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Woodruff -- Severe Forum Abuse, Flaming [Global issue][Done]

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Re: Woodruff -- Severe Forum Abuse, Extreme Flaming

Postby Woodruff on Wed May 18, 2011 12:11 pm

Mr Changsha wrote:What a strange trolling method woodruff has. He baits people into ripping the shit out of him and then reports them for doing so.
Well, it takes all sorts, huh?

Nicely asking people to stop discussing my job capabilities (when they have no way of actually knowing my job capabilities) is trolling to you?
That is strange.
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Re: Woodruff -- Severe Forum Abuse, Extreme Flaming

Postby Mr Changsha on Wed May 18, 2011 12:19 pm

Woodruff wrote:
Mr Changsha wrote:What a strange trolling method woodruff has. He baits people into ripping the shit out of him and then reports them for doing so.
Well, it takes all sorts, huh?

Nicely asking people to stop discussing my job capabilities (when they have no way of actually knowing my job capabilities) is trolling to you?
That is strange.

Nope...what is strange is your ability to get people to rip the shit out of you. I maintain you do it deliberately, and a more insidious form of trolling it is hard to find.
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Re: Woodruff -- Severe Forum Abuse, Extreme Flaming

Postby jefjef on Wed May 18, 2011 12:25 pm

Mr Changsha wrote:
Woodruff wrote:
Mr Changsha wrote:What a strange trolling method woodruff has. He baits people into ripping the shit out of him and then reports them for doing so.
Well, it takes all sorts, huh?

Nicely asking people to stop discussing my job capabilities (when they have no way of actually knowing my job capabilities) is trolling to you?
That is strange.

Nope...what is strange is your ability to get people to rip the shit out of you. I maintain you do it deliberately, and a more insidious form of trolling it is hard to find.

Mr C is very accurate on this assessment. woodruff refers to his job and capabilities quite extensively and when he tosses around some tirades he KNOWS it will bait others into responding.
This post was made by jefjef who should be on your ignore list.
drunkmonkey wrote:I'm filing a C&A report right now. Its nice because they have a drop-down for "jefjef".
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Re: Woodruff -- Severe Forum Abuse, Extreme Flaming

Postby pimpdave on Wed May 18, 2011 1:25 pm

Woodruff wrote:
Mr Changsha wrote:What a strange trolling method woodruff has. He baits people into ripping the shit out of him and then reports them for doing so.
Well, it takes all sorts, huh?

Nicely asking people to stop discussing my job capabilities (when they have no way of actually knowing my job capabilities) is trolling to you?
That is strange.

Odd, because by your standards, it's not off limits for you to attack other people's personal lives (I'm sure I could find more examples if necessary):

Woodruff wrote:Look fuckhead. How pathetic is your life? You must be some sort of a doormat in real life.

So why are you complaining when you reap what you sow? Why are you always reporting people? Why not just stop doing this stuff and we can all move on? I mean, I don't really mind you swearing at me every other day and telling me I'm horrible and the worst person in the world and everything else, but it'd be nice if you'd go ahead and stop reporting me when I post some silly thread or something completely unrelated to you.
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Re: Woodruff -- Severe Forum Abuse, Extreme Flaming

Postby jackal31 on Wed May 18, 2011 2:20 pm

Woodruff wrote:
jackal31 wrote:And Serb, no one is talking about Woody's teaching abilities, but his character and professionalism outside of the classroom.

You are wrong. My teaching abilities have absolutely been called into question here. Allow me to provide some direct quotes:
"It sheds light on what's wrong with our educational system."
"So... just imagine what his students are learning from him!"
"It's not ludicrous. It reveals you have a very short fuse, especially if someone dares disagree with you, which is a reflection of how you'd handle being questioned in class."
"I'm quite glad that a person like this wasn't my AFJROTC instructor!!!!"
"If you expect me and any thinking adult who has our children in mind, to respect your abilities as an instructor"
"You would post about your students in a public forum? That's the most telling of all!"
"If you can't conduct yourself well, here, with minors present and being kids, it DOES reflect on how you'd handle yourself in other places where minors are present, and that includes your classroom."
"And, btw, without parental permission, it IS inappropriate even to brag about students in public."
"Your vehemence on a site full of minors is conduct unbecoming an officer, therefore, conduct that illuminates you as unfit to teach your students how to BE officers."
"Further, you're sharing information that should be kept at school or given out to the public only as authorized by parents."
"If you went to your parents, your principal, and an Air Force Commanding Officer, I bet they'd tell you the exact same things I am. Further, I bet that if they could prove who "Woodruff" was, they'd consider your early retirement."
"Don't you have a class to teach? I think stahrgazer might have been on to something. Shouldn't your attention be on your students?"
(That last one should sound was you.)
except for these two, they were intended to bait you outright that enough quotes for you, to show that you are wrong in your statement above about the statements being directly made about my job?

jackal31 wrote:Leaders are persecuted for actions everyday

That happens to be against the rules on this site, as has been pointed out many times.

