut up. Then maybe people will quit messing with you.

Evil Semp: Is this not a confession?
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Re: arkansania, wogreen, mtatman [Warned] KRK

Postby Serbia on Wed Jun 22, 2011 8:10 pm

doktur, go start a new C&A thread about it. Otherwise, as Evil Semp said, it's going to be ignored.
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Re: arkansania, wogreen, mtatman [Warned] KRK

Postby jesusdiedfuryou on Thu Jun 23, 2011 7:53 am

Now you are calling us hackers? Prolly just looking at Too much porn. And we all know what type of porn dont we dok....
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