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Game chat on wall SD [Warned/noted] KRK

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Game chat on wall SD [Warned/noted] KRK

Postby Sword Master on Mon May 30, 2011 4:07 am

I stumbled upon mumcoach's wall and cavill gave advice to him/her too a game outside of that games game chat! I've heard that this is not allowed so I'm just going to let you guys know about it! Don't know if it is a coincidence that of the 3 8 player games they've played together cavill has won 2 of them!? The game in question is Game 8762095. And the text on momcoach's wall is "hi be care full dont put to many troops on the plane in your poland game you will not be able to move them back and if anybody takes PAF they will take you out " Maybe I'm just blowing something very common out of proportion but I thought I'd let you know just incase!!

KRK Added:
Game 8762095
Bolded text
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Re: Game chat on wall

Postby king sam on Mon May 30, 2011 5:36 am

No you are right, that is against the rules here.

All chat pertaining to gameplay shall be done in the game chat area of that game. Anything other then that is a violation of the rules. They will either get a Block from playing together in the future or a Warning. Either way it was a good call bringing it to their attention.

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Re: Game chat on wall

Postby Sword Master on Mon May 30, 2011 6:54 am

king sam wrote:No you are right, that is against the rules here.

All chat pertaining to gameplay shall be done in the game chat area of that game. Anything other then that is a violation of the rules. They will either get a Block from playing together in the future or a Warning. Either way it was a good call bringing it to their attention.


Yeah I thought it looked a little fishy :) ! I looked at cavill's wall and it doesn't seem like momcoach responded to him! At least not on his wall! Does that mean only cavill is due to get punished? It would seem odd if you can get punished because someone else posted an inappropriate comment on your wall! Or are you supposed to file a cheat&abuse report as soon as you see it on your wall? Good to know what to do if someone posts something like that on my wall ;) !
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Re: Game chat on wall

Postby SirSebstar on Mon May 30, 2011 8:32 am

player A&B getting blocked if only A did something wrong is still okay. You cannot blokc one player in the equation... ;-) And a warning is not a problem, of they dont ever do it again. If A did something and B did not, but B gets the warning and later also makes an SD he should have considered himself warned and is thus rightly going to get punished...
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Re: Game chat on wall

Postby Dako on Mon May 30, 2011 9:28 am

king sam wrote:No you are right, that is against the rules here.

All chat pertaining to gameplay shall be done in the game chat area of that game. Anything other then that is a violation of the rules. They will either get a Block from playing together in the future or a Warning. Either way it was a good call bringing it to their attention.


Is this something new? I haven't seen this rule - where did you get it from? Sounds very intriguing to me.
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Re: Game chat on wall

Postby SirSebstar on Mon May 30, 2011 9:34 am

Dako wrote:
king sam wrote:No you are right, that is against the rules here.

All chat pertaining to gameplay shall be done in the game chat area of that game. Anything other then that is a violation of the rules. They will either get a Block from playing together in the future or a Warning. Either way it was a good call bringing it to their attention.


Is this something new? I haven't seen this rule - where did you get it from? Sounds very intriguing to me.

from the help tab
16. Can I make an alliance or truce with another player?

Yes, but you must conduct all diplomacy in the in game chat.

Seriously Dako?
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Re: Game chat on wall

Postby Dako on Mon May 30, 2011 9:43 am

Ok, my bad. Somehow I thought gameplay includes game strategy as well, now I see KS was talking about diplomacy as well. Seeing ghosts in the shadows, got to head home soon :p.
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Re: Game chat on wall

Postby Sword Master on Mon May 30, 2011 9:49 am

SirSebstar wrote:player A&B getting blocked if only A did something wrong is still okay. You cannot blokc one player in the equation... ;-) And a warning is not a problem, of they dont ever do it again. If A did something and B did not, but B gets the warning and later also makes an SD he should have considered himself warned and is thus rightly going to get punished...

