murphy16 wrote:And all of you that are attacking him such as the post by stahrgazer, are doing the exact thing that he is being accused of, FLAMING!
I invite you to find the flame in my post.
Woodruff wrote: I do however very much mind people insinuating that anything I do or say here in any way reflects on my abilities or attitudes as a teacher because that's just plain ludicrous.
It's not ludicrous. It reveals you have a very short fuse, especially if someone dares disagree with you, which is a reflection of how you'd handle being questioned in class.
Your posts also display remarkable eloquence in the area of vitriolic diatribe... but seemingly, only in that area.
Woodruff wrote:I think a brief review of exactly who I have "gone off on" since I posted regarding my students on the 5th of May

You would post about your students in a public forum?
That's the most telling of all!
I'd like to speak with the educator-wife to know if she finds it appropriate, not to just "de-stress" by cursing crazily in a forum where minors are likely present, but also, to "de-stress" by posting information about her students in a public arena.
I'd thought a student's academia was considered private stuff by most institutions. I'd further thought instructors were advised to keep it private.
This very PUBLIC forum isn't pillow-talk.
I'm quite glad that a person like this wasn't my AFJROTC instructor!!!!