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Account Sitting Abuse - josko.ri [warned]

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Re: Account Sitting Abuse - josko.ri

Postby lokisgal on Mon May 30, 2011 4:18 pm

Dako wrote:
lokisgal wrote:No lovo im not that upset dont flatter yourself so much. I
It was not one turn It was mulitple times . I still have all the screen shots from the mulitple times his flag was changing back and forth sometimes as much as 4 times in a 24 hour period.

I can create a screenshot of your profile with any flag on it, even with decepticons emblem.

If you can do this then I guess we have to trust that mods would always do their jobs and check ip addresses. In my experience this isnt always the case which is why I never file C and A reports anymore.
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Re: Account Sitting Abuse - josko.ri

Postby lord voldemort on Mon May 30, 2011 4:19 pm

This isnt a discussion for where you think the line is to be drawn...Its a thread for evidence
Discussion for rule changes should take place in sugs.

And you are saying you dont trust the hunters to do their jobs..
Remind me again why the f*ck are you posting in this forum then?
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Re: Account Sitting Abuse - josko.ri

Postby lokisgal on Mon May 30, 2011 4:27 pm

let it go lovo youre going to get this thread locked.
I made a simple statement and you and yours are ratcheting it up way to high.
Youre right its about josko but if you read back through it all there has been discussion about how this goes on way to much in top clans.
Ill say it one more time I used this as an example. Let it go so the thread can move on.
EXAMPLE read the entire thread people have brought up this as an issue much larger than just josko and thats all im responding too. Ive stated many times its not personal but you seem to want to make it so.
Last edited by lokisgal on Mon May 30, 2011 4:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Account Sitting Abuse - josko.ri

Postby lord voldemort on Mon May 30, 2011 4:29 pm

Then perhaps dont use my fucking name as an example of something I didnt do ok ;)
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Re: Account Sitting Abuse - josko.ri

Postby Night Strike on Mon May 30, 2011 4:30 pm

loki, if you want to let it go, STOP POSTING ABOUT IT! You accused lovo (in a thread that wasn't even about him) and he defended himself. Instead of you just dropping it or making your own thread, you've instead chosen to spam this thread. Please either drop the pissing match or make a new C&A thread. Either way, stop posting about it in this thread. This thread has been perfectly civil until you had to bring up and continue this spat.
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Re: Account Sitting Abuse - josko.ri

Postby lokisgal on Mon May 30, 2011 4:48 pm

Night Strike wrote:loki, if you want to let it go, STOP POSTING ABOUT IT! You accused lovo (in a thread that wasn't even about him) and he defended himself. Instead of you just dropping it or making your own thread, you've instead chosen to spam this thread. Please either drop the pissing match or make a new C&A thread. Either way, stop posting about it in this thread. This thread has been perfectly civil until you had to bring up and continue this spat.

my intention isnt to accuse lovo but rather to point to the larger issue of how this goes on way to often in clan wars. This point has been raised already in this thread, hence its not spam. I have as I said before screen shots but as Dako so kindly pointed out apparently they can be doctored which is news to me. Im not interested in C and A normally but I am when it pertains to clans as a whole as a much larger issue and as its been pointed out before this is clearly a much larger issue
Note the use of the word EXAMPLE which no one seems to be able to understand'

one of a number of things, or a part of something, taken to show the character of the whole: This painting is an example of his early work.
a pattern or model, as of something to be imitated or avoided: to set a good example.
an instance serving for illustration; specimen: The case histories gave carefully
Last edited by lokisgal on Mon May 30, 2011 4:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Account Sitting Abuse - josko.ri

Postby lord voldemort on Mon May 30, 2011 4:50 pm

The point is you have no right to use me as an example for something I didnt accusing me of being a cheat without any punishment or case against me.

