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Woodruff -- Severe Forum Abuse, Flaming [Global issue][Done]

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Re: Woodruff -- Severe Forum Abuse, Extreme Flaming

Postby stahrgazer on Tue May 17, 2011 10:29 pm

murphy16 wrote:And all of you that are attacking him such as the post by stahrgazer, are doing the exact thing that he is being accused of, FLAMING!

I invite you to find the flame in my post.

Woodruff wrote: I do however very much mind people insinuating that anything I do or say here in any way reflects on my abilities or attitudes as a teacher because that's just plain ludicrous.

It's not ludicrous. It reveals you have a very short fuse, especially if someone dares disagree with you, which is a reflection of how you'd handle being questioned in class.

Your posts also display remarkable eloquence in the area of vitriolic diatribe... but seemingly, only in that area.

Woodruff wrote:I think a brief review of exactly who I have "gone off on" since I posted regarding my students on the 5th of May

:o :shock:

You would post about your students in a public forum?

That's the most telling of all!

I'd like to speak with the educator-wife to know if she finds it appropriate, not to just "de-stress" by cursing crazily in a forum where minors are likely present, but also, to "de-stress" by posting information about her students in a public arena.

I'd thought a student's academia was considered private stuff by most institutions. I'd further thought instructors were advised to keep it private.

This very PUBLIC forum isn't pillow-talk.

I'm quite glad that a person like this wasn't my AFJROTC instructor!!!!
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Re: Woodruff -- Severe Forum Abuse, Extreme Flaming

Postby Funkyterrance on Tue May 17, 2011 10:47 pm

Ok upon investigating this claim I see that Woodruff was indeed baited. To take a shot at his glee club or whatever is definitely a low blow. Also, the instances of abuse were all in close proximity and were obviously written in anger.
However, I think Woodruff is being a tad naive when he writes that none of his students will ever know of his behavior here. If you are submitting information here and there about your identity on here there is always the chance. While a teacher can get hammered outside of work and technically be at no fault, the fact is that his reputation could be.
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Re: Woodruff -- Severe Forum Abuse, Extreme Flaming

Postby jefjef on Tue May 17, 2011 11:09 pm

Bones2484 wrote:
jefjef wrote:Just sayin...

Wow that's fantastic but once again jefjef gets the award for missing the point.

R u sure it is I who missed the point mister go out of his way to bait jj and ramble off topic... :-^

Your CONSISTENTly pointed less out of context points has zilch to do with the complaint at hand. This thread is not about me receiving awards or woodruff proudly displaying his career, the one he constantly mentions in the forums and uses as a credential, but about his many painful and abusive attacks towards pimpdave and others. I too have been a victim of woodruffs personal and abusively vicious attacks. It hurts. :cry:

If you feel there have been rules violated by other posters please create a new thread so you can remain on topic in this one.

Just sayin...
This post was made by jefjef who should be on your ignore list.
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Re: Woodruff -- Severe Forum Abuse, Extreme Flaming

Postby Woodruff on Tue May 17, 2011 11:14 pm

stahrgazer wrote:
Woodruff wrote: I do however very much mind people insinuating that anything I do or say here in any way reflects on my abilities or attitudes as a teacher because that's just plain ludicrous.

It's not ludicrous. It reveals you have a very short fuse, especially if someone dares disagree with you, which is a reflection of how you'd handle being questioned in class.

No, it absolutely is not a reflection of how I would handle being questioned in class. A large part of our class involves questioning, because true leadership cannot happen without it.

What my posts reflect is that I don't suffer Internet fools or bullies well. That you believe a persona must be the same online as it is in the real world reflects a serious distortion on your part.

stahrgazer wrote:Your posts also display remarkable eloquence in the area of vitriolic diatribe... but seemingly, only in that area.

Interesting, given you personally have complimented my arguments several times in the fora. You must have been mistaken, I suppose.

stahrgazer wrote:
Woodruff wrote:I think a brief review of exactly who I have "gone off on" since I posted regarding my students on the 5th of May

:o :shock:
You would post about your students in a public forum?
That's the most telling of all!

It's "telling" in your mind that I post with great pride about a performance my students took part in? It certainly SHOULD be "telling", though not at all in the way you seem to be implying.

stahrgazer wrote:I'd like to speak with the educator-wife to know if she finds it appropriate, not to just "de-stress" by cursing crazily in a forum where minors are likely present, but also, to "de-stress" by posting information about her students in a public arena.

