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DKs CC Scrabble [Winner: got tonkaed]

Tournaments completed in 2011.

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Re: DKs CC Scrabble [Phase Two]

Postby Dukasaur on Tue May 10, 2011 8:43 am

SirSebstar wrote:QFT!
Dukasaur wrote:.. SirSebstar defended his S from rmjw10 in an absolutely amazing come-from-behind victory!

I assume you were following the game?

Yeah, it was pretty wild. You were losing, losing, losing.... and suddenly you won.

Unfortunately I don't know the map, so I don't fully understand why. Cashing second in escalating certainly made a difference, of course, but it wasn't enough to explain it.
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Re: DKs CC Scrabble [Phase Two]

Postby SirSebstar on Tue May 10, 2011 9:30 am

Dukasaur wrote:
SirSebstar wrote:QFT!
Dukasaur wrote:.. SirSebstar defended his S from rmjw10 in an absolutely amazing come-from-behind victory!

I assume you were following the game?

Yeah, it was pretty wild. You were losing, losing, losing.... and suddenly you won.

Unfortunately I don't know the map, so I don't fully understand why. Cashing second in escalating certainly made a difference, of course, but it wasn't enough to explain it.

It was wild, And I am not sure if rmjw10 would care for me explaining it.. still I’ll give it a shot and remove it if he asks/tells me so.. be warned!

General info: Stalingrad has several bonuses, in area’s, autodeploying snipers and regions.. Stalingrad has a large area that can be bombarded from either planes or more localized from anti aircraft guns..

Start of the turn:
rmjw10 gets the drop and deploys on an aircraft. Not the best choice to lump it all together, spreading out would have been better, but as it turned out he did quite okay!.
He dropped 8 and proceeded to bombard 6 countries and then take the 6th in conquest..
That’s killing 24 dice with only 8.. impressive!
After that, things went down pretty fast…

To paraphrase Dakusaur, I was loosing, loosing loosing..

However I have played the map before and I can find my way around it. rmjw10 had the highground but he failed to take out all of my airplanes and AA guns first. I was faced with a conundrum. Do I gamble on even better dice or do I hide?
I had an okay drop position, but I was in mortal jeopardy after turn 1. I decided to hide. I split my forces to try to attack the 3 snipers I could reach, and dropped on the airplanes to kill the troops rmjw10 had that could also reach my snipers. 4-1 4-1 4-1. 2 failed!! I made a 3-1 effort and succeeded once.. rmjw10 had nothing on my dice… ;-)

I now had 2 snipers which give a +1 each. In effect I managed to get 6 more territories that could only get conquered and not bombed. This is where it went wrong.

rmjw10 had the major upper hand, he got more troops per turn then me, even with my trick, and he could freely deploy them. He proceeded to beat the bejezus out of my remaining troops. He succeeded too. When you read he took 5 of my terits and I managed to take 4, you got to know he took out 5 area’s with a 3 troop compliment and I took out 4 singles…
However here the differences came in. I attacked strategically, causing to show less and less targets for him to aim at, and removing him near area’s I needed to protect, so when he did move for my snipers he had to cross area’s I could easily bomb. Which he tried to do (and one successfully) but I bombed him into oblivion and took it back..

This happened back and fro a fair bit. But I have the strategy to wait and hang in the corners.. He could not get to me everywhere, but I could get at him. So I proceeded to bomb those locations that were of importance to me. E.g. because they could reach area’s I could get a bonus from. I then created the bonus. He tried to accost it. He had to traverse multiple regions of neutrals to reach it, and he kept breaking me, however each and every attack focused him on an attack course against me, and I could easily bomb most of the locations he kept coming though so I could much cheaper kill him, then vice versa.

In the end that was the clincher. I could reach him, he could not reach me. He has been trying to just kill me with his bare hands. I evaded him. Drew him to where I could attack and destroy he active troops and immobilize the rest. And once I started building my bonuses his chance to do the same was over.. There are various locations that can be bombed and a few that cannot. I was unreachable for him. My bonuses secure behind a wall of neutrals.

Then the cards spoke. He had no trouble with his sets, but every set of his could be replied to by me, so in effect he build up no strategic position and I had mine already.

Truly a WII worth battle.

