Night Strike wrote:The accused has had 3 weeks now to post a defense, which is much more time allotted than most other cases that come to the C&A forum. Are we going to actually see a defense or are the accused trying to just ignore the thread hoping it will go away? Let's get a ruling on this so clans and others can get a better idea of what is considered legal account sitting.
Or, is the defense in private which will not allow anyone else to actually see it and counter it?
Just in case it has been provided in private, I'd just like to state the following points of emphasis for the C&A team to consider:
- The 20 or so cases in the OP are from a total of
three tournament/challenges. In the G1 challenge I checked every game, but for the TLO tournament and THOTA challenge
I only looked at games in which josko was a part of. There are other games in these two that I did not look into to see if josko was taking turns.
- The cases in the OP are only the turns in which we felt abuse was happening. We deleted about 30 turns (again, only from those three tournament/challenges) from our listing in which we felt that legit account sitting was taking place by josko. This includes games for multiple players not included on the original report. Though, I have to say, 50 (30 legit + 20 abuse) turns over the course of around 80 games that josko was a part of is rather ridiculous... even if some of it is "legit".
- To give examples of how small a sample size this truly is, josko and Moonchild (who seems to be the main account josko takes turns for) have played 189 team games together. 35 of the 189 games are from the three tournament/challenges that I looked through and in those 35 games I found 8 games (23%) that I included in the OP. Extrapolating that over 189 games would give an estimate of 43 games of abuse.
And this is for only one player, who knows how many games there are out there with numerous other teammates that I did not have the time/desire to do research on.- If I want to take this further, though... I'll use the numbers stated above: 20 cases of abuse over 80 games. That's 25% (which is very close to the 23% calculated above for Moonchild). Josko has finished 323 team games. 25% of 323 would come out to 81 turns of abuse...