Woodruff.....each of those statements are about your character outside of class and is speculative of how you might be in class. So yeah, its outside the classroom we are engaging in. You keep retaliating in this fashion, and yet, when do you hold yourself accountable?

If youre accusing me of persecuting you, then file a report, but for this site, acting in such a manner when there are children present should not be tolerated. Many dont like the personal attacks. One would think YOU might learn something by now.

In addition, what disgusts me most is this is all a form of internet bullying....and youre directly involved in of the biggest problems faced in the world today and youre contributing to it. Its just getting more sickening the more I think about it.
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Re: Woodruff -- Severe Forum Abuse, Extreme Flaming

Postby jackal31 on Wed May 18, 2011 2:54 pm

Having reviewed the Forum Guidlines, I am finished posting here. Apparently I did overstep my bounds according to the CC did many.
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Re: Woodruff -- Severe Forum Abuse, Extreme Flaming

Postby Evil Semp on Wed May 18, 2011 3:04 pm

Enough is enough. If you can't post something that will help us make a decision than please don't post. It doesn't matter what profession woodruff is in. On topic please.
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Re: Woodruff -- Severe Forum Abuse, Extreme Flaming

Postby stahrgazer on Wed May 18, 2011 4:41 pm

Evil Semp wrote:Enough is enough. If you can't post something that will help us make a decision than please don't post. It doesn't matter what profession woodruff is in. On topic please.

Sorry, Semp, but I think that since his "justification" for every rant used as an example of his severe forum abuse and extreme flaming is that he was upset because someone downed his students, then that does open his conduct and discussion of his students as part of the topic.

Actually, it adds baiting to the initial complaint. If discussing someone's personal stuff isn't allowed, then he's baiting people into doing it by mentioning his profession, and when he does he should expect some flak (especially given, he's not one who shies away from giving flak, his is just alot nastier than many.)

He's got a mindset that it's absolutely appropriate for him to post anything he wants, but absolutely inappropriate for anyone to disagree with him.

And if they do disagree with him, they're subject to his vitriolic abusive retorts, which he then claims is justified.

He even admits he's deliberately "venting" stuff that happened outside of CC when he does it, which belies his, "it's justified" claim.

While I agree he's not going to listen to a reasoned approach about his inappropriate posting designed to shed light on whatever his "stressors" are, it does lead to his "motive" for those continual abuses he subjects others to.
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Re: Woodruff -- Severe Forum Abuse, Extreme Flaming

Postby Woodruff on Wed May 18, 2011 4:46 pm

Mr Changsha wrote:
Woodruff wrote:
Mr Changsha wrote:What a strange trolling method woodruff has. He baits people into ripping the shit out of him and then reports them for doing so.
Well, it takes all sorts, huh?

Nicely asking people to stop discussing my job capabilities (when they have no way of actually knowing my job capabilities) is trolling to you?
That is strange.

Nope...what is strange is your ability to get people to rip the shit out of you. I maintain you do it deliberately, and a more insidious form of trolling it is hard to find.

Perhaps you can point out for me how I trolled pimpdave to get his initial post in this thread:
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Re: Woodruff -- Severe Forum Abuse, Extreme Flaming

Postby Woodruff on Wed May 18, 2011 4:48 pm

pimpdave wrote:
Woodruff wrote:
Mr Changsha wrote:What a strange trolling method woodruff has. He baits people into ripping the shit out of him and then reports them for doing so.
Well, it takes all sorts, huh?

Nicely asking people to stop discussing my job capabilities (when they have no way of actually knowing my job capabilities) is trolling to you?
That is strange.

Odd, because by your standards, it's not off limits for you to attack other people's personal lives (I'm sure I could find more examples if necessary):

Woodruff wrote:Look fuckhead. How pathetic is your life? You must be some sort of a doormat in real life.

