Mr Changsha wrote:The trouble is that Fitz is the kind chap who eats tofu, wears sandals in appropriate places and feels 'The Guardian' is a bloody good read.
For Fitz, everyone is equally one is as dumb. We are all just 'different'.
Just as 'liberal leftism' will one day turn us all into vegetable eating lesbians, Fritz's brand of pernicious, softly softly nazism ''we don't kill the weak anymore...just those radical cheaters!!'' is a poisonous blend of polital correctness, quasi-socialism and mein kampf.
May this thread be the beginning of it. The appeasement must stop here. There is still time to destroy this Fritzian push, this cookian cleansing of quite diabolical proportions.
Remember that the greedy fascist is never really sated. Oh they will say 'up to 400 and not a foot further...I promise'' but then there will be another 'reasonable demand'. Before long we will be having the coroporals digging the holes and the hardy sergeant first classes doing the shootings, as the cadets and the privates get led to a horrible the name of Fritz.
'Scoreboard Lebensraum'...truly this is the darkside of CC we see here before us this day.
Thats all BS.
This is a very simple situation to fix, and this list is just a partial list of the offenders for years.
The ones around 100 and certainly at 5 are absolutely, completely, and obviously point dumping. They do it for many reasons, just as many have reasons for spray painting buildings, and vandalizing property, but all thats irrelevant.
All that needs to be done, is a cap of 500 points. That way, there is no real pay off for losing points. The people these people affect, are actually the ones at the bottom of the scoreboard. For those at the 2000 point range, its mathematically irrelevant if they have 500 or 1 point, so its the ones that are trying, that are being sabotaged, and terrorized by these rule breakers.
Again, its been pointed out time and again, and its embarrassing that its been allowed to go on for so long, especially given the time spent on a few cases that were decided "could be point dumping or game throwing...maybe", while three people currently have 5 or less points on the scoreboard. Again, its embarrassing.
Players have been doing this for years. Many on that list are throwing games, 99% on purpose, right now as we waste time with this discussion, and other random possible point dumping cases.
Protect the players that need it most. The ones that some are pretending to care about to have fun with a conversation, but whom they are enabling the real cheaters to exploit and ruin games every single day.
Warn the obvious ones. Ban the really obvious ones. Make a cap and solve this problem once and for all.
The situation is that easy, there are nearly no drawbacks to it, and it would take about a day to implement.
Until it is implemented, players struggling with the game, will be bombarded with players with 1, 20, 100, 200 points, and will win 100 points which they should never, ever, ever, ever should have been able to steal from the players actually trying, in or around the 1000 point level.
Stop protecting these cheaters guys. Protect the players that deserve to be protected instead. You should be ashamed of yourselves for allowing a little fun to cloud a real issue that affects thousands of players every day.