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ratdig04 [Noted]

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Moderators: Multi Hunters, Cheating/Abuse Team

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ratdig04 [Noted]

Postby KevlarHawke on Sun Jan 03, 2010 9:33 am



The accused are suspected of:

Severe PM Abuse
Other: I wouldn't call it Severe PM Abuse, but, he is shit talking on the message board in a game

Game number(s):

Game 6136642


The guy is shittalking on me because he thinks I made him lose. Green is the obvious power in the map so blue said he wouldn't attack me, next round he attacks me so I take some of his troops. After that I wouldn't focus on green alone cause that would make blue (the accused) too powerfull so I removed most of his troops aswell. Now he is shit talking on me for doing so. I don't really care he is doing it, but I just hope the guy gets to feel what he might have made me feel about xD

In short, his behaviour in the message board under the game is very bad.
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Re: ratdig04

Postby Mr Changsha on Sun Jan 03, 2010 9:47 am

comedicmaster wrote:2010-01-02 18:18:07 - ratdig04: that is having no brains at all
2010-01-02 18:18:28 - ratdig04: im a useless pawn in this game now because your to busy thinking with your fucking crotch
2010-01-02 18:18:48 - ratdig04: and wanting to get dicked by duffin
2010-01-02 18:19:12 - ratdig04: maybe youll have time to get the meat machette out of your mouth to come up with a decent gameplan the next time you play a 3 person game

I'm sorry, but I just love shit talk and this is a great example of it.

Don't take it too seriously... just imagine the bulging eyes, the protruding veins and the urgent desire to rub himself as he wrote that crap. These guys are funny!

I can but point you in the direction of codeblue for the true zen master of this art, but this guy is pretty good too. Ignore the 'foe and move on' advice you are about to be given...make this guy your friend and actually make a point of following his games. When it is not actually directed at you this stuff is pretty funny and if like me you have managed to build up a fair tolerance to this kind of filth (dare I say masochistic enjoyment...? I do dare! Spank me nurse, spank me!!!), then you can actually get to a point where you can take these kinds of lines full on the chin and say "More! More my good man and don't hold back the profanity!"
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Re: ratdig04

Postby KevlarHawke on Sun Jan 03, 2010 10:04 am

I must say I find it kind of funny myself. Indeed imagine how the guy must feel about it, about a game!
I do want him to be punished though.
Private 1st Class KevlarHawke
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Re: ratdig04

Postby Mr Changsha on Sun Jan 03, 2010 10:10 am

KevlarHawke wrote:I must say I find it kind of funny myself. Indeed imagine how the guy must feel about it, about a game!
I do want him to be punished though.

Oh quite right. What would you suggest?

I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say (with full knowledge of the possible emotional consequences) that his case should be...noted.

Yes that's right, noted.

I think we would all sleep easier if we knew the fullest extent of the law had come down upon this abusive chap.

So I want no mealy-mouthed, liberal, wishy washy (sucky fucky!!!) think of the offender crap here. Note the bastard and make him feel the burn!
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Re: ratdig04

Postby king sam on Tue Jan 05, 2010 2:10 am

We take a liberal stance here with what is said in game chat. 4 letter words are not out of the norm, and you will occasionally come across a bad apple every once in a while that decides to take the element of enjoyment out of the game with their comments and banter.

Of course there is a line that when crossed we step in and handle it as per the community guidelines, which in this case I don't feel is above it.

I am Noting this for future reference to be used against him if he continues on with behavior like this, but the administrative action this time is for you to use the Rating / Foe systems as you see fit.


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Re: ratdig04

Postby ratdig04 on Tue Jan 05, 2010 8:53 pm

KevlarHawke wrote:I must say I find it kind of funny myself. Indeed imagine how the guy must feel about it, about a game!
I do want him to be punished though.

Not punished. Apparently you took that meat and put it elsewhere. Good luck in your future games. You are an awful player and butt f'd us both. Unlike you, it was a new feeling for me. Thanks.
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Re: ratdig04 [Noted]

Postby jepsen1000 on Thu May 19, 2011 1:34 pm

Ratdog will accuse you of cheating in a heartbeat if you are beating him, he is the weakest player I have ever seen, and he somehow justifies his poor play by convincing himself that everyone is cheating. This dude is pain and I would urge everyone to stay out of any games with him, once you beat him, he cries for a long, long, long time.
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Re: ratdig04 [Noted]

Postby ratdig04 on Thu May 19, 2011 6:11 pm

jepsen1000 wrote:Ratdog will accuse you of cheating in a heartbeat if you are beating him, he is the weakest player I have ever seen, and he somehow justifies his poor play by convincing himself that everyone is cheating. This dude is pain and I would urge everyone to stay out of any games with him, once you beat him, he cries for a long, long, long time.

Incorrect. Just ones that cheat.
Captain ratdig04
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