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Spoonm2000 PROFESSOR BRAINY secret dip [cleared] Mas

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Spoonm2000 PROFESSOR BRAINY secret dip [cleared] Mas

Postby ChrisBeerens on Tue Jun 14, 2011 8:08 pm


Elizabeth Carter

The accused are suspected of: Conducting Secret Diplomacy

Game number(s): Game 9240571

Comments: Ok so im in round 4 attacks me first turn in australia... ok its fine he's loaded there from the attacks somewhere close to me...Round 2, blue attacks my in the north by USA for no reason...completely away from his stack and does the same exact same having only 1 territory in that like uhh i kill blue and red comes from nowhere next turn, and leaves a stack in does the same..and then in round 3 me shit..and then green shows up after missing round 1,2 and puts his stack right beside me in the north right around blue and red...and kill me in the north together...there is no statistical advantage for this and makes 0 sense unless secret diplomacy and in chat they are all talking as if friends etc...seroiusly fishy ..

ROUND 6 now...and still green attacks me now in an entirely different spot on the map LMAO and blue same thing

Round 14: and they are surrounding me again with their stacks of 50+

Round 25: they have attacked me nonstop for 4 rounds and continuing...agreeance in chat to take me out

Round 32: Blue has no idea I have my stack in reds area...hasnt seen it..yet goes for the kill and deploys most of his cash where my stack is...only way he would know is if red told him..which is what happened...

2011-06-14 18:02:36 - PROFESSOR BRAINY: hilarious
2011-06-14 18:03:52 - Spoonm2000: all out giant monsters attack yellow
2011-06-14 18:04:03 - Spoonm2000: because he's a cop
2011-06-14 18:04:30 - PROFESSOR BRAINY: i don't know what that means, but...ok!
2011-06-14 20:03:57 - Spoonm2000: haha, now yellow pisses on green!
2011-06-14 20:04:45 - PROFESSOR BRAINY: green's been gone for about five turns
2011-06-14 20:06:39 - Spoonm2000: I know I'm the dumb one
2011-06-14 20:11:06 - Spoonm2000: yellow sucks lets wipe him off the map
2011-06-14 20:24:33 - PROFESSOR BRAINY: don't try sucking-up to him now, him and inspector gadget are on a very important mission. the case of the fishy game
2011-06-14 20:26:08 - Spoonm2000: haha, yellow is such a cop
2011-06-14 20:34:15 - Spoonm2000: you know, we really should join forces and kill yellow just because he is such a cop
2011-06-14 20:36:05 - PROFESSOR BRAINY: once he solves this case, he'll be chief of world police
2011-06-14 20:42:24 - Spoonm2000: last south park was pretty strange huh?
2011-06-14 20:43:22 - PROFESSOR BRAINY: didn't see it yet. so idk
2011-06-14 20:44:01 - Spoonm2000: no if you watch southpark you gotta see it, it was so weird I'm telling you
2011-06-14 20:45:18 - Spoonm2000: it was all serious and stans parents got divorced
2011-06-14 20:54:53 - Spoonm2000: uh blue, whatever happened to us getting rid of yellow once and for all so we don't have to deal with his mess anymore?
2011-06-14 20:56:43 - Spoonm2000: you see what happens when you lose sight of the enemy?
2011-06-14 20:56:49 - PROFESSOR BRAINY: i thought you were just playing with his mind. throwing him off the scent of the fishy case
2011-06-14 20:58:25 - PROFESSOR BRAINY: ok, i'll him next turn ?/depending on what you do...
2011-06-14 21:08:42 - Spoonm2000: we gotta bonus break him wherever we can, and then pick him off from there
2011-06-14 21:18:20 - PROFESSOR BRAINY: be very careful though,...he may be figuring-out the statistics
2011-06-14 21:18:34 - PROFESSOR BRAINY: lol
2011-06-14 21:20:28 - Spoonm2000: yeah the statistics will change if we would quit cit throating each other
2011-06-14 21:21:30 - PROFESSOR BRAINY: sorry red, that was an accident i meant to put four guys on pakistan, but put them all there
2011-06-14 21:21:56 - Spoonm2000: no I dont care you need it you take it
2011-06-14 21:22:12 - PROFESSOR BRAINY: then i hit your one for a card. that one wasn't helping you. so no biggie
2011-06-14 21:22:16 - Spoonm2000: just realize we have an obligation to 187 this cop
2011-06-14 21:26:57 - Spoonm2000: bring it on in here
2011-06-14 21:27:04 - Spoonm2000: we will eat your army
2011-06-14 21:27:28 - PROFESSOR BRAINY: and his mommy
2011-06-14 21:50:07 - PROFESSOR BRAINY: ok sipowitz. go kick rocks
2011-06-14 21:50:30 - PROFESSOR BRAINY: oh, i'm sorry DETECTIVE sipowitz
2011-06-14 21:51:50 - PROFESSOR BRAINY: red, don't be naughty. you remember our secret agreement, as soon as yellow is dead, we call it quits
2011-06-14 21:53:38 - PROFESSOR BRAINY: oh crap, i just gave matloc the clue he needed. case closed!
2011-06-14 21:53:55 - Spoonm2000: yeah?
2011-06-14 21:54:04 - Spoonm2000: so that why I'm trying to kill you now
2011-06-14 21:54:48 - PROFESSOR BRAINY: get rid of the last witness eh?...pretty clever
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Corporal 1st Class ChrisBeerens
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Re: Spoonm2000 PROFESSOR BRAINY secret dip [pending] Mas

Postby Masli on Thu Jun 16, 2011 8:43 am

Colonel Masli
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Re: Spoonm2000 PROFESSOR BRAINY secret dip [cleared] Mas

Postby Masli on Fri Jun 17, 2011 1:58 am

From what I see from the logs, they did attack eachothers bonus. I really don't see any evidence for SD in this case.
When the attacks on you started you had much more bonus and regions then they had. I find it normal the both of them attack you to even have a chance to win the game. Calling one of the others an idiot in chat sure didn't help.

Spoonm2000 ,PROFESSOR BRAINY ,Elizabeth Carter are cleared.
Colonel Masli
Posts: 3000
Joined: Mon May 07, 2007 4:43 am

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