podge wrote:I am surprised that nobody has raised the point that the image in question is pornographic. Since when has CC allowed images of erect ejaculating penis on its forums. Admittedly it is only a cartoon but as others have said there are children on here boys and girls who should not be subjected to this indecency. If I were to post a picture of my erect penis, how long would it be before it was removed, not very long I think. So would somebody please explain the difference to me.
Well. Pornographic? Come on. It’s a satiric cartoon. Satiric cartoons have historically contained material what some people find blasphemous, indecent and/and pornographic. Satiric cartoons is a way to express a political opinion. And a great way of doing that as well.
As for erected penises and children playing CC. You need to keep in mind here that everyone (even the kids) are playing CC using a web browser accessing the Internet. Now. The Internet is the greatest and most comprehensive source of erected penises in world history. There are penises everywhere, large ones, small ones, fat ones, thin ones, in all kinds of shapes and colors. Since I got my first reliable Internet connection I’ve seen thousands of erected penises. They are there. And they pop up from time to time. Now, has this made me homosexual? Morally decadent? No, not really. However, I’m not very sensitive to nudity any more. I can deal with it. Basically, it’s good for kids to see a few erected penises in all their glory. They’ll always learn something out of it. So banning semi-“indecent” images is really a losing battle. You have a lot of much more explicit “indecency” out there.
Get over it.