Oh brother...did you even bother to go look at the thread, stahrgazer, or are you just perfectly happy trying to tear me apart in your ignorance?

stahrgazer wrote:I'd thought a student's academia was considered private stuff by most institutions. I'd further thought instructors were advised to keep it private.

Why would we be advised not to show off our students' accomplishments? That makes no sense at all.

stahrgazer wrote:This very PUBLIC forum isn't pillow-talk.

What? That's your fetish, stahrgazer, not mine.

stahrgazer wrote:I'm quite glad that a person like this wasn't my AFJROTC instructor!!!!

Yes, it would be terrible to have your AFJROTC instructor feel pride in you. That would be horrible! I guess I'll mark stahrgazer down as one not particularly interested in the truth.
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Re: Woodruff -- Severe Forum Abuse, Extreme Flaming

Postby pimpdave on Tue May 17, 2011 11:23 pm

Funkyterrance wrote:Ok upon investigating this claim I see that Woodruff was indeed baited. To take a shot at his glee club or whatever is definitely a low blow. Also, the instances of abuse were all in close proximity and were obviously written in anger.
However, I think Woodruff is being a tad naive when he writes that none of his students will ever know of his behavior here. If you are submitting information here and there about your identity on here there is always the chance. While a teacher can get hammered outside of work and technically be at no fault, the fact is that his reputation could be.
In before the lock.

Oh please. I was only returning the favor of telling him that stuff he does is terrible. He's always going on and on about how awful and worthless the things I do are. He does the same thing to other people.

But when he does it, I don't flip out on him. This is the first time I've ever reported him after well over a year of his constantly berating me and reporting me, trying to get me removed from the site.

You might see a bigger picture in recent events, but you don't see the whole one.
Last edited by pimpdave on Tue May 17, 2011 11:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
jay_a2j wrote:hey if any1 would like me to make them a signature or like an avator just let me no, my sig below i did, and i also did "panther 88" so i can do something like that for u if ud like...
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Re: Woodruff -- Severe Forum Abuse, Extreme Flaming

Postby Woodruff on Tue May 17, 2011 11:28 pm

pimpdave wrote:You might see a bigger picture in recent events, but you don't see the whole one.

No, those "recent events" are the very clear picture of your harassment of me over the last two weeks.
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Re: Woodruff -- Severe Forum Abuse, Extreme Flaming

Postby Funkyterrance on Tue May 17, 2011 11:31 pm

Duly noted pimpdave, as I told you before I make an effort not to visit the off-topic forum and therefore have no idea what goes on there. I guess it all comes down to whether or not the abuse was bad enough to warrant punishment. From what I can tell there is more than one person who has been the recipient of Woodruff's explosions which doesn't help his case any.
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Re: Woodruff -- Severe Forum Abuse, Extreme Flaming

Postby stahrgazer on Tue May 17, 2011 11:50 pm

Very simply, woodruff:

If you expect me and any thinking adult who has our children in mind, to respect your abilities as an instructor, then you would conduct yourself as BEST as possible, like you would in your classroom, in places where minors are KNOWN to be present.

Your behavior shows repeatedly: you cannot conduct yourself well in this venue, which is known to have minors, lots of them, present.

This isn't an adults-only site, and it isn't a bar, either.

It's a place for YOUNG and old to play some games.

Your conduct is hardly an example I'd recommend for any student, much less students of a program that teaches noble concepts such as Honor, Esprit de Corps.


Half or more of the people you're calling "fucking retard" are probably minors. Awww, a minor taunted you and you had to resort to THAT? It does reflect on your abilities!

If you can't conduct yourself well, here, with minors present and being kids, it DOES reflect on how you'd handle yourself in other places where minors are present, and that includes your classroom.

Suck it up, cupcake, you're not showing your students a good "role model" when you act like you do.

And, btw, without parental permission, it IS inappropriate even to brag about students in public. One principal down here found that out when his 'bragging' took the form of posting a photo in the paper bragging about a team. You see, he'd never had parents "okay" that form of bragging in a public venue. I should say, "ex-principal." Yes, he was fired, for conduct inappropriate because it violated the PARENTS' right to indicate what was and was not acceptable public discussion about the students.

And, that principal didn't even curse publicly.
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Re: Woodruff -- Severe Forum Abuse, Extreme Flaming

Postby Woodruff on Wed May 18, 2011 12:28 am

stahrgazer wrote:And, btw, without parental permission, it IS inappropriate even to brag about students in public.

That is correct. And of course you presume that I do not have that parental permission...why? Because you seem to enjoy making outrageous assumptions about me based on a game's fora postings.

