How Clan League & Medaling System should Work?I don't know how many clans we have on CC, but I'm pretty sure they are more than 30 clans.
In this suggestion, I'm trying to make the clan world and competition more enjoyable for both elite and lower clans.
Clans and competition are the reason why a lot of players (especially those who almost achieved everything) are still playing and enjoying this site, because the game itself is not enough to keep players eager to play more and more.
Clan League:Our current clan league system looks like the NBA format which in which clans are divided into groups and some of them (the highest winners) advance to a play-off (or knock out) system to have at last a final game with the winning clan is the winner of the clan league.
My suggested format is to modify the Clan League format to a round robin where each clan would have to play all the other clans participating in that round robin clan league.
How will that work?The strongest 20 clans can make the Premier League (like in England Football '
aka soccer' League) and compete to win the highest number of matches over all other clans on a home-and-away basis.
This means that each clan would have to play 38 matches against the other 19 clans; once home and once away against each one.
A match per week is the system of the real life competition of England Premier League where clubs play all the year except in summer (3 months vacation) and in Christmas (2 weeks vacation).
Each match should consist of 10 games (4 quads, 4 trips, 2 dubs or 4 quads, 3 trips, 3 dubs… whatever, up to you). And the clan that win at least 6/10 will be considered the winner of that match. Now a clan should be given 3 points per win.
Wait wait, what if each clan won 5/10 of that match? So easy, each clan will be given 1 point as in English Premier League where the away team sometimes strive to gain a draw and 1 point in the tough match. Yes draw is fun. We don't have to make it win or lose (black or white) result.
At the end of the season, the clan with the highest number of points will be the champion. And a very special trophy (medal) should be awarded to that clan that won a very tough league. And the second and third places can also be awarded silver and bronze medals because they did a very good job but might be not lucky enough to come first.
the medal of the clan league can be like this
or this
with silver and bronze versions for 2nd and 3rd placed clans
The lowest 3 (maybe 4) clans should be relegated to the second division league for the next season and the highest 3 (or 4) clans of the second league should be promoted to the Premier League for the next season.
The second division format can be run on groups basis, if there are a lot of clans to participate therein, since the lower clans may not be patient enough to have a long round robin format.
The winner of the second division league should also be awarded a medal, but I would not award 2nd and 3rd places any medals. They will be promoted to Premier League and that should be enough.
trophy of the second division league can be like this
CC Official Cup:Official Cup (OC) should be very simple. A knock out system with the winner of a home-and-away aggregate matches advancing to the next round leaving the losers behind. The winner of the final match should be awarded an OC medal.
with a trophy like this
Friendly inter-clans challenges:With the above systems coming into force, the clan challenges (of 41 games) medal should be less attractive for the elite clans because they would prefer to strive for winning the decent Clan League Trophy which is the best recognition of their decent position. Therefore, I suggest we get rid of the "faming" rule since all clans must get a very good experience when they play many matches (x10 games) throughout the long season.
trophy if this challenge should be the current clan medal