by tennischamp5 on Mon Jun 13, 2011 5:02 pm
Oh no, of course. I'm not saying mindlessly punish anyone with a low score either. I understand that there's those out there that might not be as good at this game or may not care enough to take all their turns, etc. However, the point is that in order to fall to an extremely low point total, such as <100 takes a lot more than just consistently playing 1v1s versus people below you. If you check the games most of these players play - they are rarely if ever against people with even similar points.
Albiestar, for example, is in 177 games currently, and every single one is 5-8 player games. To consistently lose and lose and lose to the point where you hit 1 point just seems very unlikely to me.
Suppose for example, a player has 75 points. In a 5-8 player game, supposing an average player (who has ~1000 points) wins, he'd still only gain 1 point from this player (who'd also lose one and drop to 74). To drop to 1 would require losing mass quantities of games over and over and over.
Only alternative, I suppose, is if he plays team games and loses - where the potential for losing points is higher.