Recap: he had a tremendous first turn and great dice throughout the campaign, but he failed to properly capitalize on the numerical advantage. If he had take the locations I had taken, but sooner, I would have been powerless to counter it..If he had simple hunted wherever I took out neutrals, he would have succeeded and I would have lost a save haven and likely the game.
Special note: It was not bad play by rmjw10. It was a general kind of play not geared towards the special map he was playing on. In that respect I was lucky to have played the map before.

My game on the King Count however was an equal first and second turn disaster. No good dice for me, my opponent getting the first drop, great dice and grow from there. There were no locations for me to hide, but when I was ready to take out a wing of his troops with 16 of mine, I lost 16-3.. ouch…if I had played average dice, I think I could have won the game in overtime too..

Moral; take me out soon, because if you wait, ill come back to kill you… ;-)
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Re: DKs CC Scrabble [Phase Two]

Postby DoomYoshi on Tue May 10, 2011 2:35 pm

SirSebstar wrote:
Dukasaur wrote:
SirSebstar wrote:QFT!
Dukasaur wrote:.. SirSebstar defended his S from rmjw10 in an absolutely amazing come-from-behind victory!

I assume you were following the game?

Yeah, it was pretty wild. You were losing, losing, losing.... and suddenly you won.

Unfortunately I don't know the map, so I don't fully understand why. Cashing second in escalating certainly made a difference, of course, but it wasn't enough to explain it.

It was wild, And I am not sure if rmjw10 would care for me explaining it.. still I’ll give it a shot and remove it if he asks/tells me so.. be warned!

General info: Stalingrad has several bonuses, in area’s, autodeploying snipers and regions.. Stalingrad has a large area that can be bombarded from either planes or more localized from anti aircraft guns..

Start of the turn:
rmjw10 gets the drop and deploys on an aircraft. Not the best choice to lump it all together, spreading out would have been better, but as it turned out he did quite okay!.
He dropped 8 and proceeded to bombard 6 countries and then take the 6th in conquest..
That’s killing 24 dice with only 8.. impressive!
After that, things went down pretty fast…

To paraphrase Dakusaur, I was loosing, loosing loosing..

However I have played the map before and I can find my way around it. rmjw10 had the highground but he failed to take out all of my airplanes and AA guns first. I was faced with a conundrum. Do I gamble on even better dice or do I hide?
I had an okay drop position, but I was in mortal jeopardy after turn 1. I decided to hide. I split my forces to try to attack the 3 snipers I could reach, and dropped on the airplanes to kill the troops rmjw10 had that could also reach my snipers. 4-1 4-1 4-1. 2 failed!! I made a 3-1 effort and succeeded once.. rmjw10 had nothing on my dice… ;-)

I now had 2 snipers which give a +1 each. In effect I managed to get 6 more territories that could only get conquered and not bombed. This is where it went wrong.

rmjw10 had the major upper hand, he got more troops per turn then me, even with my trick, and he could freely deploy them. He proceeded to beat the bejezus out of my remaining troops. He succeeded too. When you read he took 5 of my terits and I managed to take 4, you got to know he took out 5 area’s with a 3 troop compliment and I took out 4 singles…
However here the differences came in. I attacked strategically, causing to show less and less targets for him to aim at, and removing him near area’s I needed to protect, so when he did move for my snipers he had to cross area’s I could easily bomb. Which he tried to do (and one successfully) but I bombed him into oblivion and took it back..

This happened back and fro a fair bit. But I have the strategy to wait and hang in the corners.. He could not get to me everywhere, but I could get at him. So I proceeded to bomb those locations that were of importance to me. E.g. because they could reach area’s I could get a bonus from. I then created the bonus. He tried to accost it. He had to traverse multiple regions of neutrals to reach it, and he kept breaking me, however each and every attack focused him on an attack course against me, and I could easily bomb most of the locations he kept coming though so I could much cheaper kill him, then vice versa.

In the end that was the clincher. I could reach him, he could not reach me. He has been trying to just kill me with his bare hands. I evaded him. Drew him to where I could attack and destroy he active troops and immobilize the rest. And once I started building my bonuses his chance to do the same was over.. There are various locations that can be bombed and a few that cannot. I was unreachable for him. My bonuses secure behind a wall of neutrals.

