Conquer Club

Nikita's Amazing Race [WINNERS: jelion and dogbert21]

Tournaments completed in 2011.

Moderator: Tournament Directors

Re: Nikita's Amazing Race [Round 6]

Postby Nikita42 on Thu Mar 10, 2011 12:20 pm

Invites have been sent. Good luck on this leg of the race. Remember, the last team to arrive at the pit stop may be eliminated from the race.
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Re: Nikita's Amazing Race [Round 6]

Postby Juan_Bottom on Mon Mar 28, 2011 1:44 am

Yes! DBC OMEGA first to arrive at the pit stop!

I can only imagine how difficult the other game is with all those DBC teams in it. That one should take along time to resolve itself. What do you think Nikita? Do I have time to take my shoes off?

EDIT: I can't believe that Angola's team was eliminated. This tourney is up and down. Maybe I don't feel so invincible anymore.
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Re: Nikita's Amazing Race [Round 6]

Postby Nikita42 on Mon Mar 28, 2011 7:40 am

Juan_Bottom wrote:Yes! DBC OMEGA first to arrive at the pit stop!

I can only imagine how difficult the other game is with all those DBC teams in it. That one should take along time to resolve itself. What do you think Nikita? Do I have time to take my shoes off?

EDIT: I can't believe that Angola's team was eliminated. This tourney is up and down. Maybe I don't feel so invincible anymore.

LOL. At the end of every round there is a mandatory 12 hour rest period, so take off your shoes. ;)

And yeah, as in the real Amazing race the appearance of an equalizer followed by a tough challenge can eliminate even the strongest team.
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Re: Nikita's Amazing Race [Round 6]

Postby nemrehs1 on Sun Apr 03, 2011 7:43 pm

Game 8672098
1. nemrehs1 and Calidrmr
2. denominator and Chewie1
3. Revlisd and NickJP
4. notyou2 and DukeHazzard

Also, I don't like the fact that even though we won this game, we are still in the 2v2v2, and the losers in the other games are 2v2, are we, as the winners, entitles to anything?
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Re: Nikita's Amazing Race [Round 6]

Postby Nikita42 on Mon Apr 04, 2011 7:17 am

nemrehs1 wrote:Game 8672098
1. nemrehs1 and Calidrmr
2. denominator and Chewie1
3. Revlisd and NickJP
4. notyou2 and DukeHazzard

Also, I don't like the fact that even though we won this game, we are still in the 2v2v2, and the losers in the other games are 2v2, are we, as the winners, entitles to anything?

I understand where you are coming from, but the reason I set it up this way is to penalize slow games. This being a race I want to encourage games to end in as few rounds as possible. So even though in the other game jelion and dogbert were last, they were still "faster" than everyone in your game where you came in first. The strategy at this point of the race, isn't to win the game, it's to not come in last.
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Re: Nikita's Amazing Race [Round 7]

Postby Nikita42 on Mon Apr 04, 2011 7:19 am

So Round 6 has finished and everyone has checked into the pit stop. I'm sorry to tell notyou2 and DukeHazzard that they are the last team to arrive and they have been eliminated from the race.

Round 7 games are being created and will be sent out within a few hours. Good luck everyone on the next Round.
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Re: Nikita's Amazing Race [Round 7]

Postby notyou2 on Tue Apr 05, 2011 6:13 pm

[quote="Nikita42"]So Round 6 has finished and everyone has checked into the pit stop. I'm sorry to tell notyou2 and DukeHazzard that they are the last team to arrive and they have been eliminated from the race.

Round 7 games are being created and will be sent out within a few hours. Good luck everyone on the next Round.[/quote

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Re: Nikita's Amazing Race [Round 7]

Postby hagardunor on Sun Apr 10, 2011 2:25 am

Game 8822784

M&B in round 5
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Re: Nikita's Amazing Race [Round 7]

Postby Nikita42 on Sun Apr 10, 2011 8:30 am

hagardunor wrote:Game 8822784

M&B in round 5

Nice work. There are still games running, but I plan to update all of my tournaments later today.
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Re: Nikita's Amazing Race [Round 7]

Postby nemrehs1 on Wed Apr 20, 2011 2:39 pm

Game 8822781

1. nemrehs1 and Calidrmr
2. Revlisd and NickJP
3. Chewie1 and denominator
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Re: Nikita's Amazing Race [Road Block]

Postby Nikita42 on Sun Apr 24, 2011 6:39 pm

Round 7 is complete. It was a foot race for the first two teams to the mat. Congrats to hagardunor and Pedrox you checked in first. I'm sorry to say, Krissan and anonymus you were the last team to arrive and you have been eliminated from the race.