That is in no way attacking your job capabilities, pimpdave. So...please DO bring in all of these examples you allegedly have of my attacking other people's personal lives. I welcome it, because I know this is just another lie, just like your lies about my having sent you PMs filled with vile hatred...PMs that have somehow never surfaced.
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Re: Woodruff -- Severe Forum Abuse, Extreme Flaming

Postby pimpdave on Wed May 18, 2011 4:50 pm

Woodruff wrote:Perhaps you can point out for me how I trolled pimpdave to get his initial post in this thread:

Oh, I don't know, maybe months upon months of telling me I'm a worthless individual and constant attempts to get me banned for things that don't even concern you? You've told me I'm an awful person who posts terrible things for well over a year. I finally tell you that something you posted was awful, and suddenly I've crossed some line?
Last edited by pimpdave on Wed May 18, 2011 5:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Woodruff -- Severe Forum Abuse, Extreme Flaming

Postby Woodruff on Wed May 18, 2011 4:54 pm

jackal31 wrote:
Woodruff wrote:
jackal31 wrote:And Serb, no one is talking about Woody's teaching abilities, but his character and professionalism outside of the classroom.

You are wrong. My teaching abilities have absolutely been called into question here. Allow me to provide some direct quotes:
"It sheds light on what's wrong with our educational system."
"So... just imagine what his students are learning from him!"
"It's not ludicrous. It reveals you have a very short fuse, especially if someone dares disagree with you, which is a reflection of how you'd handle being questioned in class."
"I'm quite glad that a person like this wasn't my AFJROTC instructor!!!!"
"If you expect me and any thinking adult who has our children in mind, to respect your abilities as an instructor"
"You would post about your students in a public forum? That's the most telling of all!"
"If you can't conduct yourself well, here, with minors present and being kids, it DOES reflect on how you'd handle yourself in other places where minors are present, and that includes your classroom."
"And, btw, without parental permission, it IS inappropriate even to brag about students in public."
"Your vehemence on a site full of minors is conduct unbecoming an officer, therefore, conduct that illuminates you as unfit to teach your students how to BE officers."
"Further, you're sharing information that should be kept at school or given out to the public only as authorized by parents."
"If you went to your parents, your principal, and an Air Force Commanding Officer, I bet they'd tell you the exact same things I am. Further, I bet that if they could prove who "Woodruff" was, they'd consider your early retirement."
"Don't you have a class to teach? I think stahrgazer might have been on to something. Shouldn't your attention be on your students?"
(That last one should sound was you.)
except for these two, they were intended to bait you outright that enough quotes for you, to show that you are wrong in your statement above about the statements being directly made about my job?

jackal31 wrote:Leaders are persecuted for actions everyday

That happens to be against the rules on this site, as has been pointed out many times.

Woodruff.....each of those statements are about your character outside of class and is speculative of how you might be in class. So yeah, its outside the classroom we are engaging in. You keep retaliating in this fashion, and yet, when do you hold yourself accountable?

You and I definitely disagree on that point. As well, what does ANYTHING about my job (speculation or not) have to do with this case? My job should not even be discussed as far as this case goes. It is OUTSIDE OF THESE FORA and thus irrelevant. What should be discussed is what I've said and why I've said it. My job is irrelevant. Why can't you guys get that through your head? This really comes across as a form of character assassination, in my opinion.

jackal31 wrote:If youre accusing me of persecuting you, then file a report

Where have you gotten the idea that I think you're persecuting me? I don't believe I've made that claim. You're actually one of the few in this thread that I believe has the right general perspective and intentions, if I could get you to stop referring to what I do OUTSIDE of these fora. You're the one that mentioned persecution jackal31, not me.

jackal31 wrote:In addition, what disgusts me most is this is all a form of internet bullying....and youre directly involved in of the biggest problems faced in the world today and youre contributing to it. Its just getting more sickening the more I think about it.

