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Re: Karl_R_Kroenen

Postby ljex on Sat May 28, 2011 5:28 pm

Evil Semp wrote:Stop it now. Don't you folks have something better to do on a holiday weekend?

1) Karl sends pander a PM concerning his signature.
2) Pander complies and sends a PM to Karl saying your signature is to large.

The first two facts we know happened.

3) Karl checks his signature by right clicking and it says 150x550. Signature is within the site guide lines.

I figure step three is what happened.

4) Karl asked me if his signature was to large. I right click it says 150x550. i respond that it isn't to big.

Step 4 is a fact.

5) Karl thinks Pander is just trying to give him a hard time and ignores it.
6) Pander PM's clapper, clapper goes through the clicking etc. etc. Signature is within the guide lines.
7) Pander files a C&A complaint.

I think that is pretty much the series of events. I think the problem here is communication.

Pander88uk wrote:Note that while the banner is 150 pixels high, the text increases this size.

I read this and said how can the type in his signature change the size of the signature?

Then the light bulb went on. It is the type that is under the picture in his signature.

signature wrote:Highest score 2032 @ 11/18/2010 @ 21:36 PST

Captain, Road Prison 36 wrote: What we got here is... failure to communicate. .

I talked to Karl today and told him and he changed his signature.

Moving this to CLOSED.

and yet both you and clapper011 should know that it is not only the size of the image but the size of the whole signature which kinda breaks the sequence of events. I can understand KRK because he is new but both of you are senior members.

Even then if all that happened a response from KRK to pander with him saying he checked his signature and it was within the size limits wondering why he thought it wasnt would be the proper step for him to take in that situation. If nothing more than to close the case with pander so that he knew what came of it...that would take all of what a few minutes and have stopped this whole thing from happening.
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Re: Karl_R_Kroenen

Postby Evil Semp on Sat May 28, 2011 5:49 pm

ljex wrote:and yet both you and clapper011 should know that it is not only the size of the image but the size of the whole signature which kinda breaks the sequence of events. I can understand KRK because he is new but both of you are senior members.

I disagree with this statement. If I am not mistaken this is only the second time I have dealt with a signature and I thought that the type under it was included in the size. I put an x under mine and checked it to figure out that it wasn't included when you right click.

ljex wrote:Even then if all that happened a response from KRK to pander with him saying he checked his signature and it was within the size limits wondering why he thought it wasnt would be the proper step for him to take in that situation. If nothing more than to close the case with pander so that he knew what came of it...that would take all of what a few minutes and have stopped this whole thing from happening.

Now isn't that what I said with this quote?

Captain, Road Prison 36 wrote: What we got here is... failure to communicate. .
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Re: Karl_R_Kroenen

Postby ljex on Sat May 28, 2011 5:56 pm

Evil Semp wrote:
ljex wrote:and yet both you and clapper011 should know that it is not only the size of the image but the size of the whole signature which kinda breaks the sequence of events. I can understand KRK because he is new but both of you are senior members.

I disagree with this statement. If I am not mistaken this is only the second time I have dealt with a signature and I thought that the type under it was included in the size. I put an x under mine and checked it to figure out that it wasn't included when you right click.

ljex wrote:Even then if all that happened a response from KRK to pander with him saying he checked his signature and it was within the size limits wondering why he thought it wasnt would be the proper step for him to take in that situation. If nothing more than to close the case with pander so that he knew what came of it...that would take all of what a few minutes and have stopped this whole thing from happening.

Now isn't that what I said with this quote?

Captain, Road Prison 36 wrote: What we got here is... failure to communicate. .

There is a thread dedicated to the subject somewhere in the mod forums...

Oh and there are way too many failures to communicate than i can accept recently. Two for this case alone...

Edit: I will continue replying as long as you do till i feel all points have been addressed...if you ever wish to take this to pm's or feel this is not the right forum to discuss this i expect you to tell me so. I don't really want to get another warning/ban for not doing anything wrong.
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Re: Karl_R_Kroenen[CLOSED]ES

Postby jsnyder748 on Sat May 28, 2011 11:34 pm

who really cares this is online risk.
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Re: Karl_R_Kroenen[CLOSED]ES

Postby jefjef on Sat May 28, 2011 11:50 pm

jsnyder748 wrote:who really cares this is an online world domination game..


