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JnS and saba ladysweet [Warned] Mas

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JnS and saba ladysweet [Warned] Mas

Postby Martin Ronne on Mon Jun 06, 2011 11:13 pm


saba ladysweet

The accused are suspected of: Conducting Secret Diplomacy

Game number(s): Game 9167548
They play a lot of games together. Most of them it looks like.


I attacked saba ladysweet, as he was strong and next to me. JnS then attacks me in Europe. His territory however is in South America, and I'm in Europe, neither of us posed an immediate threat to the other. We both had the ability to attack each other, but it would have been a waste of troops for both of us. There are also more pressing concerns in Africa for him. And he also borders saba ladysweet yet they don't attack each other and their mutual boarder is undefended, as if they're just not worried about the other attacking. They've played many games with each other, just look at their recent game history, and they're both Brits.

I would recommend looking at some of their other friends as well, as they're also from Brits and play games with each other often.
Strife wrote:I hereby state Martin Ronne has inappropriately touched me. I would like to file charges against this sick bastard and expect he be sent to prison.
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Major Martin Ronne
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Re: JnS and saba ladysweet [pending] Mas

Postby Masli on Tue Jun 07, 2011 9:06 am

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Re: JnS and saba ladysweet [Warned] Mas

Postby Masli on Wed Jun 08, 2011 2:33 am

JnS & saba ladysweet have been warned
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Re: JnS and saba ladysweet [Warned] Mas

Postby Martin Ronne on Fri Jun 10, 2011 2:30 pm

They're still doing it. Now that they realized I reported them they're both coordinating to take me out. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Strife wrote:I hereby state Martin Ronne has inappropriately touched me. I would like to file charges against this sick bastard and expect he be sent to prison.
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Major Martin Ronne
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