I find it fascinating that you don't also see pimpdave's antics (outside of this thread) as a form of internet bullying. I guess you've made your mind up and there's no looking at it objectively.
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Re: Woodruff -- Severe Forum Abuse, Extreme Flaming

Postby Woodruff on Wed May 18, 2011 4:55 pm

pimpdave wrote:
Woodruff wrote:Perhaps you can point out for me how I trolled pimpdave to get his initial post in this thread:

Oh, I don't know, maybe months upon months of telling me I'm a worthless individual and constant attempts to get me banned for things that don't even concern you? You've told me I'm an awful person who posts terrible things for well over a year. I finally tell you that something you posted was awful, and suddenly I've crossed some line? GTFO

Oh brother. If that's your defense, then you are providing me with my defense. Because I can provide just as many attacks by you against me as you can by me against you. I've simply gone about reacting to it differently, reporting individual posts rather than opening up a C&A ticket.
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Re: Woodruff -- Severe Forum Abuse, Extreme Flaming

Postby pimpdave on Wed May 18, 2011 5:10 pm

Woodruff wrote:
pimpdave wrote:
Woodruff wrote:Perhaps you can point out for me how I trolled pimpdave to get his initial post in this thread:

Oh, I don't know, maybe months upon months of telling me I'm a worthless individual and constant attempts to get me banned for things that don't even concern you? You've told me I'm an awful person who posts terrible things for well over a year. I finally tell you that something you posted was awful, and suddenly I've crossed some line? GTFO

Oh brother. If that's your defense, then you are providing me with my defense. Because I can provide just as many attacks by you against me as you can by me against you. I've simply gone about reacting to it differently, reporting individual posts rather than opening up a C&A ticket.

I don't swear up and down and flame you. And I haven't attacked you personally, I've just said that you did a bad job teaching your students because the baton twirling routine was terrible and boring. But you tell me I'm awful at making threads, am an awful human being, contribute nothing to this site or the world, should no longer be alive, bring nothing positive to this place, etc etc etc.

And I haven't reported you for any of that, but you keep bragging about how you want to get me removed from this site. So now, finally, I've reported you for the extreme flaming. Just knock it off. If you want people to be nice to you, be nice to them. If you're going to keep being who you've established you are all the time, stop pretending like you're some kind of victim when people aren't nice to you back. Is this really that beyond your comprehension?

And mods, if it's okay for me to call people "fuckheads" on this forum, please let me know, because there's someone I'd really like to call a "fuckhead" right now. Thanks.
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Re: Woodruff -- Severe Forum Abuse, Extreme Flaming

Postby Woodruff on Wed May 18, 2011 5:39 pm

pimpdave wrote:
Woodruff wrote:
pimpdave wrote:
Woodruff wrote:Perhaps you can point out for me how I trolled pimpdave to get his initial post in this thread:

Oh, I don't know, maybe months upon months of telling me I'm a worthless individual and constant attempts to get me banned for things that don't even concern you? You've told me I'm an awful person who posts terrible things for well over a year. I finally tell you that something you posted was awful, and suddenly I've crossed some line? GTFO

Oh brother. If that's your defense, then you are providing me with my defense. Because I can provide just as many attacks by you against me as you can by me against you. I've simply gone about reacting to it differently, reporting individual posts rather than opening up a C&A ticket.

I don't swear up and down and flame you. And I haven't attacked you personally, I've just said that you did a bad job teaching your students because the baton twirling routine was terrible and boring.

That's not a personal attack?

pimpdave wrote:But you tell me I'm awful at making threads, am an awful human being, contribute nothing to this site or the world, should no longer be alive, bring nothing positive to this place, etc etc etc.

I don't believe I've ever said some of the things that you're trying to claim here. As usual. You can't seem to halt the hyperbole.

pimpdave wrote:And I don't report you, but you keep bragging about how you want to get me removed from this site.

It's never been bragging. It is an admission...a statement of fact. You made an incredibly wide-ranging claim that I was spending a lot of time trying to get a lot of people banned. I responded to that with the statement that I had only tried to get one person banned, and that was you. It wasn't bragging, it was a response to clarify your overblown claim about me.
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Re: Woodruff -- Severe Forum Abuse, Extreme Flaming

Postby stahrgazer on Wed May 18, 2011 5:52 pm

Woodruff wrote:
pimpdave wrote:
I don't swear up and down and flame you. And I haven't attacked you personally, I've just said that you did a bad job teaching your students because the baton twirling routine was terrible and boring.

That's not a personal attack?

I'd say it's a joke, and you should've expected it when you made a post you shouldn't have about your students.

Woodruff wrote:
jackal31 wrote:
Woodruff.....each of those statements are about your character outside of class and is speculative of how you might be in class. So yeah, its outside the classroom we are engaging in. You keep retaliating in this fashion, and yet, when do you hold yourself accountable?