Then the cards spoke. He had no trouble with his sets, but every set of his could be replied to by me, so in effect he build up no strategic position and I had mine already.

Truly a WII worth battle.

Recap: he had a tremendous first turn and great dice throughout the campaign, but he failed to properly capitalize on the numerical advantage. If he had take the locations I had taken, but sooner, I would have been powerless to counter it..If he had simple hunted wherever I took out neutrals, he would have succeeded and I would have lost a save haven and likely the game.
Special note: It was not bad play by rmjw10. It was a general kind of play not geared towards the special map he was playing on. In that respect I was lucky to have played the map before.

My game on the King Count however was an equal first and second turn disaster. No good dice for me, my opponent getting the first drop, great dice and grow from there. There were no locations for me to hide, but when I was ready to take out a wing of his troops with 16 of mine, I lost 16-3.. ouch…if I had played average dice, I think I could have won the game in overtime too..

Moral; take me out soon, because if you wait, ill come back to kill you… ;-)

you should write for the newsletter ;)
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Re: DKs CC Scrabble [Phase Two]

Postby SirSebstar on Tue May 10, 2011 3:28 pm

only if there is a medal for it ;-) and sure..
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Re: DKs CC Scrabble [Phase Two]

Postby SirSebstar on Tue May 10, 2011 3:41 pm

It looks like I will win the Ney York game... barring mistakes..
WII poland is looking like my opponant does not know what he is doing, but he has the best dice regardless...

even so, dakusaur. I have never ever played Scrabble.
Considering i win the N.
BYNEMPT is worth 16 points right?
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Re: DKs CC Scrabble [Phase Two]

Postby DoomYoshi on Tue May 10, 2011 7:39 pm

Bynempt is not a word... and there is a general achievement medal if you do regular submissions to the newsletter.
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Re: DKs CC Scrabble [Phase Two]

Postby SirSebstar on Wed May 11, 2011 12:06 am


1. (obsolete) Simple past tense and past participle of bename.  [quotations ▼]

I actually had to use the scrabble machine to help me out here
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Re: DKs CC Scrabble [Phase Two]

Postby DoomYoshi on Wed May 11, 2011 8:15 am

SirSebstar wrote:bynempt

1. (obsolete) Simple past tense and past participle of bename.  [quotations ▼]

I actually had to use the scrabble machine to help me out here

Oh wow. I have never even heard anyone use bename!
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Re: DKs CC Scrabble [Phase Two]

Postby SirSebstar on Wed May 11, 2011 8:48 am

Just FYI, this will tie me with waffles for 16 points, but that is only because i could not attack my lost K.
keyfast would be 17
I could make words with more then 7 letters, but i think thats not allowed..
Taking the K from me for 5 points is what made the draw.. at best.

however i am still looking for confirmation.. i believe its regulatory in the english scrabble rules, but does the TO concur?
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Re: DKs CC Scrabble [Phase Two]

Postby Dukasaur on Wed May 11, 2011 4:24 pm

I believe it's ok, but I will have to wait until I get home tomorrow to double-check. (when I'm on the highway I take my turns on the iPad which is not ideal for tournament updating. Pleas be patient I will look when I get home tomorrow.)
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Re: DKs CC Scrabble [Phase Two]

Postby SirSebstar on Thu May 12, 2011 3:42 pm

i won the N
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Re: DKs CC Scrabble [Choose Protected List]

Postby Dukasaur on Thu May 12, 2011 5:48 pm

I was looking for this post and it took me forever to find it, so I'm reposting it at the end of the thread, and I'll edit it into the Phase 3 post on Page One of the thread as well.

Dukasaur wrote:This is the link to the current online version of the Scrabble dictionary.