Did you ever go back and actually look at that thread? No? Because it's much easier to just presume I'm in the wrong?
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Re: Woodruff -- Severe Forum Abuse, Extreme Flaming

Postby Night Strike on Wed May 18, 2011 12:32 am

Now this is priceless. The site's #1 troll accusing someone of breaking the rules while getting away with his own incessant trolling. =D> =D> =D>
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Re: Woodruff -- Severe Forum Abuse, Extreme Flaming

Postby Woodruff on Wed May 18, 2011 12:35 am

stahrgazer wrote:Very simply, woodruff:

If you expect me and any thinking adult who has our children in mind, to respect your abilities as an instructor, then you would conduct yourself as BEST as possible, like you would in your classroom, in places where minors are KNOWN to be present.
Your behavior shows repeatedly: you cannot conduct yourself well in this venue, which is known to have minors, lots of them, present.
This isn't an adults-only site, and it isn't a bar, either.
It's a place for YOUNG and old to play some games.
Your conduct is hardly an example I'd recommend for any student, much less students of a program that teaches noble concepts such as Honor, Esprit de Corps.
Half or more of the people you're calling "fucking retard" are probably minors. Awww, a minor taunted you and you had to resort to THAT? It does reflect on your abilities!
If you can't conduct yourself well, here, with minors present and being kids, it DOES reflect on how you'd handle yourself in other places where minors are present, and that includes your classroom.
Suck it up, cupcake, you're not showing your students a good "role model" when you act like you do.

It'd be nice if you'd stop making unfounded assumptions about my ability to do my job and just discuss this situation. Do you believe you could do that, or would it be too taxing on you not to be able to attack me in this manner?

As I've stated several times, I don't mind people mentioning that I am a teacher. I take great offense to people making these sorts of unfounded insinuations about my ability to do that job.
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Re: Woodruff -- Severe Forum Abuse, Extreme Flaming

Postby DJPatrick on Wed May 18, 2011 3:45 am

Think of the children...think of the children!!!!@!!! lol...
To my way of thinking, Woodruff has given no worse nor no more than many others just has run up against Pimpdave in full flight...does it matter...surely a C&A Forum report needs to be more than "He said/she said"?
Don't often read these, let alone make them but unfort the time difference means there's not much else on the screen while waiting for speed games in Oz...
Seriously. just renewed sub yet again today but if I had read this petty shiiite first, i prob would have just opted for freemium and avoided the usual suspects pointing fingers at each other while trying to ram them up respective annuses///
it's a bloody it, not with yourselves ffs
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Re: Woodruff -- Severe Forum Abuse, Extreme Flaming

Postby king sam on Wed May 18, 2011 4:02 am

Is it time to invite everyone to join in hands and post about how swell of a guy woody is, and ask for him not to get punished?
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Re: Woodruff -- Severe Forum Abuse, Extreme Flaming

Postby khazalid on Wed May 18, 2011 5:55 am

had i been wise, i would have seen that her simplicity cost her a fortune
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Re: Woodruff -- Severe Forum Abuse, Extreme Flaming

Postby stahrgazer on Wed May 18, 2011 7:55 am

Woodruff wrote:It'd be nice if you'd stop making unfounded assumptions about my ability to do my job and just discuss this situation. Do you believe you could do that, or would it be too taxing on you not to be able to attack me in this manner?

As I've stated several times, I don't mind people mentioning that I am a teacher. I take great offense to people making these sorts of unfounded insinuations about my ability to do that job.

They aren't assumptions, and they're well-founded on your conduct.

You broadly advertise that you're a teacher of the Jr. Reserved Officer's Training Corps, yet you also proudly, vehemently and viciously curse at people that you have VERY GOOD reason to believe could be the age group you're supposed to be leading, teaching, to be a cut above the rest, to conduct themselves with honor and integrity, to display conduct becoming an officer.

Your vehemence on a site full of minors is conduct unbecoming an officer, therefore, conduct that illuminates you as unfit to teach your students how to BE officers.

If you were in a brothel, a bar, or other places where only adults were around, your conduct might still be eye-raising; but you're not.

Now, I realize that the educator-wife thinks it's okay to "destress" at a bar because she's not drinking in the classroom. Again, though: a bar isn't filled with minors.

You, however, woodie, are on a site full of minors, cursing out mainly minors interspersed with a few adults.

Further, you're sharing information that should be kept at school or given out to the public only as authorized by parents.

If you went to your parents, your principal, and an Air Force Commanding Officer, I bet they'd tell you the exact same things I am. Further, I bet that if they could prove who "Woodruff" was, they'd consider your early retirement.

