The accused are suspected of:
Other: Failing to abide by forum rules
Karl's signature is above the approved size as designated in the forum rules. When I mentioned this to Karl, he didn't seem to have any clue as to what the rules were. When I explained the rules to him, he ignored me.
Link to rule:
Night Strike wrote:Signatures larger than 150 pixels high by 600 pixels wide just scream āI am compensating for somethingā and should be reduced in size. Note this size restriction includes all parts of the signature, i.e. all banners and all text.
Karl's Signature:

Highest score 2032 @ 11/18/2010 @ 21:36 PST
Note that while the banner is 150 pixels high, the text increases this size.
My conversation to Karl a week ago, as forwarded to clapper011, who promptly ignored both me and the rule breach:
Pander88uk wrote:Hi Clapper,
Not sure if you're the right person to mention this to, but as you're global mod head you were the natural choice! I've recently had the below exchange with Karl regarding my avatar (which contained a naughty word in the tiniest of tiny writing). Not sure who complained about it, but I've had it up for months. If someone was offended though then of course I am sorry and have removed the picture as requested.
I'm not impressed, however, with Karl's response to my pointing out his signature was larger than rules allow, and he still has not changed it. Pretty bad, considering he's a mod telling people what they can and can't do in their profile, yet can't stick to the rules himself!
I obviously don't find the sig annoying, and only pointed it out because I was being pedantic after being asked to remove something on my profile which was in violation of the rules, but the attitude is not something I'd expect from a moderator of this site, especially in his position. Just thought I'd bring this to your attention.
From checking the sig, it is definitely over the allowed 150 pixels in height with writing included. As per forum guidelines,Signatures larger than 150 pixels high by 600 pixels wide just scream āI am compensating for somethingā and should be reduced in size. Note this size restriction includes all parts of the signature, i.e. all banners and all text.
Obviously, if this is best sat with another, please can you forward on my concerns?
PanderKarl_R_Kroenen wrote:Pander,
Could you tell me what your Avatar reads???
If it contains a word that wouldn't be suitable for a minor to read, please remove it...
KarlKarl_R_Kroenen wrote:Pander88uk wrote:Hi Karl,
Will remove it, but I doubt anyone can really read it it's so small! However, certainly is an offensive word and as such I'll find a new avatar.
While you're looking at people's avatars, I would suggest you amend your signature to the appropriate 150 pixel height, as it seems a bit hypocritical to be preaching the rules on posting when you don't follow them 100% yourself...
550px Ć 150pxPander88uk wrote:Karl_R_Kroenen wrote:Pander88uk wrote:Not with the writing included though! I only say because I received "a warning" once for having writing under my sig hahaha
This is all I see from Killmanic:
"It had come to my attention that your signature is over the allowed size of 150 pixels high and 600 pixels long. If you could please make it fit that size as given in the forum guidelines that would be great."
Yeah, when I was a mod and had padel access I checked and it showed as a minor infringementdidn't even know it was wrong!
Really poor behaviour from 2 CC mods there, one count of ignoring a rule breach and not following up a site member's concerns, and one count of preaching rule breaches to others while breaching them yourself and not amending this when mentioned.