So if one of my opponents communicates strategy through my wall and someone see it and we both get a warning and then later another person does it and it gets reported I'll get banned even though I haven't answered any of them back :-s ? Isn't there anything I can do to avoid getting warned/banned (if twice) like reporting him when he posts it on my wall and thereby actively taking a stance against it?
Isn't that like punishing both the bully and bullied in stead of just the bully :) ?
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Re: Game chat on wall

Postby Dako on Mon May 30, 2011 9:57 am

You can think about better ruling of such situation and present it for the mods to discuss. After that the rule might be changed.
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Re: Game chat on wall

Postby SirSebstar on Mon May 30, 2011 10:06 am

Sword Master wrote:So if one of my opponents communicates strategy through my wall and someone see it and we both get a warning and then later another person does it and it gets reported I'll get banned even though I haven't answered any of them back :-s ? Isn't there anything I can do to avoid getting warned/banned (if twice) like reporting him when he posts it on my wall and thereby actively taking a stance against it?
Isn't that like punishing both the bully and bullied in stead of just the bully :) ?

In principle you are correct. Next time someone pm's you/ walls you with info on a game you are playing, you better bring it to the mods. You can just passively or actively act on it, but then do not be surprised if a moderator therefore concludes you are in an SD. Also note that the first step is a block, so even if you did do nothing wrong, you can still be blocked from playing with the player that was hailing you.. If it happens often, it might be that you gat a temporary website vacation. However in most cases where injustice was done, you can ask for a review and they will look again. If your case is good, you might get it cleared.

After all, CC cannot proof what is in your head only, but still tries to maintain a working website
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Re: Game chat on wall

Postby SirSebstar on Mon May 30, 2011 10:09 am

Dako wrote:Ok, my bad. Somehow I thought gameplay includes game strategy as well, now I see KS was talking about diplomacy as well. Seeing ghosts in the shadows, got to head home soon :p.

Gameplay DOES include strategy as a diplomatic NO/NO. With the provision that others then in the game may give you gameadvice (e.g. SOC gives advice via the forums)
In a 1 vs 1 i can give you advice against myself, but who sais my advice is any good? (not an SD)
in teamgames, teammembers may communicate in any way with eachother. ( not an sd.)
in multi player games vs all you must conclude everything in the gamechat, when it is aimed at your fellow players. Making a comment to your clanmember, who is not in the game, about that idiot mve is NOT an sd..
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Re: Game chat on wall

Postby Sword Master on Mon May 30, 2011 10:27 am

SirSebstar wrote:
Dako wrote:Ok, my bad. Somehow I thought gameplay includes game strategy as well, now I see KS was talking about diplomacy as well. Seeing ghosts in the shadows, got to head home soon :p.

Gameplay DOES include strategy as a diplomatic NO/NO. With the provision that others then in the game may give you gameadvice (e.g. SOC gives advice via the forums)
In a 1 vs 1 i can give you advice against myself, but who sais my advice is any good? (not an SD)
in teamgames, teammembers may communicate in any way with eachother. ( not an sd.)
in multi player games vs all you must conclude everything in the gamechat, when it is aimed at your fellow players. Making a comment to your clanmember, who is not in the game, about that idiot mve is NOT an sd..

So I can post a comment on my teammates wall about strategy in a specific game without doing anything wrong? I didn't know that!
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Re: Game chat on wall

Postby jefjef on Mon May 30, 2011 10:39 am

Sword Master wrote:
SirSebstar wrote:
Dako wrote:Ok, my bad. Somehow I thought gameplay includes game strategy as well, now I see KS was talking about diplomacy as well. Seeing ghosts in the shadows, got to head home soon :p.

Gameplay DOES include strategy as a diplomatic NO/NO. With the provision that others then in the game may give you gameadvice (e.g. SOC gives advice via the forums)
In a 1 vs 1 i can give you advice against myself, but who sais my advice is any good? (not an SD)
in teamgames, teammembers may communicate in any way with eachother. ( not an sd.)
in multi player games vs all you must conclude everything in the gamechat, when it is aimed at your fellow players. Making a comment to your clanmember, who is not in the game, about that idiot mve is NOT an sd..

So I can post a comment on my teammates wall about strategy in a specific game without doing anything wrong? I didn't know that!

You may communicate with your actual team game partners whichever way you may chose. Wall - pm - forum - phone - craigs list....

You may only communicate with opponents about truces/strategy in an ongoing game in game chat.
This post was made by jefjef who should be on your ignore list.
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Re: Game chat on wall

Postby Army of GOD on Mon May 30, 2011 2:00 pm

jefjef wrote:
Sword Master wrote:
SirSebstar wrote:
Dako wrote:Ok, my bad. Somehow I thought gameplay includes game strategy as well, now I see KS was talking about diplomacy as well. Seeing ghosts in the shadows, got to head home soon :p.

