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dappadraper, harraaa SD [CLEARED] KRK

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dappadraper, harraaa SD [CLEARED] KRK

Postby shaaam on Wed May 18, 2011 1:39 pm


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The accused are suspected of:

Conducting Secret Diplomacy

Game number(s):

[balkans] 9030988[/5]

Comments: The two leaders on this game, have all of a sudden gone rather silent, and are not attacking each other, instead colluding together in attempt to knock myself and jamieallen out of the game. I have has suspicions of these to in previous games, though this one provides a good example.
Colonel shaaam
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Re: dappadraper, harraaa

Postby sunshining on Wed May 18, 2011 1:49 pm

shaaam wrote:


The accused are suspected of:

Conducting Secret Diplomacy

Game number(s):

Game 9030988

Comments: The two leaders on this game, have all of a sudden gone rather silent, and are not attacking each other, instead colluding together in attempt to knock myself and jamieallen out of the game. I have has suspicions of these to in previous games, though this one provides a good example.

Cleant it upp and editted a bit
Corporal 1st Class sunshining
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Re: dappadraper, harraaa

Postby kennys777 on Thu May 19, 2011 1:54 am

2011-05-10 22:28:18 - shaaam: you are awful players
2011-05-11 07:36:51 - harraaa: you're not very nice
2011-05-11 08:11:24 - gileo: that is a truly funny observation
2011-05-11 08:37:05 - shaaam: well quite clearly charlie is owning it on the left, and jamie comes in and smashes me and harry - the only 2 people available to knock him back
2011-05-11 08:37:42 - shaaam: and then harry abandons hope in the left to smash jamie up down south ...
2011-05-11 08:38:38 - shaaam: such aggressive play is so unnecessary so early on.
2011-05-11 09:38:59 - dappadraper: just because you enjoy having +1000 troops in your games sam, some of us only have a maximum of 4 games to play at one time so can't afford the luxury of building a ridic amount of troops and having games that last over a month
2011-05-11 09:39:30 - dappadraper: necessary or not, its always fun to smash each other up
2011-05-11 10:11:57 - shaaam: i take your point about fun smashing up... but if you want to up your win % then you need to apply tactics too. that said - you seem to be doing rather well in this one
2011-05-11 10:54:17 - dappadraper: yea well only as well as thornhole who's got the +6 per round too
2011-05-11 15:56:26 - shaaam: charlie has serbia now also
2011-05-13 06:59:17 - shaaam: holy crap
2011-05-13 07:00:23 - shaaam: k guys, temp truce - im gna assume that you'll agree given the situation. we've all got to hit charlie this turn or its over
2011-05-13 07:00:28 - shaaam: i'll go first
2011-05-13 07:01:00 - shaaam: i'll go through kosovo, so both of you can follow through with attacks
2011-05-13 07:01:49 - shaaam: oook, 20 vs 15 = 2 v 6.. damn
2011-05-13 07:02:10 - shaaam: harry feel free to go through pelagonia
2011-05-13 07:03:22 - shaaam: ok so i took romania
2011-05-13 07:58:21 - dappadraper: erm, whats this about
2011-05-13 07:58:29 - dappadraper: by killing me, you're only giving the game to thorn
2011-05-13 09:36:30 - dappadraper: ok, thorn is most definitely in a much stronger position now...if every gets me next time the game is his
2011-05-14 06:48:33 - shaaam: dont worry i have no intention of attacking you atm.... its impossible to tell who's leading, even so i couldnt do nething bout it
2011-05-14 06:48:55 - shaaam: any information shared may help your position
2011-05-14 16:03:01 - dappadraper: well thorns got bulgaria n i don't have sufficient troops to keep him out every turn so now in a v strong position. - also has lots of troops reserved at the bottom
2011-05-14 18:39:43 - shaaam: well, 2 + 3 + 1 + 1 = 7, harry 6 + 2 = 8 reinforcements - it's hard to pick sides tbh
2011-05-14 18:40:51 - shaaam: in fact including bonus troops for territories you get 15 and harry 14
2011-05-14 19:03:13 - dappadraper: thorns 6+2+4+6 territories = 18
2011-05-15 06:53:47 - shaaam: well in fairness, i stated the facts at the time
2011-05-15 14:57:55 - harraaa: how many troops you got on tirana jamie?
2011-05-15 16:45:42 - JamieAllen: I would tell you mate, but its tooo damn foggy
2011-05-17 14:43:49 - shaaam: charlie, i need a risk card each turn, so if you out borders of 7, 8 9 etc up then we'll both be losing troops unnecessarily ... just a suggestion
2011-05-18 05:19:55 - harraaa: nisava could be agreed on sam
2011-05-18 07:12:31 - dappadraper: yea use nivasa this round i need raska
2011-05-18 07:12:41 - dappadraper: nisava*
2011-05-18 07:55:44 - shaaam: cool, cheers
2011-05-18 13:40:23 - shaaam: you guys, are well dodgy .. not attacking each other and picking on poor old jamie, im guessing im next
2011-05-18 13:40:41 - shaaam: SECRET COLLUSION!

I figured I would copy/paste the chat up until now because I want to know who is Charlie? Who is Harry? I understand the OP here, but the chat is on-going and there have been statements made that are public, which makes the case blurry.
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Re: dappadraper, harraaa [pending] KRK

Postby Karl_R_Kroenen on Thu May 26, 2011 6:33 pm

dappadraper = CLEARED of SD (and a multi check as a freebie)
harraaa = CLEARED of SD (and a multi check as a freebie)

Looking at the game logs/chat, it seems like you were attempting to direct traffic/attacks and when it didn't happen YOUR way, you cry foul! And to boot, you won!?

Also, if you are going to accuse players of Secret Diplomacy, and you have played 8 games together without one player decidedly triumphing over the other 3 (yes I am looking at gileo also).

Then if the accused are "2011-05-18 11:40:41 - shaaam: SECRET COLLUSION!" against you, you don't foe them, in fact you start another game with one of the other players: Game 9131381.

Not sure what this means as there isn't a game with accused AND accuser in Scotland:
2011-05-19 03:43:33 - JamieAllen: seems to me you've opened up a can o' worms there sam
2011-05-19 03:44:25 - JamieAllen: consider this retaliation for scotland

Sergeant 1st Class Karl_R_Kroenen
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Re: dappadraper, harraaa SD [CLEARED] KRK

Postby shaaam on Tue Jul 05, 2011 12:31 pm

Fair comment. I think i got a little carried away here, they are friends of mine and they just like to gang up on me in games sometimes for a laugh. Sorry if i wasted your time.
Colonel shaaam
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