You and I definitely disagree on that point. As well, what does ANYTHING about my job (speculation or not) have to do with this case? My job should not even be discussed as far as this case goes. It is OUTSIDE OF THESE FORA and thus irrelevant. What should be discussed is what I've said and why I've said it. My job is irrelevant. Why can't you guys get that through your head? This really comes across as a form of character assassination, in my opinion.

You brought your job into it.
1) making a post you shouldn't have about your students
2) using a joke someone made in return as justification for non-student-appropriate vitrole
3) bringing your personal life and need to use your cursing rants on CC as "destressor"

This is a site with MINORS.

It is not character "assassination" to point out that you're reflecting "bad character" when you do this on a site filled with many of the same people you're supposed to be teaching.

It's not "assassination" to point out that the ethics and nature of the subject you are supposed to be teaching would suggest that your character here is questionable.

You used your classroom as justification to spout that garbage in post after post after post; so you should expect people to respond about your classroom.

Again, you're showing that anyone who disagrees with da woodie is "wrong" so you justify that by reporting them or spouting nastiness or, in cases that the OP gives examples of, both.

Then claim, "that's not fair to use this against me!"

YOU opened it up as your justification. That makes it VERY fair to point out that it's not only poor justification, it's wrong for a supposed teacher.
Last edited by stahrgazer on Wed May 18, 2011 6:01 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Woodruff -- Severe Forum Abuse, Extreme Flaming

Postby Woodruff on Wed May 18, 2011 5:54 pm

stahrgazer wrote:
Woodruff wrote:
pimpdave wrote:
I don't swear up and down and flame you. And I haven't attacked you personally, I've just said that you did a bad job teaching your students because the baton twirling routine was terrible and boring.

That's not a personal attack?

I'd say it's a joke, and you should've expected it when you made a post you shouldn't have about your students.

Again with this...I've already told you that I HAD PERMISSION TO POST THAT. Good Lord, stahrgazer, are you not even reading what I'm typing?

And nobody else in the thread seemed to believe it was a joke either.
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Re: Woodruff -- Severe Forum Abuse, Extreme Flaming

Postby pimpdave on Wed May 18, 2011 5:58 pm

Woodruff, you can dish it out but you can't take it. For months you've made comments about me and the posts I make. I make ONE COMMENT about how a post you made is awful, and that gives you license to swear up and down, call me all sorts of names?

That's what this really comes down to. I would have liked to go off on you a long, long time ago. But I've held my tongue for months. You've filed report after report on me, criticized me constantly. If I'm allowed to call you all sorts of names, I'd like the mods to tell me if that's okay. It's high time I dish it back in a capacity as large as you've been dishing it out.

You picked this fight, tough guy.
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Re: Woodruff -- Severe Forum Abuse, Extreme Flaming

Postby Woodruff on Wed May 18, 2011 6:02 pm

pimpdave wrote:Woodruff, you can dish it out but you can't take it. For months you've made comments about me and the posts I make. I make ONE COMMENT about how a post you made is awful, and that gives you license to swear up and down, call me all sorts of names?

That's what this really comes down to. I would have liked to go off on you a long, long time ago. But I've held my tongue for months. You've filed report after report on me, criticized me constantly. If I'm allowed to call you all sorts of names, I'd like the mods to tell me if that's okay. It's high time I dish it back in a capacity as large as you've been dishing it out.

You picked this fight, tough guy.

No, I did not pick this fight. That's the high irony here. As I've already pointed out, I made my brag post about my cadets and had left the site. But then you made your comment, I was informed of it, and I came back. And stayed so that I could keep an eye on that thread. YOU and SOLELY YOU are the reason I am still here.

This C&A thread is likely to find both of us banned. But I've already left it without intention of coming back. You're killing yourself here.
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Re: Woodruff -- Severe Forum Abuse, Extreme Flaming

Postby stahrgazer on Wed May 18, 2011 6:05 pm

Woodruff wrote:
stahrgazer wrote:
Woodruff wrote:
pimpdave wrote:
I don't swear up and down and flame you. And I haven't attacked you personally, I've just said that you did a bad job teaching your students because the baton twirling routine was terrible and boring.

That's not a personal attack?

I'd say it's a joke, and you should've expected it when you made a post you shouldn't have about your students.

Again with this...I've already told you that I HAD PERMISSION TO POST THAT. Good Lord, stahrgazer, are you not even reading what I'm typing?

