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Battle For Australia [Quenched]

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Postby Gozar on Sun Apr 01, 2007 3:49 pm

Much better!

No connection between boats in the east?

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Postby cairnswk on Sun Apr 01, 2007 3:50 pm

Gozar wrote:I think it does :D.

It reminds me of the kind of map that generals use to update the movements of the enemy and their own men. Very nice style.

Are Palau and Truk part of the Japanese navy? Maybe this will be more clear after you move thier boats, as you mentioned in your previous post.


Palau and Truk are islands that the Japanese launched their attacks on New Guinea, Rabaul and the Coral Sea from. In reality they are much further up latitudinally than what is shown - so I have had to have artistic license in that respect, but the effect it still the same. Perhaps I shoul,d rename this Navy simply to Imperial Japan....yes I think I'll do that!
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Postby cairnswk on Sun Apr 01, 2007 3:51 pm

Gozar wrote:Much better!

No connection between boats in the east?

Gozar're a GEM...thanks...attending to that now in previous map.
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Postby Gozar on Sun Apr 01, 2007 3:52 pm

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Postby cairnswk on Sun Apr 01, 2007 3:55 pm

Crowley wrote:I like the look of this map. Good work.

Thanks Crowley!
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Postby AndyDufresne on Sun Apr 01, 2007 4:11 pm

Hm, well lets see:

This map has a general feel I like. A good basis to build upon to make it better and better.

One thing you might want to consider, making the names slightly darker in shade compared to the land color counterpart. I think it'd help it stand out a little more, and perhaps make them easier to read overall.

Not a big fan of the medal in the corner, it just seems a little out place. But I like the ship, it feels alright. The plane not so much.

The airstrip icon also seems a little cartoony for the map. Perhaps because it's so sharp and not faded or something?

As for the legend, the title area is a little distracting. It might be the background behind it. The flags also seem a little stiff, and just pasted on.

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Postby cairnswk on Mon Apr 02, 2007 5:16 am

AndyDufresne wrote:Hm, well lets see:

This map has a general feel I like. A good basis to build upon to make it better and better.

Andy...thank you for these challenges and your liking.

One thing you might want to consider, making the names slightly darker in shade compared to the land color counterpart. I think it'd help it stand out a little more, and perhaps make them easier to read overall.

I changed some brighter and some lighter where i thought warranted.

Not a big fan of the medal in the corner, it just seems a little out place. But I like the ship, it feels alright. The plane not so much.

Medal is gone but I replaced it in the background by a smaller version of the plane which i though is very appropriate for this map - it is a Betty Bomber that Japan attacked with.

The airstrip icon also seems a little cartoony for the map. Perhaps because it's so sharp and not faded or something?

This has not been sharpened or faded but skewed and I think this has given xtra appeal and blur slightly.

As for the legend, the title area is a little distracting. It might be the background behind it. The flags also seem a little stiff, and just pasted on.

Background changed but I am after a combination of slate/granite/metal almost like it is laid in stone as a memorial. Flags have been covered by what looks like perspex i.e. mounted. I think this helps.

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Postby spinwizard on Mon Apr 02, 2007 5:18 am

how did u put the ship/plane pic in?
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Postby Skittles! on Mon Apr 02, 2007 5:24 am

I like how you took the plane out of Australia, it just took too much room, I think..

The colours are great, it's good that you actually could use all those islands too. I thought they would of been too small.

Plus, 12 is a huge bonus! Even if they're all spread it, I still think it's too big. They are all connected too..

Why does West PNG have such a big bonus too? 7 territories, with 6 borders.. I still think 11 is too much.

Texture is good.. It just suits somehow.
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Postby cairnswk on Mon Apr 02, 2007 5:28 am

spinwizard wrote:how did u put the ship/plane pic in?

Hi SpinWizard...create two layers, in my case there is two layers under the entire map. The rear layer is the dark background, the images have been erased around and placed on the rear background, and then the top layer applied over the images at certain transparency. You have to experiment with layers and transprancies to get hte colour combination correct and the ghosting. Also, if i can say be patient with it. Do something and go away and leave for a while and come back to it and view again and then get critical.
There are possibly other ways to do it, but this is the method i use.
Do you like it?
Hope this helps.
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Postby spinwizard on Mon Apr 02, 2007 5:30 am

cairnswk wrote:
spinwizard wrote:how did u put the ship/plane pic in?

Hi SpinWizard...create two layers, in my case there is two layers under the entire map. The rear layer is the dark background, the images have been erased around and placed on the rear background, and then the top layer applied over the images at certain transparency. You have to experiment with layers and transprancies to get hte colour combination correct and the ghosting. Also, if i can say be patient with it. Do something and go away and leave for a while and come back to it and view again and then get critical.
There are possibly other ways to do it, but this is the method i use.
Do you like it?
Hope this helps.

thanks, just thinking for my futer maps
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Postby cairnswk on Mon Apr 02, 2007 5:30 am

Skittles! wrote:I like how you took the plane out of Australia, it just took too much room, I think..

The colours are great, it's good that you actually could use all those islands too. I thought they would of been too small.