Can you not see how this sits bad with me
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Re: Account Sitting Abuse - josko.ri

Postby jj3044 on Mon May 30, 2011 5:29 pm

Loki, your use of Drew as an example means that you are ACCUSING him in this thread of the exact thing Josko is being accused of. If you haven't already been warned in a PM by a mod, you might want to expect one. "Baseless accusations will not be tolerated" ... that is in the CC doctrine somewhere, right? The two points of this accusation to Josko were 1) that the sitting was happening when the player was not in jeporady of missing (NOT the same), and 2) the sitting was specifically for the purpose of gaining an advantage from it (NOT the same, as players in a foggy hive match who are sitting have no way of looking at snaps (when Ninja sat a turn for him), and we do not leave detailed instructions on that map (and from previous explanation, you know why I was in the process of covering that turn). We have a system, everyone knows what they need to do).

Go ahead and argue either of those points if you want, but TAKE IT TO A NEW THREAD.
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Re: Account Sitting Abuse - josko.ri

Postby ljex on Mon May 30, 2011 5:30 pm

lokisgal wrote:you guys dont read well do you

get a life its AN EXAMPLE and acct sitting abuse is sitting abuse. Doesnt matter if its 10 times or 100 . Ive been nice about
Now back to the topic at hand and learn to read the word


For us to read correctly you might want to learn to spell correctly and write coherent sentences.
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Re: Account Sitting Abuse - josko.ri

Postby lokisgal on Mon May 30, 2011 6:58 pm

so nasty. Lets get back on topic to josko and perhaps the larger issue at hand which is what the site needs to do to clean up this sort of thing from happening in the first place
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Re: Account Sitting Abuse - josko.ri

Postby Evil Semp on Mon May 30, 2011 7:05 pm

You guys and gals did so good for so long but now I think we need to lock this.
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Re: Account Sitting Abuse - josko.ri

Postby Evil Semp on Tue May 31, 2011 9:44 am

Now please keep it on topic.
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Re: Account Sitting Abuse - josko.ri

Postby Serbia on Wed Jun 01, 2011 6:25 pm

It's my hope that while the defense is obviously not going to be publicly made in this case, that the mods will still announce publicly their findings and determinations, regardless of the outcome.
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Re: Account Sitting Abuse - josko.ri

Postby Evil Semp on Wed Jun 01, 2011 7:39 pm

Serbia wrote:It's my hope that while the defense is obviously not going to be publicly made in this case, that the mods will still announce publicly their findings and determinations, regardless of the outcome.

Yes we will.
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Re: Account Sitting Abuse - josko.ri

Postby The Voice on Wed Jun 01, 2011 11:17 pm

Would restricting a single player to sit no more than 2-3 players help any? You could perhaps create a program that enabled you to choose 2-3 people you want to sit for in times when they really need it. You could only allow people to change who they sit for once a week or something like that? I know there will be loopholes no matter what action is taken. But since most people will probably agree that sitting is necessary, we should probably try to figure this one out without overreacting.
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Re: Account Sitting Abuse - josko.ri

Postby L M S on Thu Jun 02, 2011 12:17 am

The Voice wrote:Would restricting a single player to sit no more than 2-3 players help any? You could perhaps create a program that enabled you to choose 2-3 people you want to sit for in times when they really need it. You could only allow people to change who they sit for once a week or something like that? I know there will be loopholes no matter what action is taken. But since most people will probably agree that sitting is necessary, we should probably try to figure this one out without overreacting.

Not a bad option.
I had been thinking along these lines as well only my thought was to have an in game button that allowed each player to extend their turn by 12(?) hours once per game.
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Re: Account Sitting Abuse - josko.ri

Postby patrickaa317 on Thu Jun 02, 2011 12:21 am

L M S wrote:
The Voice wrote:Would restricting a single player to sit no more than 2-3 players help any? You could perhaps create a program that enabled you to choose 2-3 people you want to sit for in times when they really need it. You could only allow people to change who they sit for once a week or something like that? I know there will be loopholes no matter what action is taken. But since most people will probably agree that sitting is necessary, we should probably try to figure this one out without overreacting.

Not a bad option.
I had been thinking along these lines as well only my thought was to have an in game button that allowed each player to extend their turn by 12(?) hours once per game.