So continue to proudly, vulgarly, mouth off... just remember, this IS the example you're setting for your Jr. Officer's candidates.

And that's a FACT, whether the site decides to discipline you for your repeated severe forum abuse, or not.
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Re: Woodruff -- Severe Forum Abuse, Extreme Flaming

Postby Serbia on Wed May 18, 2011 8:25 am

stahrgazer, give it a rest. This thread has nothing to do with Woodruff's teaching abilities, and you are, in fact, trolling and baiting him with your every post. The way someone talks online generally reflects little on how the same person will behave in a room full other people, be they adults or children. It's not like Woodruff is posting pornographic images, or going all terroristic on people and threatening violence and worse. He's posting. He's using adult language. Big deal. Do you honestly believe that teachers NEVER swear, NEVER drink, NEVER smoke pot, NEVER visit a strip club? Get real.

So knock it off stahr. You're being a troll.
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Re: Woodruff -- Severe Forum Abuse, Extreme Flaming

Postby pimpdave on Wed May 18, 2011 8:47 am

Night Strike wrote:Now this is priceless. The site's #1 troll accusing someone of breaking the rules while getting away with his own incessant trolling.

First of all, stop calling me names. Second of all, I'm just following your example, Night Strike. Last summer, when I started that thread to post images of racist Tea Party rally signs, showing how endemic racism is within your precious movement, you and your conservative buddies kept spamming up and derailing the thread, even though at the outset I made the parameters clear. One of Woodruff's flames featured here was in that thread. Jimboston spammed the heck out of it, and one of the moderators even refused to get back on topic despite repeated pleas from me that he do so. None of them were punished.

What I've done here is just like what you did back then, except unlike you, I'm not making some underhanded backdoor demand that someone be banned. Why are you and Woodruff both so blind to the fact that you guys do the exact same things I do? But according to you, when I do it, I'm a troll. When you do it, you're some fine upstanding American patriot hero. That's not how the world works. The double standard is bound to catch up to you eventually.

So Night Strike, according to you, it's fine for us all to start swearing at each other profusely. Interesting message there. It's okay for you to derail and spam threads, but if the thread creator wants people to get back on topic and posts repeatedly to remind people what the topic is, that person is way out of line and must be banned. Interesting message.
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Re: Woodruff -- Severe Forum Abuse, Extreme Flaming

Postby jackal31 on Wed May 18, 2011 10:35 am

Let me ask this question:

Would you conduct yourself in this manner in front of women and children in real life?

Does it make it morally right to come to a site, that contains all types of people, and act in such disregard for others? If this were real life, and you did that anywhere, you would likely be asked to leave the premises and/or the police would be called.

And Serb, no one is talking about Woody's teaching abilities, but his character and professionalism outside of the classroom. I hold myself to higher standards because I will be a future leader of children. I do make mistakes, but try to correct and learn from them. The list of profanity laced insults is not something that should continue to happen when declaring oneself an honorable person. What a person does outside the classroom is entirely up to them. But, just as any profession, your background follows you. Every leader in the world has a life to that follows them. If I were at a restaurant, and saw a man acting in a way Woody does here, and found out what he did for a living, I would be ashamed for the students in his class. I wouldnt want my kids there, and I dont think you would either. Leaders are persecuted for actions everyday, how is this supposed to be okay? Its one thing to vent, and its another to display these actions.
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Re: Woodruff -- Severe Forum Abuse, Extreme Flaming

Postby Metsfanmax on Wed May 18, 2011 11:03 am

Can you all please take the discussion about whether a teacher should behave like this to another thread? It is entirely irrelevant to the C&A report.
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Re: Woodruff -- Severe Forum Abuse, Extreme Flaming

Postby Mr Changsha on Wed May 18, 2011 11:13 am

jackal31 wrote:. I hold myself to higher standards because I will be a future leader of children.

Oh my....that made me lol. On so many, many levels. However, I'll let this

future leader of children

try and work out what they may be.

As to the thread...I can't understand why pimp would bother himself to even engage with types like nightstrike and woodruff. They are both beyond help.

Why he would waste his considerable resources of intelligence on actually trying to defeating them beggars belief.

Follow my policy pimp and you'll be a much happier CC'er. Ignore the weak, the feeble and the idiotic. Don't attack them, don't engage with them...just every once in a while treat them with the disdain they deserve.
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Re: Woodruff -- Severe Forum Abuse, Extreme Flaming

Postby Woodruff on Wed May 18, 2011 11:43 am

stahrgazer wrote:
Woodruff wrote:It'd be nice if you'd stop making unfounded assumptions about my ability to do my job and just discuss this situation. Do you believe you could do that, or would it be too taxing on you not to be able to attack me in this manner?