Plus, 12 is a huge bonus! Even if they're all spread it, I still think it's too big. They are all connected too..

Why does West PNG have such a big bonus too? 7 territories, with 6 borders.. I still think 11 is too much.

Texture is good.. It just suits somehow.

Skittles...thanks for feedback...I'm pleased there are apsects you enjoy.

The bonuses are not yet worked out properly yet. I think this one is going to need some real expertise with all those possibilities of attack.

Keep your eyes peeled for further updates.
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Postby boberz on Mon Apr 02, 2007 9:38 am

still feels like i need to be a goth to play the map
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Postby cairnswk on Mon Apr 02, 2007 12:23 pm

boberz wrote:still feels like i need to be a goth to play the map

Please Explain, Boberz! thanks for dropping by again.
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Postby sam_levi_11 on Mon Apr 02, 2007 12:29 pm

whats wrong with s. my gf is one, im an
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Postby cairnswk on Mon Apr 02, 2007 12:51 pm

sam_levi_11 wrote:whats wrong with s. my gf is one, im an

Sam, what R you talking about? :?
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Postby KEYOGI on Mon Apr 02, 2007 11:24 pm

While I like the concept of this map, I think its execution leaves a little to be desired. The map has a very squished feel to it, all the land mass feels like it has been halved in width while retaining their original height.

I find the airfields uneccessary. I think the map's hard enough to follow as it is with attack lines going off in every direction, the airfields just further complicate the map.
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Postby cairnswk on Tue Apr 03, 2007 3:12 am

Thanks for feedback once again Keyogi, what happened to your AVATAR, the one I saw yesterday was great with the Panda holding a sword.


KEYOGI wrote:While I like the concept of this map, I think its execution leaves a little to be desired. The map has a very squished feel to it, all the land mass feels like it has been halved in width while retaining their original height.

Yes I'm afraid I had to squish the width to get the whole area in a small map. I feel though it is not beyond playability in this format. I'm sure a little asrtistic temperance is allowed.

I find the airfields uneccessary. I think the map's hard enough to follow as it is with attack lines going off in every direction, the airfields just further complicate the map.

OK...i can live with that....but i'll see if there is any other objection to the airfield first, if i you don't mind.

Thanks once again.
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Postby cairnswk on Fri Apr 06, 2007 3:46 am

Is there any objection to the airfields being oin the map, or does it complicate the map?
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Postby KEYOGI on Fri Apr 06, 2007 6:12 pm

It's probably time I gave this map a good look over. I love the concept of the map, I just haven't taken the time to look over it thoroughly yet.

I quite like the visual style of this map, there are a few areas though that I think could use some improvement. The first being the sea texture which is kind of off putting because the rest of the map appears to have no texture at all. It may also just be my eyes, but to me the sea texture makes it look as though the sea is higher than the land.

I think the font could use some more contrast from the playing area, but this is mostly in the sea areas so will perhaps be rectified when addressing the sea texture.

I'm not particularly fond of the plane and ship on the sea either. They feel kind of slapped on there and don't really suit the rest of the maps visuals. We already know how I feel about the airfields but it seems you're not getting any help there.

The colours of the map are generally good, I find them to be a nice tone/shade and very easy on the eye. However, I feel the Dutch East Indies, Imperial Japan and Solomons colours are just a little too bright. They seem to stand out over the rest of the continent colours, so if they were just dulled slightly it may improve the consistency of the colours between all the continents.

While I like the visual styling of the title area, I'm not a fan of how the title is split in two. I don't find the legend overly nice to look at either, it just doesn't seem up to the same standard as the rest of the map. Perhaps lose the embossing look on it and try some different fonts or visual options.

Lastly, I measured your army circles at 21 pixels minus the coloured outline and I have a feeling you're 1 pixel short of the ideal size. From memory, 22 pixels is the minimum size that fits doulbe digits correctly.

I'm really looking forward to this map, keep up the good work.
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Postby cairnswk on Sun Apr 08, 2007 12:06 am

Keyogi...thanks for your perusal of this map, pleased you are finding it appealling.

Below is the new map with the adjustments as required in your previous post.

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Postby cairnswk on Sun Apr 08, 2007 12:08 am

KEYOGI wrote:I'm not particularly fond of the plane and ship on the sea either. They feel kind of slapped on there and don't really suit the rest of the maps visuals. We already know how I feel about the airfields but it seems you're not getting any help there.

I'd like to keep the aircraft carrier in bottom right, as Andy finds this appealling. Thanks! :D
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Postby mibi on Sun Apr 08, 2007 12:14 am

the map looks better but those bonuses are out of control!

+11 for holding the 6 territories of new guinea?
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Postby cairnswk on Sun Apr 08, 2007 12:14 am

Samus, would you care to comment on the bonuses on Battle For Australia on page P7 V14, thanks! :D
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Postby cairnswk on Sun Apr 08, 2007 12:16 am

mibi wrote:the map looks better but those bonuses are out of control!

+11 for holding the 6 territories of new guinea?

Yes thanks Mibi....I am seeking Samus' assistance with the bonuses...please hold five.
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