There are 6 teams left and we are heading into the Road Block. PMs have been sent to everyone to explain what's required next. Good luck in this road block.
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Re: Nikita's Amazing Race [Road Block]

Postby Nikita42 on Tue Apr 26, 2011 11:18 pm

The players for the roadblock have been decided and invites sent out. If any player fails to join in 48 hours, they will be removed from the road block and I'll create a new game with the remaining players.
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Re: Nikita's Amazing Race [Road Block]

Postby nemrehs1 on Mon May 09, 2011 4:02 pm

09:42:14 * jakewilliams quit (kicked from Trivia Contest by jakewilliams - reason: So long, and thanks for all the fish)
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Re: Nikita's Amazing Race [Round 9]

Postby Nikita42 on Tue May 10, 2011 8:45 am

nemrehs1 wins the Road Block so him and his teammate calidrmr each a bonus to their next leg of the race. We are moving onto Jamaica and I'm working on sending out invites now.
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Re: Nikita's Amazing Race [Round 9]

Postby nemrehs1 on Thu May 26, 2011 7:52 pm

Game 9041183
Won in Round 8.....with the 1 round credit that we won last would be Round 7
Order of finish:
1. nemrehs1 and Calidrmr
2. Jelion and dogbert21
3. hagardunor and Pedrox
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Re: Nikita's Amazing Race [Round 9]

Postby Nikita42 on Thu May 26, 2011 7:53 pm

nemrehs1 wrote:Game 9041183
Won in Round 8.....with the 1 round credit that we won last would be Round 7
Order of finish:
1. nemrehs1 and Calidrmr
2. Jelion and dogbert21
3. hagardunor and Pedrox

Thanks nem. Hopefully I can update results tomorrow morning and get the next round going, but I'm pretty busy from now until Monday-ish. If they don't go out tomorrow expect games maybe Sun, but probably Monday.
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Re: Re: Nikita's Amazing Race [Round 10]

Postby Nikita42 on Fri May 27, 2011 9:37 am

Ok everyone has checked into the pit stop. With nemrehs1 and calidrmr's bonus from the Road Block they were able to take the lead and check in first as the pit stop. Chewie1 and denominator were the last team to arrive and I'm sorry to say, you are eliminated from the race.

Only 5 teams left and one non-elimination leg still remaining. I will be sending out invites to the next game in a few minutes.
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Re: Nikita's Amazing Race [Round 10]

Postby Nikita42 on Sat May 28, 2011 1:21 pm

I've had to send Revlisd and NickJP a second invite. If they fail to accept after this one expires, they will be considered to have lost their passports and will be elminated from the race and all remaining teams will move onto the next round.
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Re: Nikita's Amazing Race [Round 10]

Postby Nikita42 on Mon May 30, 2011 7:51 am

Nikita42 wrote:I've had to send Revlisd and NickJP a second invite. If they fail to accept after this one expires, they will be considered to have lost their passports and will be elminated from the race and all remaining teams will move onto the next round.

NickJP failed to join after two invites, so I'm sorry to say that Revlisd and NickJP are eliminated from the race. The game they were supposed to be in has been dropped and once the other game has finished, I'll start the next round with the remaining four teams.
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Re: Nikita's Amazing Race [Round 11]

Postby nemrehs1 on Wed Jun 01, 2011 8:34 pm

Game 9137334
nemrehs1 and calidrmr won
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Re: Nikita's Amazing Race [Round 11]

Postby Nikita42 on Thu Jun 02, 2011 7:16 am

nemrehs1 wrote:Game 9137334
nemrehs1 and calidrmr won

Round 11 invites have been sent. Good luck to the final four.
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Re: Nikita's Amazing Race [Round 11]

Postby nemrehs1 on Sat Jun 11, 2011 1:29 pm

Game 9170249 nemrehs1 and calidrmr won in round 6
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Re: Nikita's Amazing Race [Round 11B]

Postby Nikita42 on Mon Jun 27, 2011 7:23 am

Round 11 is complete and hagardunor and Pedrox were the last team to arrive. I happy to tell you this is the last non-elimination leg of the race. We will move on to Round 11B with the same settings as before and you will have a second chance to make it to the final Round. Good luck everyone.
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Re: Nikita's Amazing Race [Round 11B]

Postby nemrehs1 on Sun Jul 10, 2011 8:54 pm

Game 9308363
nemrehs1 and Calidrmr won in round 6
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Re: Nikita's Amazing Race [Round 11B]

Postby Nikita42 on Tue Jul 12, 2011 3:44 pm

Both games are complete. Plan for the final game to come out soon.
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