We care because CC is a for profit business that provides a product many of us purchase for our entertainment, enjoyment and relaxation... Why wouldn't you care?
This post was made by jefjef who should be on your ignore list.
drunkmonkey wrote:I'm filing a C&A report right now. Its nice because they have a drop-down for "jefjef".
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Re: Karl_R_Kroenen

Postby clapper011 on Sun May 29, 2011 9:02 am

Pander88uk wrote:Let me be clear to Sully, I have no problem at all with the signature, and your selective quoting of me is frankly embarrassing for you. I abided by KRK's request to remove my avatar and, being pedantic, decided to mention that his signature was outside the accepted limits (because I was feeling confrontational at the time). What was upsetting was, as others have noted, the lack of response from 2 mods. I took the following course of action:

- Direct confrontation with KRK (ignored)
- Escalation to a more senior mod (ignored)
- C&A forum

I think I went about this in the only way I could have, and certainly didn't come rushing to the forum in an attempt to make the C&A mods look bad etc. etc. etc.

KRK has amended his signature now so all is good with the world.

A further note, I wasn't aware it wasn't a hard and fast rule that swearing wasn't allowed in avatars... just assumed KRK knew what he was doing.

I apologize pander, I did not purposely ignore your pm. I had many other things I was dealing with and too many pms(yes not making excuses for not doing my mod duties) and your pm ended up getting pushed out of my inbox and I forgot. It was not a matter of ignoring you.but I am glad this got resolved. again sorry pander.

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Re: Karl_R_Kroenen[CLOSED]ES

Postby jsnyder748 on Sun May 29, 2011 9:09 am

jefjef wrote:
jsnyder748 wrote:who really cares this is an online world domination game..


We care because CC is a for profit business that provides a product many of us purchase for our entertainment, enjoyment and relaxation... Why wouldn't you care?

i meant who cares about a stupid signature :lol: . it's not like i don't think cc could improve or should try to improve it's the fact that we care so much about some of the dumbest rules when other stuff is going on that should be at the forefront of what we are talking about.
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Re: Karl_R_Kroenen[CLOSED]ES

Postby Royal Panda on Sun May 29, 2011 9:12 am

Hey clapper, no worries at all, thanks for coming on and explaining :)

jsnyder748 wrote:i meant who cares about a stupid signature :lol: . it's not like i don't think cc could improve or should try to improve it's the fact that we care so much about some of the dumbest rules when other stuff is going on that should be at the forefront of what we are talking about.

You're missing the point of the post... I wasn't complaining about the sig.
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Re: Karl_R_Kroenen

Postby Evil Semp on Sun May 29, 2011 10:26 am

ljex wrote:Oh and there are way too many failures to communicate than i can accept recently. Two for this case alone...

Communication is a two way street, and both sides of this issue failed at this.

[quote="ljex']Edit: I will continue replying as long as you do till i feel all points have been addressed...if you ever wish to take this to pm's or feel this is not the right forum to discuss this i expect you to tell me so. I don't really want to get another warning/ban for not doing anything wrong.[/quote]

Is there a reason this should be taken to PM's? If there is just send me one.
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Re: Karl_R_Kroenen

Postby ljex on Sun May 29, 2011 10:31 am

Evil Semp wrote:
ljex wrote:Oh and there are way too many failures to communicate than i can accept recently. Two for this case alone...

Communication is a two way street, and both sides of this issue failed at this.

[quote="ljex']Edit: I will continue replying as long as you do till i feel all points have been addressed...if you ever wish to take this to pm's or feel this is not the right forum to discuss this i expect you to tell me so. I don't really want to get another warning/ban for not doing anything wrong.[/quote]

Is there a reason this should be taken to PM's? If there is just send me one.[/quote]

communication is a two way street but recently it has been team CC that has failed to communicate for some reason or another. At least in my opinion.

Idk if there is...but then i have disagreed with a lot of team cc's decisions recently
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