The accused are suspected of:
Other: <Explanation>
Severe Abuse in a game, and the player is a member of the conquer club staff, a chatter volunteer...i have no idea where this abuse came from, but why should a conquer club personnel abuse someone like this?
Game number(s):
Game 9108606
2011-05-22 01:16:10 - soldierboy: guess the dice think the pussy bitch needs a win
2011-05-22 01:16:23 - ChrisBeerens: lmao
2011-05-22 01:16:30 - ChrisBeerens: enjoy the 1 rating and foe
2011-05-22 01:16:31 - ChrisBeerens: ty bye
2011-05-22 01:16:51 - soldierboy: be my fucking guess bitch
2011-05-22 01:17:48 - soldierboy: little faget bitch
2011-05-22 01:20:18 - ChrisBeerens: lol nice spelling
2011-05-22 01:20:24 - ChrisBeerens: you must be american
2011-05-22 01:20:54 - ChrisBeerens: and you are apart of the conquer club community, well i shall make sure admin knows of this match ty

2011-05-22 01:20:56 - soldierboy: thought you were leaving
2011-05-22 01:21:04 - soldierboy: faggot
2011-05-22 01:21:22 - soldierboy: is that beeter for you stupid bitch
2011-05-22 01:21:32 - ChrisBeerens:

2011-05-22 01:23:38 - soldierboy: shut the f*ck up
2011-05-22 01:25:11 - soldierboy: Canadian faggots all need to shot and thrown in the ocean with Bil laden
2011-05-22 01:27:23 - ChrisBeerens: keep it up
2011-05-22 01:29:21 - ChrisBeerens: im going to love reporting you
2011-05-22 01:35:39 - ChrisBeerens: ty for the points
Be The judge for yourself