My response post indicated why I do believe my post was on-topic.
However, I realize that in my emotionalism, my motivation is misunderstood and seems harsh.
So. A final post, explaining it.
I saw this and came in planning to defend your honor.
Then I saw the OP's samples. The sheer quantity of them appalled me, so that I saw no "honor" in your repeated vitriole, and could not support you.
Then I saw, you're a teacher, and not just "any teacher." You're supposedly a teacher of a fine institution, AFJROTC.

I am very proud to have graduated high school as a Cadet Major of that program. I learned from two upstanding shining examples of the Officer's corps: an NCO and a Lt. Colonel, both retired from the USAF. Through them, I got a real understanding of honor, of principles; and through that course, I got a history of aerospace in the United States and other parts of the world. That foundation helped me in a career in aerospace myself, although not in the service.
I apologize that in my dismay about the character you reflect, I was perhaps a bit harsh... however, the opinions I expressed are still the opinions.
The sheer quantity of the instances merit some action above just a wrist-slap.
The rest of my posts were invited by you, woodie, because you used your career to justify the need for de-stressing by posting that nastiness all over these forums; and you used some mild, if "not all that funny" teasing about your cadets dropping batons to start you off.
If the Sarge and Lt. Col. of my AFJROTC program had been posting stuff about me on the internet; and unapologetically cursing a blue streak dozens of times where minors are present, I wouldn't have been able to learn Corps values from them.
So, yes, I think it reflects a character problem. But also, yes, I think the OP's concerns over the quantity of instances is totally justified and merits disciplinary action.
And yes, I'm dismayed to find that I couldn't support Woodruff in this case after all.