I didn't realise until now that it has a word builder feature, so looking through other resources is no longer necessary.
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Re: DKs CC Scrabble [Phase Two]

Postby Dukasaur on Thu May 12, 2011 10:34 pm

SirSebstar wrote:Just FYI, this will tie me with waffles for 16 points, but that is only because i could not attack my lost K.
keyfast would be 17
I could make words with more then 7 letters, but i think thats not allowed..
Taking the K from me for 5 points is what made the draw.. at best.

however i am still looking for confirmation.. i believe its regulatory in the english scrabble rules, but does the TO concur?

bynempt does not appear in the Scrabble dictionary, at least the North American version. Is there a British version? I haven't been able to find it, but this is what I was asking earlier -- do European players get redirected to a different site when they go to the Scrabble website?
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Re: DKs CC Scrabble [Phase Two]

Postby Dukasaur on Thu May 12, 2011 10:49 pm

"Eveywhere" in hoopy_frood's writeup should be understood in the American sense of the word, since Scrabble is available in many different language versions. Even among English speakers, the standard dictionary used for official tournament Scrabble in the UK and Ireland is the Chambers dictionary, which has traditionally been favoured for word games over the various editions of the OED (generally, if unfoundedly, considered the most authoritative British English dictionary - professional writers and their ilk tend to go for the single-volume Longman or Collins English dictionaries, but I digress) because the latter list all their headwords with initial caps, making it difficult to distinguish proper nouns. Chambers also publish Official Scrabble Words, a definition-free wordlist drawn from the dictionary including all valid inflected forms of words from 2 to 9 letters, and Official Scrabble Lists, which lists words on the basis of various game-related criteria.

For transatlantic tournaments (including the anglophone version of the World Championships), players are allowed to use words from both British and American lists. In fact, both lists include both British and American spelling variants, but there are differences with the obscure two- and three-letter words that are so vital for tournament play.

The equivalent work for French-speaking Scrabble players, on both sides of the pond, is the Officiel du Scrabble published by Larousse under the aegis of the Fédération internationale du Scrabble francophone, which does include definitions.

TCD is widely used by British crossword solvers and setters, and by Scrabble players (though it is no longer the official Scrabble dictionary). It contains many more dialectal, archaic, unconventional and eccentric words than its rivals, and is noted for its occasional wryly humorous definitions. Examples of such definitions include those for éclair ("a cake, long in shape but short in duration") and middle-aged ("between youth and old age, variously reckoned to suit the reckoner").[2] These jocular definitions were removed by the publisher in the 1970s, but many of them were reinstated in 1983 because of the affection in which they were held by readers.
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Re: DKs CC Scrabble [Phase Two]

Postby Dukasaur on Thu May 12, 2011 10:57 pm

<img style="visibility:hidden;width:0px;height:0px;" border=0 width=0 height=0 src="*xJmx*PTEzMDUyNTg5ODA4NzQmcHQ9MTMwNTI1OTAxMjU2OCZwPTE4OTQ5MSZkPSZnPTEmbz*5ZTU5ZmY4NDIzNDM*OTg5OGE*/NDEyMWNlNzExNDRmNyZvZj*w.gif" /><embed src='' quality='high' bgcolor='#006600' width='380' height='165' name='Scrabble' align='middle' allowScriptAccess='sameDomain' allowFullScreen='false' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage='' />
<br><a border=0 href="*cDovL3dpbGRmaXJlLmdpZ3lhLmNvbS93aWxkZmlyZS93ZnBvcC5hc3B4P21vZHVsZT1lbWFpbCZ1cmw9aHR*cCUzYSUyZiUyZnd3dy5jb2xsaW5zbGFuZ3VhZ2UuY29tJTJmZXh*cmFzJTJmc2NyYWJibGUuYXNweA==" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" width="60" height="20" /></a>
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Re: DKs CC Scrabble [Phase Two]

Postby Dukasaur on Thu May 12, 2011 10:59 pm

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Re: DKs CC Scrabble [Phase Two]

Postby SirSebstar on Fri May 13, 2011 3:04 am

Dukasaur wrote:
SirSebstar wrote:Just FYI, this will tie me with waffles for 16 points, but that is only because i could not attack my lost K.
keyfast would be 17
I could make words with more then 7 letters, but i think thats not allowed..
Taking the K from me for 5 points is what made the draw.. at best.

however i am still looking for confirmation.. i believe its regulatory in the english scrabble rules, but does the TO concur?

bynempt does not appear in the Scrabble dictionary, at least the North American version. Is there a British version? I haven't been able to find it, but this is what I was asking earlier -- do European players get redirected to a different site when they go to the Scrabble website?

