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apgibbons/Bread Crowns-Secret Diplomacy[cleared]es

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Moderators: Multi Hunters, Cheating/Abuse Team

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apgibbons/Bread Crowns-Secret Diplomacy[cleared]es

Postby torres44cm on Thu May 12, 2011 11:09 pm



The accused are suspected of:

Conducting Secret Diplomacy

Game number(s): 8341741

Comments: Dear Moderators, If I going about this wrong, i apologize in advance. but I'm playing in a singles game with these two players listed above. I feel like something strange is going on with some sort of secret alliance. they have had large stacks bordering a single troop but don't attack each other. they instead attack me and the other remaining player instead, this has been going on through out the game and even questioned them at one point, which they denied. apgibbons even threatened me that they would jointly attack me if I did'nt attack, instead of building my depleted troops at one point. I hope I'm not wasting CC time, but could someone look into this and let me know If I'm being paranoid or what. I know you have probably more serious abusers, but is this a abuse of the rules. Once again I apologize if this is not a Mod rulling and I'll just FOE them if that's the only remedy

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Re: apgibbons/Bread Crowns-Secret Diplomacy

Postby TheForgivenOne on Fri May 13, 2011 7:10 am

torres44cm wrote:Accused:


The accused are suspected of:

Conducting Secret Diplomacy

Game number(s):

Game 8341741

Comments: Dear Moderators, If I going about this wrong, i apologize in advance. but I'm playing in a singles game with these two players listed above. I feel like something strange is going on with some sort of secret alliance. they have had large stacks bordering a single troop but don't attack each other. they instead attack me and the other remaining player instead, this has been going on through out the game and even questioned them at one point, which they denied. apgibbons even threatened me that they would jointly attack me if I did'nt attack, instead of building my depleted troops at one point. I hope I'm not wasting CC time, but could someone look into this and let me know If I'm being paranoid or what. I know you have probably more serious abusers, but is this a abuse of the rules. Once again I apologize if this is not a Mod rulling and I'll just FOE them if that's the only remedy


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Re: apgibbons/Bread Crowns-Secret Diplomacy

Postby Deli on Fri May 13, 2011 11:30 am

2011-04-03 00:42:00 - BreadCrowns: Pink, truce along the Russian border?
2011-04-03 13:21:09 - The Snuggler: I think it's a all world truce until we get grey out of at least two of his capitals
2011-04-03 13:21:35 - The Snuggler: I know that sounds selfish, since I'm really the only one he is bordering
2011-04-03 13:21:58 - The Snuggler: but I'm not able to do much to stop him, since he has a ton of guys in London and 50 dudes in france
2011-04-03 16:52:23 - apgibbons: Yes, most definitely, red. Our mutual destruction is no benefit to us.

No secret alliance?

Public alliance, posted in chat.

Flat rate card game. Leaving the singles to ensure that they can get an easy card.
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Re: apgibbons/Bread Crowns-Secret Diplomacy

Postby Evil Semp on Mon May 16, 2011 7:44 pm

Deli wrote:2011-04-03 00:42:00 - BreadCrowns: Pink, truce along the Russian border?
2011-04-03 13:21:09 - The Snuggler: I think it's a all world truce until we get grey out of at least two of his capitals
2011-04-03 13:21:35 - The Snuggler: I know that sounds selfish, since I'm really the only one he is bordering
2011-04-03 13:21:58 - The Snuggler: but I'm not able to do much to stop him, since he has a ton of guys in London and 50 dudes in france
2011-04-03 16:52:23 - apgibbons: Yes, most definitely, red. Our mutual destruction is no benefit to us.

No secret alliance?

Public alliance, posted in chat.

Flat rate card game. Leaving the singles to ensure that they can get an easy card.

It was posted in chat. This is CLEARED.
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