I like that idea.
taking a break from cc, will be back sometime in the future.
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Re: Account Sitting Abuse - josko.ri

Postby pascalleke on Thu Jun 02, 2011 2:09 am

patrickaa317 wrote:
L M S wrote:
The Voice wrote:Would restricting a single player to sit no more than 2-3 players help any? You could perhaps create a program that enabled you to choose 2-3 people you want to sit for in times when they really need it. You could only allow people to change who they sit for once a week or something like that? I know there will be loopholes no matter what action is taken. But since most people will probably agree that sitting is necessary, we should probably try to figure this one out without overreacting.

Not a bad option.
I had been thinking along these lines as well only my thought was to have an in game button that allowed each player to extend their turn by 12(?) hours once per game.

I like that idea.

For me i have seen on other online games this give more chance to pass word abuse , a setting or program putting a note in gamechat that this is being done and by whom! would work better as it would give the sitting more in the open , so easier to report any kind of abuse .
And add 12 hrs , would only drag more games :(
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Re: Account Sitting Abuse - josko.ri

Postby White Moose on Thu Jun 02, 2011 2:13 am

Evil Semp wrote:Now please keep it on topic.
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Re: Account Sitting Abuse - josko.ri

Postby pascalleke on Thu Jun 02, 2011 2:16 am

White Moose wrote:
Evil Semp wrote:Now please keep it on topic.

Indeed , was just looking for that link , but i think this discusion about sitting options would belong more here :

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Re: Account Sitting Abuse - josko.ri

Postby nippersean on Thu Jun 02, 2011 4:13 pm

For me the 2 off topic things
1) Only because Josko, naively said what happened. Should announcing sitting now be a rule? Until a software solution?
2) I didn't realise that logging into other peoples accounts to see fog games was against the rules. I've never done it to give rubbish advice, but assume many have done it to see how the unfinished games are panning out. Of course you can do both these things under sunny. Without using photobucketshop.

I personally think Chuuuuuuuuks post says it all.
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Re: Account Sitting Abuse - josko.ri

Postby Kinnison on Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:20 am

nippersean wrote:For me the 2 off topic things
1) Only because Josko, naively said what happened. Should announcing sitting now be a rule? Until a software solution?
2) I didn't realise that logging into other peoples accounts to see fog games was against the rules. I've never done it to give rubbish advice, but assume many have done it to see how the unfinished games are panning out. Of course you can do both these things under sunny. Without using photobucketshop.

I personally think Chuuuuuuuuks post says it all.

re, 1)

It's in the Community Guidelines, HERE.

* Players are allowed to account-sit for others as long as they are not opponents within the game. When sitting for a player, you need to post who you are and how long you will be sitting for the player so that other players in the game are aware of who they are actually playing.
* Being on another player's account for ANY reasons other than taking turns when they are in danger of missing a turn, or posting to necessary Tournament or Clan related public forum topics, is not allowed. Abuse of this privilege can be considered account sharing and could result in a Bust for both accounts.
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Re: Account Sitting Abuse - josko.ri

Postby HardAttack on Mon Jun 06, 2011 11:06 am

Chariot of Fire wrote:
hotfire wrote:i see that warfare is evolving in such a way that the general of the army is out on the frontlines dressed in a sergeants uniform discussing strategy, or perhaps picking up a pistol, with his corporals...instead of hiding in some tent with a map, a pencil and a radio...that shows real leadership...

the problem i see is that the corporals forget to fire their pistols when they are not sure of which enemys head to shoot at...thus making the general take the gun out of their hands and do it himself before the sun goes down

If ever a short story painted a picture, this was it. Bravo sir.

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Re: Account Sitting Abuse - josko.ri

Postby khazalid on Mon Jun 06, 2011 11:37 am

hold on while i register my shock

had i been wise, i would have seen that her simplicity cost her a fortune
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Re: Account Sitting Abuse - josko.ri

Postby SirSebstar on Mon Jun 06, 2011 11:44 am

khazalid wrote:hold on while i register my shock


it registered at 0.3 on the scale of *
edit upgrading to 7.3 due to foggy conditions being Cristal clear
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