I've been reading through this thread for a while now, and it's come across me that there is somewhat of a fundamental split in thoughts regarding clan gaming as a whole and sitting in particular. What I disagree most with however is the people who are coming and are saying unequivocally that you should 'take all your turns when you're logged on' or variants thereof (basically, you were on 14 hours ago so why didn't you take your turn then). There are a few ways to rebut that, but my simplest argument is that how can you guys assume to tell other people how to play their games

? And thats the biggest danger I see here, Serbia and others may have said that mass opinion may not change the outcome of this case as it based on the evidence displayed herein, but I'm more worried that it'll encourage admins etc to a mindset whereby they should start governing how you should start playing. It's fine for those of you who feel that is already the way to play, (all turns when immediately possible - and I'll counter the viability of that later), but I feel there is perhaps just as large a group that play the game differently but aren't commenting here because of the predominant atmosphere already engendered (and which is what I've always disliked about mass community 'democratic' trials and what I feel was wrong with what happened in the blitz witch-hunt etc, but thats something to discuss another day).
Going back to the arguments against going immediately, it's basically a 2-pronged approach, either that you have games that come before it and are taking those first, and otherwise, that you just prefer to wait as long as possible because it's a team game so you prefer to consult with your teammates

. Again, this is where I believe the shift in mentality's come in, not to say either is right or wrong, but as HA mentioned, some believe that team are more about them playing together as a clan instead of a clan just being the sum of it's individual parts...
And then just an analogy on some earlier mentions, when you're playing 80 games+ and have only been able to clear them up to ~10/12 hours before going to sleep after a rough day in rl as well as cc duties, is it not understandable to have a sitter to take the turn if you can't wake up in time. I think some will agree with me when I say that CC burnout is a very real possibility, and is is it not understandable that sitters are needed to take turns in such instances where even if it's 'technically' possible for the account-holder to take that turn, it's unfeasible for them to do so (for whatever reason). Then lastly, another thing I think that needs clarification and is somewhat pertinent, distinguishing the need to avoid tactical disadvantage when taking a turn as opposed to looking for that advantage when doing so?
Just trying to bring up some points I feel are worth considering...