As I've stated several times, I don't mind people mentioning that I am a teacher. I take great offense to people making these sorts of unfounded insinuations about my ability to do that job.

They aren't assumptions, and they're well-founded on your conduct.

You broadly advertise that you're a teacher of the Jr. Reserved Officer's Training Corps, yet you also proudly, vehemently and viciously curse at people that you have VERY GOOD reason to believe could be the age group you're supposed to be leading, teaching, to be a cut above the rest, to conduct themselves with honor and integrity, to display conduct becoming an officer.

Your vehemence on a site full of minors is conduct unbecoming an officer, therefore, conduct that illuminates you as unfit to teach your students how to BE officers.

If you were in a brothel, a bar, or other places where only adults were around, your conduct might still be eye-raising; but you're not.

Now, I realize that the educator-wife thinks it's okay to "destress" at a bar because she's not drinking in the classroom. Again, though: a bar isn't filled with minors.

You, however, woodie, are on a site full of minors, cursing out mainly minors interspersed with a few adults.

Further, you're sharing information that should be kept at school or given out to the public only as authorized by parents.

If you went to your parents, your principal, and an Air Force Commanding Officer, I bet they'd tell you the exact same things I am. Further, I bet that if they could prove who "Woodruff" was, they'd consider your early retirement.

So continue to proudly, vulgarly, mouth off... just remember, this IS the example you're setting for your Jr. Officer's candidates.

And that's a FACT, whether the site decides to discipline you for your repeated severe forum abuse, or not.

Quite frankly, you are wrong. You don't have to like that fact, but you are. You simply don't know what you're talking about. Be that as it may, I have now asked you a couple of times to stop denigrating my teaching abilities. You have no cause to do this. It has no bearing at all on this case. So stop it, stahrgazer. Now.
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Re: Woodruff -- Severe Forum Abuse, Extreme Flaming

Postby Woodruff on Wed May 18, 2011 11:44 am

pimpdave wrote:So Night Strike, according to you, it's fine for us all to start swearing at each other profusely. Interesting message there.

Nowhere did Night Strike even imply that "it's fine for us all to start swearing at each other profusely".
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Re: Woodruff -- Severe Forum Abuse, Extreme Flaming

Postby Mr Changsha on Wed May 18, 2011 11:46 am is a man preparing to click that 'report a post' button if ever there was one.
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Re: Woodruff -- Severe Forum Abuse, Extreme Flaming

Postby Woodruff on Wed May 18, 2011 11:58 am

jackal31 wrote:And Serb, no one is talking about Woody's teaching abilities, but his character and professionalism outside of the classroom.

You are wrong. My teaching abilities have absolutely been called into question here. Allow me to provide some direct quotes:
"It sheds light on what's wrong with our educational system."
"So... just imagine what his students are learning from him!"
"It's not ludicrous. It reveals you have a very short fuse, especially if someone dares disagree with you, which is a reflection of how you'd handle being questioned in class."
"I'm quite glad that a person like this wasn't my AFJROTC instructor!!!!"
"If you expect me and any thinking adult who has our children in mind, to respect your abilities as an instructor"
"You would post about your students in a public forum? That's the most telling of all!"
"If you can't conduct yourself well, here, with minors present and being kids, it DOES reflect on how you'd handle yourself in other places where minors are present, and that includes your classroom."
"And, btw, without parental permission, it IS inappropriate even to brag about students in public."
"Your vehemence on a site full of minors is conduct unbecoming an officer, therefore, conduct that illuminates you as unfit to teach your students how to BE officers."
"Further, you're sharing information that should be kept at school or given out to the public only as authorized by parents."
"If you went to your parents, your principal, and an Air Force Commanding Officer, I bet they'd tell you the exact same things I am. Further, I bet that if they could prove who "Woodruff" was, they'd consider your early retirement."
"Don't you have a class to teach? I think stahrgazer might have been on to something. Shouldn't your attention be on your students?"
(That last one should sound was you.) that enough quotes for you, to show that you are wrong in your statement above about the statements being directly made about my job?

jackal31 wrote:Leaders are persecuted for actions everyday

That happens to be against the rules on this site, as has been pointed out many times.
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Re: Woodruff -- Severe Forum Abuse, Extreme Flaming

Postby Mr Changsha on Wed May 18, 2011 12:09 pm

What a strange trolling method woodruff has. He baits people into ripping the shit out of him and then reports them for doing so.

Well, it takes all sorts, huh?
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