Gameplay DOES include strategy as a diplomatic NO/NO. With the provision that others then in the game may give you gameadvice (e.g. SOC gives advice via the forums)
In a 1 vs 1 i can give you advice against myself, but who sais my advice is any good? (not an SD)
in teamgames, teammembers may communicate in any way with eachother. ( not an sd.)
in multi player games vs all you must conclude everything in the gamechat, when it is aimed at your fellow players. Making a comment to your clanmember, who is not in the game, about that idiot mve is NOT an sd..

So I can post a comment on my teammates wall about strategy in a specific game without doing anything wrong? I didn't know that!

You may communicate with your actual team game partners whichever way you may chose. Wall - pm - forum - phone - craigs list....

You may only communicate with opponents about truces/strategy in an ongoing game in game chat.

When jefjef and I play together, this is the preferred system of communication.
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Re: Game chat on wall

Postby jefjef on Tue May 31, 2011 10:54 am

Army of GOD wrote:
jefjef wrote:
Sword Master wrote:
SirSebstar wrote:
Dako wrote:Ok, my bad. Somehow I thought gameplay includes game strategy as well, now I see KS was talking about diplomacy as well. Seeing ghosts in the shadows, got to head home soon :p.

Gameplay DOES include strategy as a diplomatic NO/NO. With the provision that others then in the game may give you gameadvice (e.g. SOC gives advice via the forums)
In a 1 vs 1 i can give you advice against myself, but who sais my advice is any good? (not an SD)
in teamgames, teammembers may communicate in any way with eachother. ( not an sd.)
in multi player games vs all you must conclude everything in the gamechat, when it is aimed at your fellow players. Making a comment to your clanmember, who is not in the game, about that idiot mve is NOT an sd..

So I can post a comment on my teammates wall about strategy in a specific game without doing anything wrong? I didn't know that!

You may communicate with your actual team game partners whichever way you may chose. Wall - pm - forum - phone - craigs list....

You may only communicate with opponents about truces/strategy in an ongoing game in game chat.

When jefjef and I play together, this is the preferred system of communication.

I swear some peeps just don't understand the sacredness of this forum. AoG this is about allowed diplomacy - not fetishes.
This post was made by jefjef who should be on your ignore list.
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Re: Game chat on wall

Postby gradybridges on Tue May 31, 2011 12:48 pm

jefjef wrote:You may communicate with your actual team game partners whichever way you may chose. Wall - pm - forum - phone - craigs list....

I was in a random tourney/random formay torney and was with a doubles partner I never had before and I got this pm

A friendly reminder from your cheating & abuse moderator for Conquer Club.

Game number:Game 8704503
Your wall posts on _HiTMaN_ have come to my attention.

You wrote:
done. I forted you heavy in one area. there should be no deffense where you will attack. by gradybridges on Fri Mar 18, 2011 4:27 pm

This is considered Secret Diplomacy and isn't tolerated in Conquer Club. If I had caught you in a non-team format (meaning doubles and you are on the same team as _HiTMaN_) you both would have a warning on your accounts. If another Secret Diplomacy infraction occurs in the future, you will receive an official warning. I am letting this one go without an official warning.

All current game communication must occur in the current game chat. Diplomacy includes, but is not limited to: proposing truces, negotiating alliances, and coordinating assaults. You can post on each other's wall "check game chat on game XXXXXXX".

If you have any questions regarding this communication to you, please reply back with your questions.

Thank you,

I asked him explain how talking to my partner was secret diplomacy. Got this
You are coordinating assaults between you and your teammate that should take place in the game chat. It should not take place between you and your teammates wall.

This email is not an official warning, just a reminder to keep your communications in the game chat.

I chalk it up to being new but it still makes no sense.
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Re: Game chat on wall SD [pending] KRK

Postby Ace Rimmer on Tue May 31, 2011 3:13 pm

That's a total fuckup by KRK, you did not break any rules there.
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Re: Game chat on wall SD [pending] KRK

Postby Bones2484 on Tue May 31, 2011 3:20 pm

jakewilliams wrote:That's a total fuckup by KRK, you did not break any rules there.

