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josko.ri - game chat trolling[noted]es

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Re: josko.ri - game chat trolling

Postby General Mojo on Wed Jun 15, 2011 4:34 pm

Anyone else find it fascinating that it took the dude all of three hours to appear in this thread to explain/defend his actions, yet he has stayed completely silent for weeks in the other C & A thread about him? I mean, either you believe that allegations of infractions should be discussed/vetted/defended publicly or you don't, right?
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Re: josko.ri - game chat trolling

Postby Night Strike on Wed Jun 15, 2011 4:41 pm

Leehar wrote:Similarly, excessive trolling is discouraged, but there really is very little here that can be deemed as such. He made 5 comments in 3 games, with most being seemingly pertinent questions to him, and as he mentioned, when asked to stop he promptly did so.

Just because you word something as a question doesn't make it a legitimate one to ask in the game chat of someone else's game.

By the way, I don't really care which way this one is decided; just throwing in a few cents of clarifications.
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Re: josko.ri - game chat trolling

Postby Bruceswar on Thu Jun 16, 2011 1:20 am

General Mojo wrote:Anyone else find it fascinating that it took the dude all of three hours to appear in this thread to explain/defend his actions, yet he has stayed completely silent for weeks in the other C & A thread about him? I mean, either you believe that allegations of infractions should be discussed/vetted/defended publicly or you don't, right?

How quickly people forget what the Blitz case turned into. A major flame fest, with little info being given past page 1 or 2. More people tossing opinions and ideas to what happened than facts. Lead to the thread getting locked and nuclear winter.

Just think if the OJ Simpson case had been a total public case with anybody being able to toss opinions and question the accused in court? It surely would have been 10x longer and lots of non evidence tossed in. Point I am making is no matter if the perfect defense had been put up someone will always try to find a way to slander / sway these high profile cases. While this case is much less high profile than the other case vs Josko, a defense can be put out easy for this one. The other defense took a lot longer to come up with. Personally I think you will surely see a decline in cases put into the public or at least defensed in the public after the blitz spectacle. I mean lets face it. Blitz got a month long ban for putting jobiwan into 3 games, 2 of which he dropped. That was the only rule broken. I am a strong believer in the mods giving into public demand on that case, and giving him punishment for not taking jobiwan's turns in many games. Per the rules that was not punishable, but the public demanded it, thus a ruling was handed down. Had blitz posted in private his defense, it would have been far less of a spectacle and likely a lesser penalty.

To End this I am not saying what the mods will say about Josko, but I do know if I ever had a C&A vs me come up I would never post in public, no matter how innocent I am.
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Re: josko.ri - game chat trolling

Postby General Mojo on Thu Jun 16, 2011 9:22 am

So essentially you and your nifty clanmates have no faith in the mods to analyze public discourse and come to a correct decision? Interesting to say the least....

And we can agree to disagree regarding the Blitz case, obviously.
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Re: josko.ri - game chat trolling

Postby eddie2 on Thu Jun 16, 2011 2:20 pm

well it was blitzs statements that finally caught him out he said things that gave players things to check and they did not match with what he said.
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Re: josko.ri - game chat trolling

Postby Evil Semp on Thu Jun 16, 2011 10:32 pm

This report has been NOTED and josko has received a PM reminding him about game chat courtesy and what is said in the community guidelines.
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Re: josko.ri - game chat trolling[noted]es

Postby josko.ri on Fri Jun 17, 2011 2:22 am

I expect that everyone who commented in my games something other than "good luck" or quick questions and was not playing in the games will be noted with the same word of law like I was noted. players and game numbers about who did it are coming soon.
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Re: josko.ri - game chat trolling[noted]es

Postby Timminz on Fri Jun 17, 2011 10:27 am

josko.ri wrote:I expect that everyone who commented in my games something other than "good luck" or quick questions and was not playing in the games will be noted with the same word of law like I was noted. players and game numbers about who did it are coming soon.

I look forward to this report.
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