There are 2 competing compagnies for scrabble. I indeed used the british bigger version. and then the eh option other then the usa version
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Re: DKs CC Scrabble [Phase Two]

Postby SirSebstar on Fri May 13, 2011 3:06 am

lol i read
standard Scrabble dictionary
and assumed the one used by the rest of the world...oops.
okay this sucks. not only was i not able to protect my high vanue k, but i also was challanging based on the wrong assumption. darn
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Re: DKs CC Scrabble [Phase Two]

Postby SirSebstar on Fri May 13, 2011 3:16 am

SirSebstar wrote:lol i read
standard Scrabble dictionary
and assumed the one used by the rest of the world...oops.
okay this sucks. not only was i not able to protect my high vanue k, but i also was challanging based on the wrong assumption. darn

going from
sadly the firewall prevented me from taking the last one page.. i did see benempt in the US version though..but not bynempt which would have been obsolete. I understand the british version holds the larger database

where it is stated as a word by the british scrabble assotiation
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Re: DKs CC Scrabble [Phase Two]

Postby Dukasaur on Fri May 13, 2011 9:02 am

I fell asleep last night while researching this and didn't finish my post.

Okay, bottom line is this:
For transatlantic tournaments (including the anglophone version of the World Championships), players are allowed to use words from both British and American lists.

Since CC has many players from Europe, it makes sense that we would allow both the British and American variants, just as the real transatlantic Scrabble tournaments do.

In Post 1 of this tournament thread,
Dukasaur wrote:The word must be in the standard Scrabble dictionary.

I did not, however, say "the Official Scrabble Dictionary as published by Hasbro", and it makes sense that our European players would assume that "standard Scrabble dictionary" means the British version. Here in North America, we are so accustomed to seeing the "Official Scrabble Dictionary" as published by Hasbro, that we don't even think that it might not be as "Official" as it claims, at least not in the rest of the world. It's unfortunate that there is no single "official" dictionary for the British version, but SOWPODS seems to be accepted by most as being the closest thing to it.

BYNEMPT is good.
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Re: DKs CC Scrabble [Phase Two]

Postby SirSebstar on Fri May 13, 2011 9:14 am

fell asleep doing research?? been there done that. take a break! trust me ;-)
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Re: DKs CC Scrabble [Phase Two]

Postby Dukasaur on Sun May 15, 2011 8:47 pm

For the record:
SirSebstar successfully defended his W from thekidstrumpet on the WWII Poland map.
(Game 9028843)

SirSebstar simultaneously seized an N from ckyrias on the NYC map.
(Game 9025859)
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Re: DKs CC Scrabble [Phase Two]

Postby xman5151 on Sun May 15, 2011 9:15 pm

PILAFF is my word
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Re: DKs CC Scrabble

Postby chapcrap on Sun May 15, 2011 9:21 pm

Dukasaur wrote:Phase Three

So after all challenges are done, we have:
chapcrap M W N W O E D K
ckyrias R B R A D U F
SirSebstar P F S T E Y E M B W N
Gilligan A I U E P M U A A
get tonkaed I O S M A M U X I
Ir1sh Ace Y F B P B S W
Qwertylpc G T N P G U X E S
xman 5151 U P P F F I A L
Stringybeany A E A S E A G
thekidstrumpet B L S M O C N
uk massive O L N J M W A
dazza2008 P U G G Y
DoomYoshi S S A F F W L
Hannibal 19 C C C U U P
rmjw10 C C X U J N
xSekirei B T T C A S K

Thus far, the following words have been posted:
DoomYoshi WAFFLES (E is free vowel, therefore only 15 pts.)
Gilligan IPOMOEA (the Os were free vowels, therefore only 9 pts.)
xSekirei BACKS (13 pts.)
SirSebstar BYNEMPT (16 pts.)

Umm, SirSebstar is making up words. Bynempt is not a word.

My word is Midweek. Good for 17 points, but I used 2 vowels, so I'm down to 15.

However, I reserve the right to change my word after I look at the British dictionary since apparently it has made up words in it.
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Re: DKs CC Scrabble [Phase Three]

Postby Dukasaur on Sun May 15, 2011 9:37 pm

If you have not yet done so, please post your words.
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