Wow, that's a terrible terrible terrible decision by KRK and is setting a horrible precedent.
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Re: Game chat on wall

Postby Karl_R_Kroenen on Tue May 31, 2011 4:29 pm

gradybridges wrote:
jefjef wrote:You may communicate with your actual team game partners whichever way you may chose. Wall - pm - forum - phone - craigs list....

I was in a random tourney/random formay torney and was with a doubles partner I never had before and I got this pm

A friendly reminder from your cheating & abuse moderator for Conquer Club.

Game number:Game 8704503
Your wall posts on _HiTMaN_ have come to my attention.

You wrote:
done. I forted you heavy in one area. there should be no deffense where you will attack. by gradybridges on Fri Mar 18, 2011 4:27 pm

This is considered Secret Diplomacy and isn't tolerated in Conquer Club. If I had caught you in a non-team format (meaning doubles and you are on the same team as _HiTMaN_) you both would have a warning on your accounts. If another Secret Diplomacy infraction occurs in the future, you will receive an official warning. I am letting this one go without an official warning.

All current game communication must occur in the current game chat. Diplomacy includes, but is not limited to: proposing truces, negotiating alliances, and coordinating assaults. You can post on each other's wall "check game chat on game XXXXXXX".

If you have any questions regarding this communication to you, please reply back with your questions.

Thank you,

I asked him explain how talking to my partner was secret diplomacy. Got this
You are coordinating assaults between you and your teammate that should take place in the game chat. It should not take place between you and your teammates wall.

This email is not an official warning, just a reminder to keep your communications in the game chat.

I chalk it up to being new but it still makes no sense.

gradybridges is/was correct and I was incorrect and I apologize, yes I was very new.
I researched this (teammates posting on each others wall about strategy) and it seemed that it was acceptable.
(why wouldn't you just do it in the game chat? It is hidden from the other players/teams, other than flagging on the wall).

Again, I thought I replied to gradybridges after the above emails and let him know I was incorrect.
Not 100% sure I did that...

Back on Topic, Please...
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Re: Game chat on wall SD [pending] KRK

Postby owenshooter on Tue May 31, 2011 5:52 pm

so wait... now i have to post all my team chat within the game chat log or i am cheating? ok... that makes absolutely no sense... so label me a cheat...-the black cheater
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Re: Game chat on wall SD [pending] KRK

Postby Night Strike on Tue May 31, 2011 6:10 pm

owenshooter wrote:so wait... now i have to post all my team chat within the game chat log or i am cheating? ok... that makes absolutely no sense... so label me a cheat...-the black cheater

Owen, do you read previous posts before you make your own? If you would read the post just above yours, Karl clearly mentioned that his interpretation of the rules was incorrect and that he apologized for issuing the incorrect ruling.
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Re: Game chat on wall SD [pending] KRK

Postby Chariot of Fire on Tue May 31, 2011 6:15 pm

I've been stuck with random team mates before and sometimes the only way to ensure they are reading the strategy (coz it appears some don't bother reading gamechat) is to post it on their wall.
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Re: Game chat on wall SD [pending] KRK

Postby donkeymile on Tue May 31, 2011 10:09 pm

Maybe its just me but I see NO PROBLEM with what was written on the wall of the initial post of this thread.

There was no specific information given and was really just a general strategy hint. Can't see why its garnered so much attention really ....
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Re: Game chat on wall SD [pending] KRK

Postby support81ghent on Wed Jun 01, 2011 12:12 am

donkeymile wrote:Maybe its just me but I see NO PROBLEM with what was written on the wall of the initial post of this thread.

There was no specific information given and was really just a general strategy hint. Can't see why its garnered so much attention really ....

+1 there was no cooperation, they didnt give out game information, they didnt have a diplomacy
(as far as we can see).
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Re: Game chat on wall SD [pending] KRK

Postby Sword Master on Wed Jun 01, 2011 12:21 am

support81ghent wrote:
donkeymile wrote:Maybe its just me but I see NO PROBLEM with what was written on the wall of the initial post of this thread.

There was no specific information given and was really just a general strategy hint. Can't see why its garnered so much attention really ....

+1 there was no cooperation, they didnt give out game information, they didnt have a diplomacy
(as far as we can see).

I don't think it's allowed to hand out tips to someone outside of gamechat in a game that you're in yourself unless you are teammates! I think that's the problem! But my knowledge is very limited so I might be wrong :P !
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