And nobody else in the thread seemed to believe it was a joke either.

Permission slips signed by parents and principal of your students? If not, then you had no legal permission, even if CC said it was okay.

So, you had "permission" - that doesn't give you the right to suggest that any little bit of teasing you about it should enable you to respond in the vile manner that you do - on a site FULL of minors - and it still does NOT reflect well on how you teach "honor."
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Re: Woodruff -- Severe Forum Abuse, Extreme Flaming

Postby Serbia on Wed May 18, 2011 6:05 pm

stahrgazer, you're still trolling. Stop, or I'll bet you'll be getting discipline too.
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Re: Woodruff -- Severe Forum Abuse, Extreme Flaming

Postby stahrgazer on Wed May 18, 2011 6:08 pm

Serbia wrote:stahrgazer, you're still trolling. Stop, or I'll bet you'll be getting discipline too.

If people stopped using my name and my posts to respond to, I'd stop posting.
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Re: Woodruff -- Severe Forum Abuse, Extreme Flaming

Postby Woodruff on Wed May 18, 2011 6:16 pm

stahrgazer wrote:
Woodruff wrote:
stahrgazer wrote:
Woodruff wrote:
pimpdave wrote:
I don't swear up and down and flame you. And I haven't attacked you personally, I've just said that you did a bad job teaching your students because the baton twirling routine was terrible and boring.

That's not a personal attack?

I'd say it's a joke, and you should've expected it when you made a post you shouldn't have about your students.

Again with this...I've already told you that I HAD PERMISSION TO POST THAT. Good Lord, stahrgazer, are you not even reading what I'm typing?

And nobody else in the thread seemed to believe it was a joke either.

Permission slips signed by parents and principal of your students? If not, then you had no legal permission, even if CC said it was okay.

CC? Why the hell would I even ASK Conquer Club? Your willingness to presume that I would do something illegal like that shows that you might just be a bit biased here. Perhaps you should step back a bit, take a deep breath, and re-think what you're saying here.

stahrgazer wrote:So, you had "permission" - that doesn't give you the right to suggest that any little bit of teasing you about it should enable you to respond in the vile manner that you do - on a site FULL of minors -

I take teasing on this site all the time. That was not, nor was it ever intended to be, "a little bit of teasing". That much was obvious to everyone in the thread.

stahrgazer wrote:and it still does NOT reflect well on how you teach "honor."

And stop the f*ck talking about my job! It is not relevant to this case, stahrgazer. What is relevant is what I post ON this site, not anything to do with anything OUTSIDE of this site. I don't know what the f*ck kind of axe you have to grind against me, but I am sick the f*ck of it. There you go...maybe that's all you've been trying to get me to do from the beginning. Well done, asshat.
...I prefer a man who will burn the flag and then wrap himself in the Constitution to a man who will burn the Constitution and then wrap himself in the flag.
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Corporal 1st Class Woodruff
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Re: Woodruff -- Severe Forum Abuse, Extreme Flaming

Postby Woodruff on Wed May 18, 2011 6:19 pm

stahrgazer wrote:
Serbia wrote:stahrgazer, you're still trolling. Stop, or I'll bet you'll be getting discipline too.

If people stopped using my name and my posts to respond to, I'd stop posting.

So you want to be able to fire off bullshit about someone's job, but you don't want them to be able to respond to it?
...I prefer a man who will burn the flag and then wrap himself in the Constitution to a man who will burn the Constitution and then wrap himself in the flag.
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Corporal 1st Class Woodruff
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Re: Woodruff -- Severe Forum Abuse, Extreme Flaming

Postby Serbia on Wed May 18, 2011 6:47 pm

stahrgazer wrote:
Serbia wrote:stahrgazer, you're still trolling. Stop, or I'll bet you'll be getting discipline too.

If people stopped using my name and my posts to respond to, I'd stop posting.

Circular. If you stop your baiting and trolling, Woodruff wouldn't be able to respond to you.
Evil Semp wrote:Enough is enough. If you can't post something that will help us make a decision than please don't post. It doesn't matter what profession woodruff is in. On topic please.

According to this, you've already done more than enough for a warning/forum vacation stahrgazer. I hope the C&A mods do follow up with this unofficial warning.
saxitoxin wrote:Serbia is a RUDE DUDE
may not be a PRUDE, but he's gotta 'TUDE
might not be LEWD, but he's gonna get BOOED
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